Hello Laura,
this was an issue until recently, where no disambiguation had been made
between interface as audio interface and interface as GUI.
This is already fixed in the current po file.


Am Mi., 27. Okt. 2021 um 20:26 Uhr schrieb Laura-Marie Henning <

> Hi there,
> I noticed, while using Audacity in German, that there is a somewhat
> misleading translation of the word "interface" in the settings.
> Interface in English also means graphical interface, but when you use
> the same word for GUI and e.g. MIDI interface in the German translation,
> users cannot find the settings for the graphical interface.
> So instead of translating (graphical) interface to "Schnittstelle", I
> would rather use "Oberfläche" (or "Benutzeroberfläche"), which is
> idiomatically more correct.
> I attached the modified po file, which really only has this small
> correction. I hope I did it at the right line?
> Have a nice week!
> Kind regards
> Laura Henning
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