thoughts/help for bk games.

so i considered of making this topic for a while now. i'm going to do it because:
A. i need help  with one of the games,
and B, i want to hear what you guys think about what i have to say.
please note. everything i will say is my pure thoughts, some of them could be considered harsh/unfair, though i try to keep that as low as i can. with that being said, here we go.

so. bk games, let's start with bk2 first. i'm going in order i played them.
i really enjoyed the first couple of stages i played, i enjoyed how new enemy's showed up, i enjoyed the bosses, how challenging they can be, 1 thing which annoyed me, and still does is that i don't have a way to reduce the damage i take from enemy's attacks. and buying hp after 800 could be prablimatic. especially if you don't know where is the abicus.
my first trouble was at 8-4 with the death bot. i felt like bombs doing 400 damage was cheap, plus having a machin egun killing you is not cool. i killed the guy with some rockets, grenades, and when i was out of both, with the lance. the robot was the most challenging boss i've met so far while playing audiogames.
then 9-2, where the game just becomes way, way too loud, all fish attacking you and each other and you trying to kill them. it wasn't as hard as annoying.
i should also tell you that i didn't have any way of translating the game at the time.
wait, did i say 1 death bot was hard? it got worse.
11-4. 2 death robots! what a joy!
no, i got to tell you, it wasn't.
at the time i was starting to kind of losing the intrest in the game because i needed more and more and more hp for each boss, or it seemed that way.
it all leads up to 15-1, where i'm stuck upto now.
i have no problem taking down gun battery's, but the platform jumping... oh my! i hated! i hate the death scream! and that's when i removed bk2 from my compu ter, for a while, anyway. my problem is that i'm letting go too early. i'm afraid to let go as soon as i land because what if i fly over the landing spot? and so i just never managed to jump over anything the fair way. yes, i cheated, and i'm not proud of it. more then anything, it made the game even less fun then it already was.
i've won the game, some stages fairly, some not. but i just don't understand how to jump over the stupid stupid platforms! or i do, but i keep letting go too early! and that pisses me off!

bk3. i started this game and got owned by an insect launching a needle at me. "ok," i thought, let's try that again. when i managed to get the hang of killing, leveling, and jumping over stuff the lamps came, and when i found out about the rope and got well at using it, the game launched a new enemy at me. a bear! rocks hit for 150 damage! now that's just mean for a first boss!
when i won, the game  introdu ced armor, then desks, then rolling stones. do you see my point? the game always stayed ahead of me. that was kind of annoying, but at the same time, it was really, really, really fun.
problems began soon enough. game did stay ahead of me, and forced me to fly! you might think, flying is fun! let me ask you this: you have translation pack? if so, yes, flying is fun, if not, well... flying sucked for me, but i past it.
stage 11. i loved every minute of it, ur... mostly. i never, never played missions where you have to work with an ally, to cover them, and granted, it was annoying at times where they were really really stupid, but still.
15 and 16 are next.
these wern't hard, they were just really boring for me.
that's when the game made it's comeback. it moved forward once more, introducing the sneaking level. first time i've played it, i just ran and killed what ever got in my way, but in higher modes it didn't work.
an d i thought: "few! this is tuff!". 21 was tuffer, but, it was also easier in some way, cams didn't move, which made it easier, but they scanned the area from left to right, which made it harder, and i didn't know that they do time turns. again, first playthrough, killed them all with the watermaster, higher modes, well... not that easy.
25-3. this is where things have gotten, shall we say, intresting.
blades, lifts, bomber pods, this stage's got everything! but, this is where i learned that recovery ring is very, very, very nice. the room where you have to drop onto the lift before it goes too high was where things were the hardest for me.
25-4. biocontrol system. easyly the hardest boss which i've battled with so far. especially when it's at 0%. hope you get it killed with 1 hit when it's 1, because at 0 it becomes a true nightmare.
i must say, 25-5 was fun! not hard, but fun! course, the burner's clear burns were tri cky, but everything else was fun.
oh god...
well, let's start with positive things, because i have pretty much nothing nice to say about this. i liked how it introduces new enemy's with multiple attacks. that's all.
ok, where should i start. i hated how you don't get any directions, i don't need like go 2 steps up, 3 right, 4 down etc etc etc, but a general quest would be nice.
first enemy's, Gakishonen or what ever they are wern't tuff, but the first boss was, he was much faster, and i didn't know that at the time, so died. when i managed to kill him, the  second problem was... oh joy! grand cruiser? grand cruiser, the first version.
i had trouble dodging the grand cruisers bombs in bk2, but this, that was really, really hard for me, and then what did i find out? yea! grand cruiser, second version! more powerfull bombs, laser beams on the ground, and bombs do more damage/they have more range!
i wo n, and this is where i got really pisst. you! have! limited! items! like what the crap is this! you didn't get any shops till you were in the forest before the first town, and that was really really pissing me off, oh and guess what! i killed the person who selled me the first healing item and saved after that! it wasn't my falt, i was swinging my sword and i forgot that i faced him, just omg!
let's jump forward to the big dragon thing. it was hard, it moving, and crunching on me. crunch, crunch! cruuuunch! and i'm dead! it has a lot of hp, and i mean a lot! even with the knife it took over 3 minutes to put the thing down, this should be on  my 5 most disappointing bosses list, but... oh well.
death robot! i hate that thing! bombs doing 80 damage, and a gun which instentkills you if it gets too close, it dodging my arrows and speeding up, i won, but it costed me around 10 iron balls, which are hard to get as they are.
yokotanku's fortress , really first room.
Yamisin was sickeningly easy. and i mean what i just said. stay away and fire arrows while jumping his attacks.
yokotanku's dungeon, location, unknown.
beam machine. i couldn't tell it's ground from air attacks. so, as you can guess, it was a pain.
i'll skip over the 2 guys who charge up and fire beams or something at ya because they're not special.
yokatanku's dungeons, location, the rematch rooms.
i managed to put down most of the bosses, but the dragon killed me, and i just didn't have strength to restart after hamering at it for 3 minutes.
and this is where bk1, and my post will end.
oh, and i think leveling abunch of stats is kind of cool. i liked how you have to train you're speed.
so post what you think about my thoughts, and post you'res's. i look forward to know how i can improve at bk2, 15-1, and bk1, the dragon guy. i think bk1 is the hardest of them all.

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