Quiz games like the Chase, would it be possible?

Hi all, so as the topic Title implies, I wonder if it would be possible to make a game similar to the Chase, I recently started watching it with my mom, unfortunately the game version on IOS and Android isn't available in my country.
Now, I know that there are trivia games like Jim Kitchen's trivia game witch is awesome, but I was wondering if one can make a game witch works on the same principles like the Chase, i.e, a cash building stage, where the player has to build up cash in a specified time range, then higher and lower offers proposed by the chaser, the chase, where a player must answer multiple choice questions without making too many mistakes, and then the final chase, where the player tries to keep their earnings by choosing a set of questions and the chaser gets the second set. The player must answer as much questions from the set in 2 minutes, the max is 24 and the chaser tries to do the same.
I am not saying that the idea I have must be exactly lik e the mentioned game, but it would be cool nonetheless, it can teach us a lot just by answering general knowledge questions, so I thought of putting it out here.
Note: I am not that good in programming yet, and finding sound effects for such a game is no easy task, so this is just an idea for now.
If anyone agrees with my idea, or can give feedback or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading this long winded post.
Have a nice day all.

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