Introducing RagePillow - Take out your rage in a game-friendly environ

Taken from the readme:
RagePillow is a fun entertaining rage-killing game, that allows you to take out all your bottled up feelings on a virtual human, which is known as the ragetaker.
The ragetaker understands that you need to let it all out, so it'll voluntarily do nothing while you bash at it.
You are given a handful of weapons to do as you please with the human: kill it, talk to it, or just have fun.
There are several in-game modes to suit your raging needs, such as the "insane mode," which gives the ragetaker 1000000 health, or the "random mode," where the ragetaker's health is chosen between 50000 and 500000.
If you have any weapon suggestions or in-game issues that need resolving, please let me know, as this is 1.0 and bugs/issues are expected.
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