Westeros, an American musical

Here's something fun for all Game of thrones fans, especially those who are also Hamilton fans.
Westeros! an american musical.
follow a story of political intrigue and upheaval which begins with that bastard fathering, lover of whores from the stormlands, forced by deplorable occurrences to war against the swords of the despotic, targarian dominance go on to be the first stag sovereign!
yes it's king robert Baratheaan, and he's still alive as anyone, but just you waight big_smile.
The wordplay here is actually amazing, particularly how cleverly it matches the already very clever wordplay of the original Hamilton.
I do wish some of the singers were better, and it'd also be nice if they'd done more well mastered recordings rather than a live performance, but nevertheless this is both hilarious, and incredibly impressive! especially with how they literally do the hole show!

Act one is here, and Act 2 is here.

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