vApps: vTurbo and vMouse, from "VICT Consultancy"


Welcome! The following two sections, were written by Paul Warner, creator of VICT Consultancy , to give ya an over view of how vTurbo and vMouse, enhance your NVDA experience. Note, if you have both installed on the same machine together, they are combined, thus called "vApps."

vTurbo for NVDA

vTurbo for NVDA 2.5, produced by VICT Consultancy, is a software application which adds these great new features to NVDA:
1. An easy and intuitive way to create application specific settings, voice profiles and Braille profiles
2. The ability to save a single NVDA setting or all settings in an NVDA dialogue box to all of your vTurbo profiles with a single command
3. The ability to save all settings in an open NVDA dialogue box to a configuration profile with a single command
4. Enhanced say-all mode with a sleep timer
5. Smart Numlock function
6. Automatically maximize all windows
7. vTurbo Find stores up to 50 of your most recent text searches in browse mode
8. Go to an open window by selecting its name from a list or by typing part of its name using the Find Window feature
9. Set up sleep mode for a self-voicing application automatically from a simple menu commandh]

Here is what you can do with vTurbo for NVDA!
Creating and sorting configuration profiles
Although NVDA version 2013.3 has introduced the ability to save configuration profiles, vTurbo has retained its own easy method of creating application specific settings, voice profiles and Braille profiles by recording a snapshot of your current settings.
Application specific settings
It is like having a completely different version of NVDA for each of your applications! Customise your favourite synthesizer, voice, document formatting and keyboard settings (amongst others) for a particular application and choose Save Application Settings from vTurbo's menu. These settings are automatically loaded into NVDA the next time you launch or switch to that application.
vTurbo can also store up to 50 vMouse hotspots for each application.
Voice profiles
Switch between your favourite voices with accompanying settings within the same application. Create a voice profile for proof-reading, one for speedy text review, another for stories, another for a foreign language...
Braille profiles
Braille profiles work the same way as voice profiles but instead let you switch between different Braille translation tables with customised settings. You can also link a voice profile to a Braille profile so that the two load at the same time, an ideal feature for those working with different languages.
Enhanced say-all mode with a sleep timer
vTurbo enhances the new skim reading feature in browse mode by enabling you to repeat a text search during continuous reading and to set a sleep timer so that continuous reading stops after a defined time.
Read just text
Whatever the current NVDA settings are, you can toggle this mode which switches off all punctuation and other formatting announcements so that all you hear is text. Great for reading articles on the Web.
Fast dictionary entry
Position the cursor over a word whose pronunciation you want to change and hit a hotkey. vTurbo pastes that word immediately into the Pattern field of the Add Dictionary Entry dialogue box. No need to go through NVDA is menus and type the word yourself!
Smart Numlock
Inadvertently typing 0t or causing other mayhem when you accidently use the Numpad insert key when Numlock is on is now a thing of the past!
Maximize all windows
You will never have to think about maximizing application windows again!
vTurbo Find
This feature automatically saves every search for text you carry out in browse mode and stores up to 50 of the most recent searches in a list which remains even after you close NVDA.
Find Window
No more alt-tabbing through many open windows to find the right one! Simply select the one you want from a pop-up list or type part of its name.
Toggle automatic sleep mode
Now you don't have to press the sleep mode hotkey every time you launch a self-voicing application like Kurzweil 1000. The 'Toggle automatic sleep mode' menu command sets this up for you.
Supported languages
vTurbo supports English, French and Polish. Please note that Polish documentation is not supplied.

vMouse for NVDA

vMouse for NVDA 1.6, produced by VICT Consultancy, is a software application which makes it easier to use NvDA’s special navigation features and which provides new utilities to help make documents and windows more accessible. Here’s what you can do with vMouse:
•get a report of the mouse pointer coordinates
•restrict the mouse to the active window
•change the mouse speed with function keys
•restrict the movement of the mouse and lock it in position
•use function keys to set mouse navigation to read by characters, words, lines and paragraphs
•navigate with the review cursor using function keys
•use object navigation by pressing function keys
•route the different cursors to each other using function keys
•use the vMouse review cursor to click wherever the review cursor is (not all applications supported)
•use the vMouse object cursor to click wherever the navigator object is (not all applications supported)
•select text between the keyboard caret (insertion point) and the review cursor using a hotkey (not all applications supported)
•create up to ten temporary hotspots which can use hotkeys to switch between applications and optionally click on defined areas of the screen
•create up to fifty permanent hotspots for each application when used together with vTurbo for NVDA
•easily export and import hotspots from one version of NVDA to another
•quickly read labels of form fields in Web pages and PDF documents which are not otherwise spoken in focus mode
•vMouse supports English, French and Polish (Polish documentation is not supplied)


As of Wed, 22 Jan 2014, both vTurbo and vMouse , are now "free" to download, Simply choose one of the two links above, and make sure to read the "Read Me First!" file inside each archive if you have never used either program before.


You can check out the vTurbo and vMouse user guides, by choosing one of the two links above. Its quite extensive, but worth the read!


To hear vTurbo and vMouse in action, plus other audio content Paul has recorded, check out the VICT Consultancy Podcast! With the exception of the 4 part collection of episodes Paul does among the podcast series dealing with NVDA object navigation, I would listen to the podcast "backwards," so you can find out what's new first, and then look back at how vApps has evolved. Note: As both vApps are now "free," you can "ignore" any mentions of "pricing" and "purchasing."


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