Re: Making a speech synthesizer

We have recently created a new Russian synthesizer for RHVoice.
If you were one of the people who participated in creation, you most likely would not be asking and making asumptions you made above.
Professional readers, TV celebrities and acters are there to help you. As far as I know Uzbekistan, as well as Tajikistan, got plenty of those. Unfortunately, I am not sure if they got an acceptable database to train the voices if any, for this I will have to consult with my friends from there. So it is just a matter of time and effort, and money, to ask voice acters. That is what russians did. As one of the participants said, if you know how to work with sound editing and code, you are halfway there.
Charity is also a thing, if one cannot afford the ways I mentioned above. So what I would suggest, not being a developer but being present for when people were working with voice samples, is to contact someone who has time and desire to help, and proceed from there. Cutting, training the voice (providing you got the database), and then asking ms. Yakovleva to include the thing in RH Voice, or if another engine was involved...
In any case, the topic is indeed relevant, but if you want to get rid of automatic synths, you would have to get other people involved. Say to build up the database if there is none.
Best of luck, for these will be glorious accomplishments!

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