Re: Avalon RPG

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I didn't realize they literally just made changes to the newbie experience. It's only the first or second day for the new tutorial.So if anyone does try it again, it works fine, but there may be some glitches along the way as they get the new system sorted out.From my experience yesterday, there are a lot of super friendly players willing to help you.


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Re: what's up with chickens

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's up with chickens

There's no sense in denying this topic has generated a load of fowl controversy.  I'm of a mind that birds of a feather flock together, so as far as I'm concerned, all Poultry's to blame.  they have wings but never fly, they eat our corn, grain and other vegetation we put our hard work into, they choke our canine companions with their bones, and the occasional turky has already proven he's just as if not more adaptable as a human where their diet is concerned, chowing down on lizards, and even some snakes!But the most obvious attack has been instigated by turkies themselves against US presidents in the form of a bill that was passed by one of the Bushes which takes away from the order of things in the highest office of the land during the day of thanks giving, as a turkey must be rescued by pardon that day at the president's pick.  think about it for awhile; the most powerful man in the world by political standard, is slaving away after a bird on this particular day, no matter what kind of threat the world might be facing, nuclear or otherwise!  I think I've just trumped this debate.


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Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

Great idea! I hadn't thought of adding anything about the specifics.Thanks, Dark.


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Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

lol So I read a good many of these posts.I don't come on here so often, so just saw this thread.I do get what you mean though, about time going rather slowly. But think about it this way.As I type this reply, at like half two in the morning, it'll only be a month and a day before the game is I so wouldn't be surprised if like on the day, so many people are trying to buy the game, the site just gets totally jammed. lol I've heard of it happening before. Don't remember specifically, but it's totally possible, considering how exicted people are, including myself. 


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Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

I love all these ideas.I knew there would be several of you who put a great deal of thought into it.Dark, I really hope your Mud is created someday!


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Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

Melatonin is not actually a sleeping pill; it's a chemical your body produces on its own throughout the day as necessary as the result of different environmental lighting, mostly sun light or lack there of.  It doesn't actually help your body stay asleep but rather tells it that it's time to get to sleep.the greatest misconception with melatonin is that you can up the dose and get greater results.  While that might work for a time, it may also cause harmful side effects along the way; most common and least harmful I'd say is the possibility of it changing the color of your urine.  If you have issues with melatonin regulation then it certainly does make for a good substitution provided you take it within reasonable moderation; otherwise it's just a waste of money and you're better off consulting a sleep therapist.


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Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

Okay so mine, is a bit unconventional. As far as I've seen, it doesn't exist, hence it's unconventional.I've always held this belief, not saying I'm right, just a belief, that so many muds focus too much on hack and slash and combat.So for one, I would allow humans, and... races would be like we're all humans, but everyone could come from a different part of the world. So there would be races, it just wouldn't be fantasy like most muds have it.I wouldn't want pk, or pvp, or any of those things.Combat, is possible, like you could have a duel with your friend to improve your combat, but I would make it heavily rp based. So like you couldn't just spam attack. You'd have to like say where youw ant to hit, then type in an emote to make that combat more in depth.Also, I'd reward role playing, so like you could gain experience points that you could later use to raise your skills, so players can't grind too much.that being said, I want lots of crafting, lots of skills, but those skills can only be raised by points, which you gain from role playing. there wouldn't be a experience point cap, because I don't want players like reaching that gap, and stop role playing. there would be limited socials, to further encourage players to emote and really get in to that character development and really role play it out.I really love cooking in any mud. I love making clothes, jewelry, farming, so I'd focus a lot on those things. But I'd also want people to have professions. Doctor, merchant, baker, anything. So like you could, in theory, if you wanted, go out in to the wilderness, or the dangerous areas, and do hack and slash. If you're a city guard for example, you could. But I'd make it turn based combat, so you'd still get to emote, still get your experience, and raise your combat at the same time.That being said, I really wouldn't want to force combat, on a player. So many muds do that. Where it's like necessarily to have some combat, to take part in it in some way, and I'm not a fan.My setting, would be in a small town.So many of these muds have things taking place in like huge cities, the capitol of a country, but the player base can't quite immerse in to that, because usually, even if you had say, a hundred players, you'd still know a good deal of people. So it'd still feel like a small town, even if setting wise, it's a huge city.So my thought is, why not just make it a small town. Where everyone would know each other, and that would be absolutely normal. so you could say so and so pushed me, or knocked me down, someone else could come in and say, "Oh I know that person" and that'd be totally normal.Also, I want it so that you don't like know a person initially when you meet them. so you could see their description, or their like short desc, like a tall graceful woman with long blonde hair. Then when you actually role play it out, and introduce each other, you can remember them.That way, you will have actually met, and you can keep track, who you met, and who you didn't.I wouldn't really mind some magic, to have it sort of fantasy, but I don't want it in the traditional way of it being fireballs, and combat.I want more like... domestic magic I guess? So you could use magic to say... wash your dishes after cooking, or to summon something from your home, or to teleport you around.For those of you who have read Harry Potter, I'mt hinking about all those magical things that Mrs. Weasley does like in her home, it's like domestic magic. Conjurring things, that sort of things.anyways, I've rambled on for so long, I'm all done.Sorry guys, done. Bye!!!


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

@LOrdlundin: lol, I actually gave you a thumbs up, but somehow the idea of writing an actual post came later.But as I said in my previous post, both the lack of trusty admins and (at least, it Looks like that to me) Sam's lack of following this thread, might be a Problem there.


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Car Crash Escape Alfa

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jacobferragamo via Audiogames-reflector


Car Crash Escape Alfa

So I have the basic mechanics down for a touch screen game I'm working on for windows systems. You play sitting stagnant in the car and have a hand object you have to move around. I'm not done with all the sounds... and I defiantly need better ones, but the gist is there. you move your hand on a 2D plane with one finger, and when you press 2 fingers the hand object moves forward; Because of a clipping bug i added a 3 fingers option that brings the hand back in center of the screen. The objects you need to hit all make repeating (Kinda annoying) sounds, currently there are 3. When I'm done they should randomly spawn in.I don't have an ending scenario currently implemented ether, but you'll know you got them all when their noises stop. As far as moving around the passenger side of the car goes, whenever you bump into say a wall or the dash a sound is played at that location to help you get your barrings. At this point it's allot of in unity work for me setting up a more interesting environment.I posted before not knowing you needed everything up and running, my bad. But here you go, i'd be very appreciative of any comments/ suggestions on my proceeding. Link to Zip file: … sp=sharing


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Car Crash Escape Alfa

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jacobferragamo via Audiogames-reflector


Car Crash Escape Alfa

So I have the basic mechanics down for a touch screen game I'm working on for windows systems. You play sitting stagnant in the car and have a hand object you have to move around. I'm not done with all the sounds... and I defiantly need better ones, but the gist is there. you move your hand on a 2D plane with one finger, and when you press 2 fingers the hand object moves forward; Because of a clipping bug i added a 3 fingers option that brings the hand back in center of the screen. The objects you need to hit all make repeating (Kinda annoying) sounds, currently there are 3. When I'm done they should randomly spawn in.I don't have an ending scenario currently implemented ether, but you'll know you got them all when their noises stop. As far as moving around the passenger side of the car goes, whenever you bump into say a wall or the dash a sound is played at that location to help you get your barrings. At this point it's allot of in unity work for me setting up a more interesting environment.I posted before not knowing you needed everything up and running, my bad. But here you go, i'd be very appreciative of any comments/ suggestions on my proceeding. Link to Zip file: … sp=sharing


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Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

Thank you so much. YOu are fantastic...


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Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

Thanks guys. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who are having this issue. I'll contact Sony about this issue, and ask what they wanna do about it.


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Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

@David: Why have you got the XBox one S instead of the older XBox?


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Re: Early Prototype of Asynchronous Puzzle Game

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Early Prototype of Asynchronous Puzzle Game

I can't recall what it was called but I remember seeing a fps demo of a similar concept a few years ago. The way it was setup was that the blind player could collect keys and open doors but couldn't see any terrain, and the sighted player could drop audio beacons to guide them around. Similarly the sighted player couldn't see enemies, but the blind player could hear them and hit them to reveal them for the sighted player to fight.


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Re: Injustice 2: Official Topic

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Razor49 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Injustice 2: Official Topic

Hi,sorry for the double post. Answered my own question. :-) Found the menu where to download the extra stuff.RegardsRazor


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Re: just curious, could Siri voice NVDA add-ons be updated?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: just curious, could Siri voice NVDA add-ons be updated?

Blind Help vocalizer voices don't seem to have the siri voices, unless they have different names, but they all sound diferent.  Samantha and Ava sound like they are too close to the mic, Zoe sounds too far away, Tom solunds creepy, Nathan sounds  too... Iunno,  raspy?   Allison sounds glitched.   I would like to get the Siri voices but they're not vailable


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Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : David via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

Hi,The Play and Charge kit, which comes with a rechargeable battery, and a 9-ft USB cable, costs approximately 25 dollars. As Sightless said, the console does come with a controller with non-rechargeable batteries in the box.If you are going to get one, I would suggest the One S. I personally own one, and I love it, a lot. 


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Re: Fantasy Music

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantasy Music

For games, Final Fantasy has some good stuff, especially if you can find  orchestral releases.  I personally like anything from Final Fantasy IV to VIII, and XII.    But I'm not limited to any other OST or orchestral version.Same can be said for Breath of Fire, Dragon Quest, and Persona.   Zelda's music, with the exception of the obvious theme, is really decent stuff too.  Find an orchestral version of Hyrule Castle for example.  ANy will do, but you will most likely find one from  A Link to the Past.Disgaea music is more upbeat electronica, but has that fantasy style  twist to it.    It's not all like that, but a decent mixture of it.Hope this helps some.


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

@Lordlundin, only one problem... You said something about admins being there to help out new players and keep the cheeters away from everyone else, but the only problem with that is well, sam's admins aren't very helpful, and all they do to cheaters is either ban somebody right away without warning or with no second chance what so ever, or swear at that person and say horrible things to them that some could even consider to be spamming. I think for this system to work sam needs a host of better more mature and responsible admins. I am in no way signing myself for such a job, not for that game at least, no way in hell.


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Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

i haven't tried weed so far, although as of canada day 2018 it will be legal here in canada, and summer's usually when my sleep problems really get bad. Who knows what'll happen though with this new legality... Having said that though i haven't even tried melitonin yet, that may work, as my problems are usually some form of going to bed at a reasonable time (durring the school year) and waking up some time durring the night, getting bored and not being able to fall asleep. And isn't melitonin supposed to help with staying asleep?


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Invitation to participate in SoniFight user trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : r3dux via Audiogames-reflector


Invitation to participate in SoniFight user trial

Hi all,I'd like to invite you to participate in a user trial of my SoniFight software which aims to add additional sonification cues to video games to increase accessibility for players who may be blind or visually impaired. The idea of the study is to try to identify to what extent the software works to assist players.I'm looking for somewhere between 5 and 15 people who own at least one of the following three games on Steam on the Windows platform:1. Street Fighter 4,2. Mortal Kombat 9, and/or3. Day of the Tentacle Remastered.Participants must be aged 18 years old or above to be eligible to participate.The trial itself is quite straight forward and is broken down into three main stages as outlined below:1. You provide a little information about yourself and the games or genres of games that you enjoy playing,2. You play roughly 10 to 15 minutes of one or more of the games in the above list and provide some feedback on your ability to play the game(s) from an accessibility standpoint, and then3. You play another 10 to 15 minutes of the same game, but this time using SoniFight to provide additional sonification cues designed to improve your knowledge of the game state, and then provide some feedback on your ability to play the game(s) with these additional sonification cues provided.Completing the trial for each game will likely take between 30 to 50 minutes, and when the questionnaire is completed you just email it back to me (address is in the questionnaire) and that's it.The trial itself will be open for two weeks from 28/11/2017 to 12/12/2017, after which the results will be analysed and incorporated into a research paper titled "Playing by Ear: A qualitative study of game audio, accessibility and sonification".If you meet the participation criteria and are interested in taking part then you can find the latest version of SoniFight at … the plain language information statement and questionnaire (available in both Microsoft Word and Libre/Open Office formats) can be found here: … so much,Al


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Re: Clok Mud

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Righto righto! it's 10% gain for each after 10.


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Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

Ok, with regards to google assistant, can't speak to Amazon or Apple for that matter, Kortana may be the most intrusive of them all. But while Google may be collecting data, they know when they're crossing the line, and are willing to make splitsecond decisions to keep things safe if they need to. There was an incident with an exclusive google home mini a while ago, where the mini's owner was subject to random calls to google being sent through his assistant. Hundreds of them. Turns out that touch control that was supposed to wake up google was registering phantom touches, making the detection go out of hand. So what did Google do about it? Well, the user contacted Google right away, on a Friday night mind you, where you wouldn't expect anything new to get started. Well, the user was pleasantly surprised by a response from Google ten minutes after his inquiry, in which Google told him to send the device in and they'll have a look, and just as he is sending in his original device, they'd have a new home mini out to his location as soon as possible. Sure enough, Google saw exactly what the issue was, and that's why the touch sensor to initiate google has been disabled in the Mini. So, yes. The debate can be made, Google is meant to collect data. But they know what is and what isn't ok. Microsoft, on the other hand, doesn't. And so I'd suggest anyone using windows 10 disable and remove the telemetry service. Yes, I did say remove. A few commandline parameters will help you do just that. Doing so will make sure the service can't intercept anything, because, well, it doesn't exist anymore. Not sure if you can do the same thing on windows 7, unfortunately. As for Mac OSX, I"m fairly relaxed on the issue of data collection on that system. During setup the system will tell me what data it may want to collect, and give a chance to refuse if I please. And either way, I don't use iCloud or Mail, or iTunes, or anything like that. Never mind the fact that more emphasis on accessibility has been put on the version of iTunes for OSX because of course it was, indeed I may also add that even with the blatant improvements, iTunes for mac is still not a welcoming interface, hence why I don't even bother using it for music management. But I digress. The main issue at hand here is Microsoft's blatant data mining.


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Re: Want to play a Kidnapping Simulator?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Want to play a Kidnapping Simulator?

I like this, but it could be better. For one, I feel no pressure, in other words, its not getting my heart racing, its not making me feel like a victim. I think some things that could help this is engine sound in the car that gives the illusion of speed, some defined road noises that come into play for different surface types, e.g. asphault, gravel, etc. Light to moderate tire screeching around some corners. Some traffic on either side of you, and make it sound like the car is sort of weaving through traffic. I like the suggestion of convolution to make it sound like you're listening through a closed window, but getting clearer the more you move to that side, right now you can just get in the middle and listen clearly to both sides.I think some of this might put you emotionally into the scene, get you involved, so you feel a stake in the outcome, and make you feel the role of the victim held captive. Though I do get some of this, if overdone could prove a touch unrealistic, for example, you're not going to be speed racering around every corner without attracting attention from the other civilians out there, or the police.One other thing I thought of is they're probably not going to just throw you in the back of the car and take off, you'll have to be tied up so you don't try to open the windows, or doors, etc. So, maybe one mechanic could be that too much movement in one direction too fast could cause you to fall over, causing the soundscape to shift, and making it even harder to hear out of that side.Also, you could ad a bit of variability to it, and thus, some replayability too. Maybe they might start arguing amongst themselves, and you could use their preoccupation as an advantage to work your ties loose or something. Perhaps you could then crack the guard in the head or something, like find an umbrella, or ice scraper or something and now the driver is freaking out, he can't really effectively drive and shoot a gun at the same time so you might have a moment to escape or something before you even get to the location.


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Early Prototype of Asynchronous Puzzle Game

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dflynn via Audiogames-reflector


Early Prototype of Asynchronous Puzzle Game

Hello,I am making a puzzle game which both sighted and sight impaired players can play together. The game requires two monitors to play, you use the wasd keys to move and the mouse to look. One player cannot see but can hear everything around them and the other is the opposite. It is however an early prototype so there are unfortunately no puzzles to solve currently and I would like to implement a way for the first player to be able to navigate more easily. Do you have any recommendations for doing this? … gfd2og86u_


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Re: Audio games in the Web Browser

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio games in the Web Browser

Sono doesn't allow for advanced control of oscillators which is needed if you don't want to have the user download a ton of sounds. The problem is that making a sound is not a walk in the park.I'm going to open an issue on web audio daw to ask about setting the position of the listener. I do have a script that sets positioning quite well with just stereo, but I would rather use the 3D panning.


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Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

also had the same problem with the web site until I got someone else to do the visual puzzle. same with the app. I like the ps4, but sony being lazy with their work on the tts and other stupid decisions is why I kept my xbox around in the first place. its time for sony to get back to work on this broken tts


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

I thought Cary did a full walkthrough, but not sure if it's still available on her Dropbox. It was over 1 GB.


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Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

the tts don't work in the store on the ps4 anyway. its sad that sony isn't doing anything about it at all to make the tts better. this is why I am happy I didn't trade in my XBox one when I got my ps4. most things just say tts not available here.


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Re: Survive The Wild blocked and deleted by antivirus software!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive The Wild blocked and deleted by antivirus software!

yeah the last time I used AVG was in 2014 or so, so can't really remember how to add it to the list, but I remember it being accessible and easy to do. not sure what else you can do. maybe contacting AVG and letting them know that bgt games are not viruses would help.


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Re: what's up with chickens

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's up with chickens

I've known people that have put on 2 stone or more by eating fried chicken. is this part of their plan? getting back at the 2 birds thing?also, why do they call it poaching an egg. I've payed for it and yet I'm always terrified the supermarket will send round a gamekeeper with a shotgun if I poach them as well.


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Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

does anyone know how much the xBox 1X costs in the US with the play and charge kit controller?


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Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

does anyone know how much the xBox 1X costs in the US with the Play and Charge kit?


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Survive The Wild blocked and deleted by antivirus software!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Survive The Wild blocked and deleted by antivirus software!

Recently I got the nostalgy for playing Survive The Wild again.However, my Windows system was updated, and then even changed to Windows 10 recently, and the anti-virus software was changed in both cases.Earlier, with ESET Smart security, there were no problems when installing and running STW, however, later, while I used Avast, and now, in Win10, with AVG, both antivirus-software not only block the game whenever I try to run it, but also automatically uninstall, aka delete it totally. even when I set to run it as admin!So I have to keep re-installing it over and over again, while making futile tries of running it!I know, I have to either totally disable, turn off my anti-virus, and then turn it on, activate it again after I am done with playing STW, but is it really the only way this issue can be solved?It's a slight annoyance I wish to get rid of, especially since I wish to avoid leaving my system totally unprotected and vulnerable to all malicious software, and I guess there is a way to somehow "add the game's exe file to AVG's exceptions list", but that is an operation I simplywasn't capable of yet.(I never bothered with it in my sighted life-period, there was no need for it, so I know only of the possibility itself, but have no idea how it is supposed to be done technically, and if I am able to do it now at all, with no vision...)So can someone please explain me "step-by-step the process, how I can add specific, targeted files or sites, (in this case an exe.file), to the exception-list of my AVG anti-virus, pretty please?


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Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rocky Waters via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

Orko, wish I had taken your advice before I installed those windows 7 updates.  Kyle, dammit, was hoping to hear the key logging was not true.  This is going to sound like a plug, but here it is anyway, passwords can be protected against key loggers by using a password manager that allows you to copy a decrypted password and paste the result into a website form field, no typing needed.  My latest free program does this, but there are other password managers out there.  the more I learn about computers, the less I like the machines who control them.


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Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

Although I don't sing like Dark does, his reason for avoiding smoking weed is a good one and another reason why I avoid it now. But unlike dark, I can't eat it, or more accurately, eating it has no effect on me.Years ago my brother and I were coming home from a fishing trip. We had a bud with us that we were going to smoke, but it got wet, so I was holding it in front of the car's air conditioning to dry it out. Then my brother tells me I have to get rid of the bud because we are being pulled over. I grabbed my Coke, popped the bud in my mouth and swallowed it like a big pill, stems, seeds, and all. When I told my brother how I got rid of it so he wouldn't worry about it while we were dealing with the cops, he said that that would get me very high, but it never did. As far as I could tell, it had zero effect on me. But smoking it does get me high, strange.


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Re: Audio games in the Web Browser

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : truecraig via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio games in the Web Browser

Ah okay, what put you off sono, do you remember?Looking at WebAudioDAW, it doesn't look like it has an orientation, only that you set the panning based on the orientation you're given. I hope I'm not doing it a disservice, but it looks like that's the case. So you'd move the sounds's location accordingly. I... think. Looks more complex than sono, but it seems like it has more features. Audiophiles would love this stuff.I've practically grocked sono now, with the ONE vital exception of setting the orientation. I've got an example where I move the P.O.V around, another where I move a sound source around, and I'm now most of the way to building a quick and dirty endless runner game using sono and 3D audio. I must admit I do quite like sono.I just haven't quite understood the moving the orientation. I've currently got a truck idling in front of my POV 10 units away. I do what I suspect should spin my orientation around... but it doesn't. It influences the sound in interesting ways... but it doesn't seem to move where the sound comes from, it still sounds like it's in front. I wonder if it's all still tied into Three.JS. Wondering whether to share my code as jists... but I'd have to leave the sounds out. I'm currently low on sounds as I lost a whole bunch of mine due to hard drive failure and me being very silly and not backing up, so I'm... appropriating sounds elsewhere for now to play with this idea 


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Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

I think the Xbox One X currently only is 1 TB. I have a 5 TB external USB drive hooked up to mine, which is where all my content lives.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

I do use Alexa, and used to use Siri or more rather played with it until I turned it off. But knowing they are both cloud based, never ask anything I wouldn't ask a stranger on a crouded bus.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

Well, microsoft isn't the only one collecting data. If you don't want your data to be collected, stop using Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, and the internet.Having said that, I agree that the data collection is a bit insane. This is why I go through the Privacy section after clean installing Windows 10 and switch everything off.  I suppose your options are to continue using Windows or switch to Linux or macOS.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

How much space does the hard drive on the 1X have? I herd it was 1tb. Could I get more then 1tb?


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Re: what's up with chickens

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's up with chickens

Well, in the case that the predictions of duck and chicken uprising come true in this topic, it'll make it easier to try and kill two birds with one stone...


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Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playstation network: Some serious issues

I've have the same problems, even though I live in the US.Even when I get the captcha to come up, it crashes my browser when I click the audio button.It's really to bad soney won't allow people outside the US to use TTS either.I guess I can understand it for people who don't speak English, but they should at least allow English speaking people who don't live in the US to use that feature.Calling soney is a bitch seeing as they don't have their number listed anywhere.I had to call them once because I needed them to send me a password reset e-mail because my system wouldn't send it, and I had to sirch on lots of forums before I found the number to call.They seemed open to the idea of TTS doing more than it does, and we can now check our trophies and a few other things I suggested to them on the phone that day.If you had TTS, you could still redeem giftcards and promo codes seeing as that part of the psn store talks; for some weird reason...Sorry for your troubles.I almost went over to xbox myself, but so far playstation has all the games I want and the interface works pretty good; for the most part.Now if only they'd allow us to lock the order of the items on our home screen...Later!


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Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

I'm, Nocturnus!  I'm the nightmare of all things sleep!  It eludes and evades me because I have nothing good to offer in return! During the night, at least.No, really!  I know you've heard all humans are day time creatures!  Not I!  I've tried, and tried, and tried again!  Alcohol?  Keeps me up at night.  Melatonin?  Makes me fuzzy and depressed.  Weed?  Gave me the munchies and made me eat like a goat and a pig and a half.  Benadryl?  Put me into a semiconscious state in which I had nightmares about audio games that haven't even been made. No, that's not a joke...  I know you're laughing, but that's not a joke.Warm milk before bed time?  Hot drinks in general?  Heating pads? Fans?  Air conditioning!  Soothing sounds!  Reading books!  Getting bored!  So bored you're skull is hurting because of the depth of it!  None of them work!  At night.  I can easily, easily fall asleep by the dawn's early light.  So, what do I recommend?  The sun, of course.  It'll threaten to bake you so sensless all you'll want to do is sleep until its ultraviolet rays have come and gone!  By the light of the moon you'll do much better and be overall more productive, except if you have a job, a wife, children, life, in general, which revolves around normal people, in a normal world... I think I'll try and go to bed now.  It's 6 in the evening; what do you think will happen?


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Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

I don't currently have access to a retail ps4, so I'm not sure how to help. I'll ask around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

How to turn on/off sharing personal information.First, general instruction on how to get to the settings menu:From the main menu, - tap the left stick right 6 times to get to customize- press A/X to enter customize- press down twice to get to settings- press A/X to enter settingsTo toggle social sharing, From the settings menu, tap the left stick right once and press A/X to get to social settings.To toggle the setting on and off, press A/X. Unfortunately there is no audio/haptic feedback as to the current state of the checkbox, which is an unfortunate bug I that will communicate back to the team.Press B/Circle and hit left once to return to origin on the settings screen.To turn share usage data with EA off/on, from the settings menu, - tap the left stick down once, then right once- Press A/X to enter the EA Account menu- tap the left stick down 3 times- press the left stick left to ensure that share usage data is on, or press the left stick right to ensure it is off


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

I'm using the ps4. And I feel like a dork for asking this.. because I've been doing this for years. Just haven't redeemed a game code in a while... but I thought it would show up in my download list. haha.


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Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

Both the Xbox One S and the Xbox One X are current, they're basically two flavours of the same machine. Picture it like two PCs with different graphics cards in them. They both play exactly the same games. The Xbox One X costs more than double, in exchange for which you basically get sharper visuals.


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World of tanks, tips tricks for blind players

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : revan via Audiogames-reflector


World of tanks, tips tricks for blind players

world of tanks, multiplayer online fpsfirst of all you must download the game fromwww.wargaming.netgo there select your region download the correct files2. you must be windows 10 user to work proper with game interfacethis is tested with nvda and OCR built in windows 10game is primar language is russianmake sure you selected in ocr settings language detection english or russianif you make wrong selection,  nvda won't recognize game interface proper3. create an account in the register page4. if your download are done, run wote installer en.exe or wote installer ru.exefinish up your settings in the installation screenattention!make sure your computer got 1 gb minimum graphic cardgraphic card requires for faster load,  and smoother experienceselect the standart client in the installation screendo not select hd client beta,  this is intended for higher graphic card users, if you select full client installation,  game interface won't be accessible with nvda ocr or windows 10you must download 5 gb additional files in the game launcherwait to download finishes, click to playwait to 3 4 minutes game will analyze your computer hardwareif you hear the second music,  use your windows 10 OCR, select log intype your wargaming account nameyou must type your registration e-mailtype your game passwordhit the sign in buttonnote! you must escape when you hit each time buttons thereexample if you hit the log in button,this means you need to refresh your ocr screencause it won't tell you what's happening in the screen if you not refresh with nvda plus r key combinationby signing up you agreeing the user agreement for wargaming products after hitting the sign in button below, accept the user agreementafter accepting agreement you must be directed to garagehit the start war button or fight, you must be guided to newbie helper commanderthis game works like swampyou must use your mouse for shoot target tanksdo not shoot your team mates, if you do,  you will out of the game for 1 hourlisten the beeping soundsif you close to target enemy commander will let you know like, shoot time!shoot the enemy!after completing the tutorial you must be out of newbie garageyou must be faster with your mousetanks are moving, catching them is your fastnesstry to get your target to middlewhen you hear in the middle try to shoot with your left mouse buttonyou can use sniper mode but this is not for blind userstry to workaroundkeys, s, move your tank backwardsd, move to righta, move to leftw, move to frontleft mouse, shoot the targetright mouse,  nothingleft shift, turning on sniper moderight arrow mores your turret to right directionleft arrow, moves your turret to left directionsome hints, for fastest shooting or finding target use your mouselike in swampnote!the wargaming team working to make this game more accessible,  so keep in mind, you can send feedback for themyou can send in their english community speaking forum or russian community forumthey takes feedbacks seriouslysome features are not been implemented yetknown issuessometimes nvda are not detecting the scores, restarting nvda will be fix this issuedo not try in the lower specs computersgame is accessible with windows 10 ocrdo not use nvda's ocr addons, it won't workgame has been tested with windows 10 creators update version


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Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

SLJ - I don't know, but will ask around. Plus side is that I still sit smack in the middle of the madden team. - Karen


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Re: The Table Flipper. A silly yet amusing game by me and Omar Alvarado

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Table Flipper. A silly yet amusing game by me and Omar Alvarado

I know it's probably a bit late for this, but one thing I'd love to see is a way to have several different loop sounds, one of which is randomly chosen for each instance of that object at time of creation. My use case for this would be, for instance, an annoying musical Christmas decoration/toy/animal/ornament/etc. where the different loop sounds are different tunes it can play. When each one is spawned, one of the random loop sounds is chosen to be its loop sound, for as long as that object exists.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

@assault_freak - which console are you using?


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Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

I've got partial instructions. Basically they cover how to create a character, but not how to use said character. Working on getting the rest, and here is what I have now.From the main Menu:- Press Right Once, then Down one, followed by A/X to enter Create Fighter- Press A/X For a Male Fighter, or Right followed by A/X for a Female Fighter- Available weightclasses are selectable by pressing Right the following number of times, followed by A/XMale:0 - Flyweight1 - Bantamweight2 - Featherweight3 - Lightweight4 - Welterweight5 - Middleweight6 - Light Heavyweight7 - HeavyweightFemale:0 - Strawweight1 - Bantamweight- Fighter Specialization is selectable by pressing Right the following number of times, followed by A/X  0 - Striker1 - Brawler2 - Balanced3 - Grappler4 - Submission Specialist- Press A/X to Enter General Info- Press A/X to Set Fighter First Name, or Down, then A/X to set Fighter Last name. Either can be set to aiiy in order to enable the mode.Here is the keyboard entry key presses, broken into an xbox section and a ps4 section. The key layouts are slightly different between consoles.On PS4:- Press Left 4 times, then X- Press Right 7 times, and up once, then press X twice- Press Left twice, then X once- Press Right Trigger to finishOn Xbox:- Press left 5 times, and down once, then A- Press Right 7 times, and up once, then press A twice- Press Left twice, then A once- Press Start to finish From here, Press Circle/B twice to exit, then A/X to Save changes.Your fighter is now created and ready to use in any mode.


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Re: Want to play a Kidnapping Simulator?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Want to play a Kidnapping Simulator?

I insist that you change the name to kidnapped simulator though. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Redeemed my code, but the game doesn't show up in my download list... I might be drawing a blank, but once I redeem the code and click done, where do I find the game? This should not be something I'm strugling with... lol.


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Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

Oh ... yeah ... ugg. As anyone living in northern Europe knows we live in near the constant state of autumn. Minters are usually very mild here these days. It just rains and rains and rains and it's bitter wet and cold and the only thing I want to do is to pull the blanket over my head and go back to sleep.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

I'm not the one who wrote this guide, but the person who did used my old guides as an example. This came directly from the UFC 3 team.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

[[wow]]. Seriously, you are fantastic to write guides... Keep up the fantastic job. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non 24 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

Oh yeah. Most of us struggle with this stuff.Of course it's the best thing to go to bed at 11-12 in the evening and actually sleep untill 7-8 in the morning and while it works, I totally enjoy this. Unfortunately there are some factors completely and quite fast capable of messing the structure up.First as light is no boss for me, so it has 0 effect.Second is weather sinsitivity, so rain turns me into a zombie - no really, it's basically almost impossible to stay focused and even keep the body in the upwards position at times. Bigger overall changes in weather do about the same, so yeah, weather sensitivity isn't just some kind of bullshit, but a real phenomenon.Third factor is excitement and agitation when prepairing and waiting for something. For example I had to deal with it this very month. While waiting for my Roland Tr-08 drum machine to arrive, I had some troubles with its user manual - fortunately now solved - and so quite usually for sutch situations, my mind gets kind of stuck on the subject in question and it's not all that easy to get away from it. So mostly the thing in question is the accessibility of some new machine. Of course, when the thing is in my hands, it doesn't turn out to be all that dreadful, but still the anxiety persists. Probably here the main factor is the intensity of it. So at some point it crosses over from simply buggering the mind to influensing the whole body and when it happens, it gets almost impossible to sleep or to fall asleep more exactly. So I can put my body to bed and try to give it an order to sleep, but as the mind is buzzing with the topic in question, it simply doesn't work out. And so I stay in bed getting more and more angry at myself for not being able to control this untill at some point exaustion just takes over and shuts the restless mind and body down for some time and of course any kind of schedule has gone to space at that point.So yeah, a bit longwinded explanation, but probably people in here can get most of it.


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Re: Want to play a Kidnapping Simulator?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lucas . wooleyhand via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Want to play a Kidnapping Simulator?

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your feedback, it was extremely helpful and I have a clearer idea of what changes need to be made moving forward. I really appreciate you all taking the time to play my game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

I've got partial instructions. Basically they cover how to create a character, but not how to use said character. Working on getting the rest, and here is what I have now.[11/27/2017 2:49 PM] Battocchio, Adam - Contractor: No TitleFrom the main Menu:- Press Right Once, then Down one, followed by A/X to enter Create Fighter- Press A/X For a Male Fighter, or Right followed by A/X for a Female Fighter- Available weightclasses are selectable by pressing Right the following number of times, followed by A/XMale:0 - Flyweight1 - Bantamweight2 - Featherweight3 - Lightweight4 - Welterweight5 - Middleweight6 - Light Heavyweight7 - HeavyweightFemale:0 - Strawweight1 - Bantamweight- Fighter Specialization is selectable by pressing Right the following number of times, followed by A/X  0 - Striker1 - Brawler2 - Balanced3 - Grappler4 - Submission Specialist- Press A/X to Enter General Info- Press A/X to Set Fighter First Name, or Down, then A/X to set Fighter Last name. Either can be set to aiiy in order to enable the mode.Here is the keyboard entry key presses, broken into an xbox section and a ps4 section. The key layouts are slightly different between consoles.On PS4:- Press Left 4 times, then X- Press Right 7 times, and up once, then press X twice- Press Left twice, then X once- Press Right Trigger to finishOn Xbox:- Press left 5 times, and down once, then A- Press Right 7 times, and up once, then press A twice- Press Left twice, then A once- Press Start to finish From here, Press Circle/B twice to exit, then A/X to Save changes.Your fighter is now created and ready to use in any mode.


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Re: help with xbox one narrator

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with xbox one narrator



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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I installed Manamon on the new laptop I got last week. I've had it on my system for just shy of two weeks now, and I had zero issues with it.That said, I've found the gift Dormanoid usually has terrible stats and is thus not really worth using. Adrenaline Rush is a terrible move as well. It's like BellyDrum, except it keeps draining your health instead of, y'know, letting you sweep?The Loonis, though? I got one with well-developed attack and special attack once, so I think that part is sometimes random.I love how there are occasionally new gift manamon offered, but what I don't like is how not a single one of the neat variants I threw out here have been considered yet.Also, was replaying the game again, and noticed something very interesting. Another parallel to the pokemon franchise. So okay, when you get to the first town in manamon, you can either go to the right (taketsu trail, or whatever it's called) or left (into the woods). In Veridian City in the pokemon series, it's just reversed. Also, while there are a lot of geographical bits that are -not similar, I can't help but notice that Mt. Moon and Mineruff Tunnel happen at about the same time in the story, as do Manalith Factory and Sylph Co. So it's not exact, but it's very, very clear to me that this game borrowed a crapton from the original RBY pokemon games.


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new talking clock from nathan tech

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


new talking clock from nathan tech

Wasn't sure if this counted as a new release, but as it isn't a game, it's here!What's the Time Mister wolf?A common, and fun, time game for young children has now been emortalised into Nathan Tech's attempt at a talking clock.This piece of nifty software comes with the following features:*ability to say 15 minute, 30 minute, 45 minute and hourly time notifications*toggle for displaying seconds*choose from several sounds for your time reminder*ability to toggle on and off big ben sound effects on the hour.*supports jaws, NVDA, window eyes, system access and MS sapi*can tell you how long your computer has been on for*can tell you how long the program has been running forGet your copy today!


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Playstation network: Some serious issues

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Playstation network: Some serious issues

Hi.Reasonably, I have got some serious issues with the Playstation Network website. Because Sony blocks the TTF function outside the US, this website is a must for me.1. The website seems to be extremely slow, and most of the time it won't respond.2. When I try to sign in, I have to enter a captcha. Fair enough. No problem. Accept for the audio captcha is broken. As soon as I try to enter it, the website comes up with an error and say I should try again later.This has happened for me for like three weeks now. It even happens, when I try to sign in using the Playstation app on my computer.Have anyone else had the same issues, and do you have any clue on what to do about it? I have a bit of bad experience by contacting Sony with my issues...I'm seriously starting to dislike Sony and the Playstation because of all those issues. I'm thinking about skipping my Playstation, and make a total switch to the XBox. There are a few things which is bad on the XBox as well, but not as shitty like the Playstation. Without the TTS function, I can't do much. No online activity, no new games, no trophy checking etc. It's even hard to find the game I wanna play...I don't hope I'm the only one who are having this broken audio captcha issue. If we are multiple people who are having this issue, Sony might be more in a hurry to fix it...


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Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

Here's an interesting article about Windows 10 privacy settings. … ollects-pcHere's one about the keylogger itself. … s-disable/


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Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

If this keylogging bullshit is true, that probably means all my password input and other stuff is being intercepted. That states that Microsoft are totally spying on us and this, is a huge privacy and security flaw.I got somewhat scared after reading through this topic, kind of. Hehe.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fantasy Music

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantasy Music

I think Disney Renaissance music tends to have something in common with these (can't possibly have anything to do with Hans Zimmer working on the Lion King score, hmm?). Kingdom Hearts is basically Disney meets Final Fantasy, so if the Battle of Pride Rock and the Cave of Wonders don't cut it, maybe give the KH soundtrack a try?It seems like everything since LotR, or at least Pirates of the Caribbean, has been going for that sound (and mostly failing, IMO, to the point that movies from 2008 onward have struggled with tone and appropriate tension and have been largely forgettable musically), so the question is exactly how Fantastic you want. Like, GoT is loosely based on the Wars of the Roses, and Middle Earth is loosely based on "Europe, but with Elves and angels playing a more direct role in geopolitics and technology", so if you're thinking orchestral with a Northwestern European flavor and a respect for drama... I'm still recommending Kingdom Hearts . Nightwish has songs inspired by both LotR and Disney (I mean, "Elven Path" and "FantasMic" are pretty blatant), but other than the sorely abused "Ghost Love Score" and Imaginaerum (and maybe "Over the Hills and Far Away"), the Metal has a tendency to dominate the orchestra, which I imagine is a dealbreaker of a sort.Maybe look up composers or certain soundtracks on youtube/iTunes/whatever service, then look for recommended followups? Ex, youtube has a list of suggestions, Apple Music lets you create radio channels based on whatever song/artist you want, and I don't really know about Pandora and Spotify, but they seem sufficiently similar.(Oh, and I would recommend the Fantasmicff soundtrack, but I don't know how easy that would be to obtain legally. I'm sure it's sold online in some capacity, but IDK where. Fantasmicff could believably have inspired Kingdom Hearts, and is basically loads of Disney music put into a medley as background music for a stage show involving lots of pyrotechnics and a dragon quite literally setting the river that passes through the stadium on fire. So... you've convinced me to try and find it on Apple Music, since I think my laptop might be sick. ... Ooh, or maybe I could hook up the Saturn and play the CD? I must try this. For Science!)


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Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

Hi.I mean: The settings where you have the two checkboxes. The first is if you wanna share the data with EA, and the second is if you wanna share on social media. The guide says those settings appears right after you sign into your account on the console for the first time. However, that part messed up for me, and I think I've messed up those settings. If I can change those somewhere else, I can get sighted help to check if those checkboxes are ticked.


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

Thanks. You actually forgot to give me an actual thumbsup and I'm very picky with that user carma. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking of getting a xBox for my birthday

I was thinking of getting mortal combat. Any recommendations?  How much is the play and charge kit? What comes in the box?


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

from what I know, the quests appear randomly and for now just as throne room encounters, so you'll catch them eventually. But the quest system will be expanded from what I heared.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

@Lordlundin: your ideas rock! thumbs up to that!However, at least on Redspot, Sam hasn't got that many trusty faces at Hand (despite the STW admins and I don't think they would do it, because they already have one game to administrate).


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Re: Unlocking the DVD regions on my Windows 10 Laptop.

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unlocking the DVD regions on my Windows 10 Laptop.

There are a few options, how to bypass the problem with the region code.You can get a program called MakeMKV. You won't be able to play your DVD with it right away. But you can rip it into an MKV-File.Or, you can get a program called DVDFab Passkey. This will disable every kind of region block on any DVD or Bluray, and you will be able to play your DVD with your prefered software.I can also remember, that you could change the region of your DVD-Drive somewhere in the windows settings. But I wouldn't go for that, if I were you, because you can only change the region about three times, if I remember correctly.I am also not even sure, if that still works with Windows 10.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

[[wow]]. I didn't know about the key logging thing. I was thinking about trying Windows 10, since I wanted to reinstall windows on my old laptop anyway. But now, this is out of the question.I read something about a program called DoNotSpy. As far as I know, it can deactivate these features pretty effitiently. But I don't know of course what happens, when MS is forcefeeding updates to all the Windows 10 computers out there...


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Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

I'll try to get you directions on how to name the character, but probably won't be able to do it until tonight (so another 6 or 7 hours from now). Stay tuned. - Karen


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Any good professional blogs out there for political purposes?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Any good professional blogs out there for political purposes?

I've gained a huge interest in politics as of late, I mean I've always been interested in it one way or another but now I have a fury and a drive and I want to start a political blog to write about various subjects.Are there any good, professional and accessible blogging platforms out there? I wouldn't mind paying a small sum for good quality. I just want to be able to make entries, keep track of users and comments, edit my bio and so on - very standard stuff. However I want it to be professional-looking as well.


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Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Right. How to name my character will be the challenge... so rumbles are the only thing to look out for at the moment right? Will give it a spin and see what happens!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: side game

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: side game

Ashley, you couldn't blame BGT for this. It's a false positive, that happens with every unknown program to a couple of antiviruses.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

Ugh! It looks like a major operation to disable this thing as it involves a ton of update patches that were pushed out over the past year or more that have to be removed. … -8-and-8-1


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Re: help with alter eon

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with alter eon

Got ya thanks!


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Re: Colors - A New RPG aiming to be both mainstream and for the blind

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Colors - A New RPG aiming to be both mainstream and for the blind

LOL yeah I eventually figured that out. While I do like the concept I definitely find navigation rather confusing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some speech synthesizer questions

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some speech synthesizer questions

Man, that whitch voice is going to be useful for my tts series so that it actually has a real threatening antagonist for once.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Right now you have to name your character aiiy to turn on accessible rumbles. Most of what applied in UFC2 also applies in 3, so please follow the UFC 2 guide for now. I'll look into getting a UFC 3 text-only manual up soon, which would help with any differences.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think of a tts preschool album?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think of a tts preschool album?

@family mario, what do you think of this song for the album?


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Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

SLJ I'm not 100% sure what you mean by share settings. Can you give more info on where you think you're having issues? Thanks, - Karen


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Re: the macintosh tts

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the macintosh tts

The voices are fun to play with. However, I wouldn't recommend using them when you're trying to do something serious with VoiceOver as they sing absolutely everything and take forever to give you the information you need.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Unlocking the DVD regions on my Windows 10 Laptop.

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unlocking the DVD regions on my Windows 10 Laptop.

My demo of DVDAudioExtracter has ran out. As far as VLCMediaPlayer, it doesn't work, even though it is said that it works with all regions. Unless I'm doing something wrong. When I look at the titles in VLC's menus, it does show me numbered titles, with the linth read out as well, but, I can't get it to play any of the titles.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: side game

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: side game

It is just bgt that is full of shit again


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Have my code and wil be downloading the game soon. I'm jumping in with both feet here, so if there's any advice or tips for someone new to the series, I'd love it.  Especially on any noteworthy accessibility features or additions.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2017

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2017

Critical roll on YouTube. As for me... Concerts on December 13 and 18. This is gonna be fun. Anyone tried playing samba on drums? My advice, not.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ea_accessible via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

If anyone needs a code, please let me know what system and if you need a key for North America or Europe. Other locations are not currently in the beta. You are welcome to post here, email me at or tweet me at for keys. If you see me post keys on twitter don't bother trying to go after them, I have a bunch reserved specifically for the group here - there's no need to scramble. Thanks - Karen Stevens


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: side game

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: side game

another game that's blocked by my antivirus.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

947. Hahahahaha. You made my day. I dare someone to do it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Hi.Sooo, the beta has been made public and the codes are send out by E-Mail these last fiew minutes, I already received my validation code and I am currently downloading the game.Will be interesting how the game plays out with the controls beeing completely changed from UFC 2 to UFC 3.As an example, while you had to push the left stick left and hit x or y on the xbox controler to throw an uppercut, you now have to hit x and a to throw a left upper, and y and b to throw a right upper.Guess I adapt to this system, I would have prefered the fight night full control punch method where you had to push the right stick into different directions to get different kinds of punches.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft telemetry tracking, how bad is it?

[[wow]]! I hope the update with this crap is easily identified so I can be sure to not allow it to be installed in the first place!One of the reasons why I won't upgrade to Windows 10 is the lack of being able to opt out of crap updates like this one.It's almost enough to make one seriously consider abandoning Windows and get a Macintosh, though I'm sure Apple has their own dirty little secrets too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Unlocking the DVD regions on my Windows 10 Laptop.

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unlocking the DVD regions on my Windows 10 Laptop.

Hi,i'm wondering if a program like dvd audio extractor might be able to help, or vlc media player.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with xbox one narrator

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with xbox one narrator

Hi,@Valmorian do you mean the screen reader itself, or do you mean the scanning mode? If it's the scanning mode which is also called narrator mode, here's what you do:While narrator is on, simply double tap the xbox/guide button on your controller. Narrator will say "narrator mode", and then you can go up anddown to navigate around the screen, this also reveals thigns on the home screen such as battery level and such. Then, to go back to controller mode, double tap the guide/xbox button again.


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Re: what's up with chickens

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's up with chickens

hahahahhaa. I think the topic is a mixture between a bit of humour but also an opinion, and I like it's light hearted tone.NOw unfortunately in the UK we had this meat scandal for a whole year where stuff in the shop was horse meat or something, I don't quite know the story. But yep, that's not really good if you are buying stuff such as chicken (or even beaf!) but end up getting horse.Speaking of which, I like horses but they have a tendency to trample if you aren't careful, I mean look at the crazy horse in bk3 that thing does so much damage sometimes! OK on a serious note, any horse I have actually met in real life has been kind, and they sort of remind me of super gigantic dogs because they stay there and let you pet them and stuff. WHereas any chicken I've met just goes utterly nuts luckily I've not been pecked or anything, but any duck I've met has made me laugh my head off, same with chickens actually to be honest.


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Re: The history of audiogames

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The history of audiogames

Pretty damn lose teacher. Maybe I can show your post to mine and she'll allow me to use them? But then again, maybe not.


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