Thanks, Dusty - that's a great summary, I'll put that into the docs.

On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 3:24 PM, Dusty Mabe <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> - From the past few months we've had a lot of community involvement in IRC
> and on the mailing lists. Over that time there are some re-occurring issues
> that keep coming up.
> - - Lost content in /etc/ problem
>     -
>     -
>     - TL;DR - to avoid this problem don't make changes to /etc/ after
>               you've staged a new deployment. i.e. you should reboot
>               soon after you've `rpm-ostree upgrade` or `rpm-ostree
> install`
>     - We are hoping to fix this soon!
> - - Can't package layer rpms that store content in /opt/ or /usr/local
>     -
>     - TL;DR - you can't package layer rpms that own content
>               in /opt or /usr/local
>     - We are hoping to fix this but the best approach has not yet been
>       determined. Join in the upstream issue to discuss
> - - Out of Tree Kernel modules; support for DKMS/akmods
>     -
>     - TL;DR - if you have out of tree kernel modules and want an
>               'autorebuild' system like DKMS or akmods to work you
>               are currently out of luck.
>     - This one is currently not high on the radar. It's going to be
>       a ton of work to get right.
> - - split base/layered versionlocked package problem
>     -
>     - TL;DR - This happens when your base layer is out of date
>               with the rpms from the yum repo it is pulling the
>               new rpms from. Most of the time you can fix this by
>               running `rpm-ostree upgrade` and then `rpm-ostree install`.
>               There are some cases where we have not yet done a new release
>               yet and there are packages that would be overridden. For this
>               we are discussing in the upstream issue to allow a --force
>               flag. Please add input to the upstream issue.
> 5nElkhAAyvCIbhAhiuj9/OUr0NhK6Y2x6DhmQHxtEWCI916tbA8qrv+NGBQdO9BW
> 5fg9i6LrV1WyRtKbopXKjz4S6u7QFWpGBdVmbIySdXl04DM7jVJ4pIJdUNdfqLGh
> ScdZP781autfEg/fqKXWw2vHEIdBFRFVOM++4VfuyDOI9PwfetmWEM2Oa+DmjYeI
> Ah5H5V12yJFPU/44NtU04VZYbpTIPyb93AKfD+WNKBt5l7EEjY3suCd5KJ550Pll
> pExyPfqS8nTClUtfgzdwBSKR85Jda9xD0WPsZ/rAGLNdryAeUpBDOnLLNJ7Fbngn
> 3j7Ia8pvz5NpffILK7rJC9mxa7VfnWbK44Dx9ZsUMyZcoL4OEyZ5tOqVbz8PUSvF
> 3ML7fXElBWwEqLly9jk1ul808JWXHpyBe86UZ/+WtylQ8cRR37PThN8uGL30KUlf
> AKgF2cipgjads+e/DbwsRJ6wIBLsGcbOuCIMNzr+LKBaNs6xSwPXH1tS1BC7sfdD
> g97RJnzwl+dCEin3LHaOFZKst+hmUXdTIZyGXfKs5K/uHp7aia4DJ81bt/rll9Xc
> +0k/SFtKzkzJcEjPCM4K7Q64S9mI9z6ykDToeBxDv+vX2WpcHZ0=
> =Rx8B

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