Anyone remember Yukio's game, world of war?

Hi all,
So, I've started world of war, beat the easy difficulty, and then... realized I had a fresh save! I forgot that I backed up my previous trophies, so it's fine, I can recover them. But what's the point in that, when you could try to do things that you've missed and have fun in the process?
Well, I've unlocked rocket shot and bomb escape, but seriously, I forgot how hard this game is, as space invader games goes, this one's the most rediculous, in a good way.
I haven't managed to clear normal difficulty yet, I'm still figuring out the best way to use weapons. I'm facing a lot of millimeter misses, whereby I am about to shoot an enemy down and the thing lands. I get to the point where I'm out of nukes and just overwelmed.
I like using the shotgun a lot, the trouble with that is, if you miss then you've got a second to wait, and meanwhile the enemies are still descending. Also, that boss. Seriously, on easy, that battle was intense. If that's just easy, then what is the battle like on normal, or even hard?

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