Re: Cat owners, help please?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cat owners, help please?

if it's poo you smell it. If it's pie IDK. My parents always did that. You can take a glass and see how mutch it fylls up? Then try to mecure that in how mutch pei it is? If this was stupid let me know, but it sounded fine in my head.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Netflix and Audio Description

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Netflix and Audio Description

For anime I find that I don't need AD. I know all the sounds, and I can watch naruto or dragon ball, and AD my self to others.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about publishing on YouTube with no video

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about publishing on YouTube with no video

I usually make a text source in OBS that displays text, so other's can know that it's not suposed to be video there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Unfortunately, the sheer outrage in this thread alone, and in numerous other threads before now, where people want to keep on tolerating this behaviour, has proven to us as a team that in some ways, this community is not as ready to call itself to account as it should be. This is not an indictment of this community in particular. Indeed, this is no better or worse than virtually all communities in the world. There is a reason why someone has to lead, in most situations, even in a first-among-equals scenario where we hold ourselves, as a team, equally culpable when we screw up. I think we've had enough time and chances to act in good faith, and while we've definitely done it with regard to things like unauthorized forks, we haven't done it quite so well with regard to sounds.Also, going back to your proposal for a moment, I think that anyone with a credible case against a game or project should be able to come forward to present that case, regardless of their status. I do like the bit where a double warning would be given out for bad-faith attacks on projects though. I think this alone would be more than enough incentive to stop bad actors from just trying to blast someone they didn't like or didn't agree with. This is one area where I want to give all forum members a chance to raise a potential objection to a project, so long as they do it in a manner that's in keeping with established protocols. We want this to be an official, prescribed process, something where you actually have to show proof and make a convincing case before anything happens, and where a failure to do so, combined with a demonstrated desire to harm the target of your attack, gets you in pretty serious trouble.Along with an addition to the rules, we'd probably be talking about a closed sticky thread here in Site and Forum Feedback, or perhaps somewhere else (unsure on that). The first post would outline in detail both the process for calling a project's assets into question, and the steps that we as an administration team would take in following through. This would include the right to appeal as well. We want everyone to know exactly how they should proceed and what their best course of actions is in any given situation related to the potential misuse of copyrighted assets. Vast Horizon felt like an ambush to a lot of people, and I don't want that to happen again. That sticky thread would contain explanations and potential records, where needed, of any project that was legitimately flagged and investigated. Transparency is a word I throw around a lot, and it's something I want to keep on pushing as part of my commitment to helping this forum. I am quite sure that the rest of the moderators and administrators share that sentiment.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Unfortunately, the sheer outrage in this thread alone, and in numerous other threads before now, where people want to keep on tolerating this behaviour, has proven to us as a team that in some ways, this community is not as ready to call itself to account as it should be. This is not an indictment of this community in particular. Indeed, this is no better or worse than virtually all communities in the world. There is a reason why someone has to lead, in most situations, even in a first-among-equals scenario where we hold ourselves, as a team, equally culpable when we screw up. I think we've had enough time and chances to act in good faith, and while we've definitely done it with regard to things like unauthorized forks, we haven't done it quite so well with regard to sounds.Also, going back to your proposal for a moment, I think that anyone with a credible case against a game or project should be able to come forward to present that case, regardless of their status. I do like the bit where a double warning would be given out for bad-faith attacks on projects though. I think this alone would be more than enough incentive to stop bad actors from just trying to blast someone they didn't like or didn't agree with. This is one area where I want to give all forum members a chance to raise a potential objection to a project, so long as they do it in a manner that's in keeping with established protocols. We want this to be an official, prescribed process, something where you actually have to show proof and make a convincing case before anything happens, and where a failure to do so, combined with a demonstrated desire to harm the target of your attack, gets you in pretty serious trouble.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem with Gameroom, I must write It about here

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with Gameroom, I must write It about here

Ofcourse, I think on It, but please somebody says about this problem to Aminiel


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what is this?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what is this?

Where is the delete thing, all I have is report, eddit, quote.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what the particle bombs are for and how to use the syko injecter in bk

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fredd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what the particle bombs are for and how to use the syko injecter in bk

wait wait wait, please tell how you got those


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Cat owners, help please?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Cat owners, help please?

Hey all,Recently i acquired a cat. She's just awww, to say the least. A question though: How do you know when a cat's toilet is full? Like are you supposed to touch inside the thing and feel? Suppose not. Any help would be appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: questions about Spotify

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: questions about Spotify

@Rich_Beardsley, To bring up now-playing on phones, tap the currently playing title at the bottom of the screen, above the tab bar. It’s quite small, so you may just want to swipe left from perhaps the play/pause button above the Your Library tab, or just swipe left from the Home tab.HTH


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

what the particle bombs are for and how to use the syko injecter in bk

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


what the particle bombs are for and how to use the syko injecter in bk

Hi, i have particle bombs and thee syko injecter, how do you use bofe of them,  there arent enemies to bomb on the ground so i'm confused, i thot you could drop them on jets if you were hier then them, but i havent gotten that to work,  so if you could help me with that  that would be awesome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: selling my stw account.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: selling my stw account.

and it's oscar, i think you no me on there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Netflix and Audio Description

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Netflix and Audio Description

@KenshiraTheTrinity, It still doesn’t. Just found out the serious about a week ago, and binged it toll death. One of the best anime’s I’d seen in a while, though I rarely listen to anime. Also, a little OT, I actually prefer the original Distraction ED from the first season instead of the new one, same applies to the OP.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: does a blind person need to learn kanji while learning Japanese?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: does a blind person need to learn kanji while learning Japanese?

Some thoughts as both a native Chinese speaker and someone who's learned to speak fluent Japanese as well as writing in it.If you want to communicate with people especially on the web, kanji is essential. While most people will understand you if you write purely with hiragana, it will make your Japanese look simplistic and like you aren't serious in wanting to learn it.@2, those are some very interesting viewpoints, and I respect them. But I don't entirely agree that Japanese is a horribly constructed language simply because it uses three alphabets, nor that both Chinese and Japanese use words that have similar pronunciations but different meanings. That isn't necessarily bad, just the way the language was developed. And you'll actually note that in modern written chinese, the character for the third person is the same regardless of gender. Japanese also doesn't have words that are the same pronunciations but different meanings. Some are close, but not the same. I'd be curious for examples of words you find in Japanese that you think have the same pronunciation? Also, what do you mean by Hiragana and Katakana being read in strange ways? A note about synthesizers: it's not correct to say that we have less need to learn kanji because of synthesizers reading them to us. Synthesizers, especially in Japanese, make mistakes when reading kanji characters. So while we don't necessarily have to learn the shape, though that can be helpful, you do have to at least know the most common basic reading for each kanji in both pronunciations; the onyomi reading, which is the reading that sounds closer to its original chinese reading, or the kunyomi, which is the japonified pronunciation. Names are especially problematic, so it's important to learn Kanji so you can figure out another possible reading if your synthesizer gets it wrong. For example, the name shindo Tatsuya, written as:進藤龍也is read incorrectly by most synthesizers. Code factory's vocalizer for example reads it as Shinfuji Ryuya, which is completely wrong. Other examples are characters that are usually pronounced one way but are read incorrectly, such as the word for time which can be read as toki or ji. Some synthesizers read this incorrectly as well at certain times, which is bad for learning. Chinese has similar issues, but I can't give any examples of the top of my head at the moment.So in conclusion, for both Chinese and Japanese, if you are serious about learning the language, learning characters is important. You may not need to learn what they physically look like, but learning at least the possible pronunciations and menings is not only crucial for writing, it'll also help learning and understanding new vocabulary easier. Also, without knowing the meaning and possible pronunciations of kanji in Japanese, the small descriptions in the candidate selection box while typing won't make any sense.Should you learn speaking or writing first? Well, as post 2 said, speech is the basis of most languages.. and so from that angle, it definitely doesn't hurt to start with speaking. But to minimize work, it's best to do both in tandom if you can. Japanese, despite its three alphabets, is actually a very simple and well structured languages. There aren't a tone of exceptions to rules, and most things follow a set pattern. But it's so different from English and western languages that it definitely takes time to get used to, which is the hardest part. Hope this helps... happy to answer any questions if you have any if I can!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: selling my stw account.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: selling my stw account.

So, are you willing to by it for me if i pm you the info?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: am I learning in the wrong way?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: am I learning in the wrong way?

also the way you define that you are failing at actually putting software together, that might not be a learning problem. that could be an organizational/shceduling/motivational problem.that is a general life skill and not specific to for the complete basics of this that make all the difference, always keep a to do list. split up large tasks into smaller ones. the idea behind the latter is imagine you are given the task for training for a running race in the the olympics. that is such a huge task that you will probably just give up imagine you are given the task of training for a local 5k race. then you probably can much more easily plan how to train for that and actually go through with it.the trick is that the olympics racing goal is the sameas training for a local 5k, except it is a matter of splitting up big tasks into smaller ones makeds them much more managable. seems like such a simple thing and it is, but you'd be surprised how many people don't even do that


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem with Gameroom, I must write It about here

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with Gameroom, I must write It about here

Um, why are you posting this when you said you were leaving both and Quenton C just a couple days ago?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

@JaydeNot everyone considers a police officer to be dangerous simply because they have a holstered firearm on their person.Most of us recognize that it's just a rarely used, and unfortunately still necessary tool of their trade.The assumptions here are disturbing to me, even if I understand and empathize with where it's coming from.After all, would you have this same level of immediate reaction to someone who had just been playing baseball coming to vote with a metal bat still over their shoulder and their jersey and pads on?I strongly disagree with this being classified as voter intimidation as it stands, without more information about the incident.  I definitely don't believe it's worth a termination of someone's livelyhood at this point either, even if it was irresponsible and against policy to do it in uniform.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about publishing on YouTube with no video

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about publishing on YouTube with no video

you can use OBS on a computer, I don't know about IOS.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what is this?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what is this?

wel dalm, sorry. I'll look into it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

@bryantOh well then...That's where the concept of due diligence comes in.The burden of responsibility for a small site like this can only reasonably be so great, and the mods can't be spending all their time on this issue, nor do they have the tools or expertise to do a thurro job of it.There is no foolproof solution, some cases will always fall through the cracks no matter what, my proposal seeks to work with the reality of the situation, rather than relying on having the most ideal circumstances.It's a compromise, but at this point that's the best we are going to get.@JaydeRestricting it to copyright holders and legal owners may not give us the moral high ground, but we lost that a while ago anyway, and pragmatism is what counts if we want the spirit of the community to survive.  We did well by not directly adhering to the letter of the law in the past, and now that the law is more confusing than ever before and the risk still remains vague and amorphous, we should take advantage of the same "reasonable doubt" policy that many other sites do.Harm is a sliding scale, and personal morals don't apply well to the more complicated variables found in groups.  If the stated aim is to keep the site healthy, we should let the community take care of the low effort copycats naturally when possible, by encouraging people not to give them the attention they crave and letting them be forgotten as they often already do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: selling my stw account.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: selling my stw account.

Hello. A western drama is $17, your account is more valuable. Do you still want it? and what's your in game name?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

@ironcross, I noticed. Most people I saw seem to have chosen Sector B. Just out of curiosity, did anyone choose Sector C?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Defender, I like almost every bit of your proposal. It's a lot of legwork, and I feel that a bit of that legwork is needless for projects that are already well-established as problematic, but otherwise, we're in agreement here. This is the sort of thing I am in support of.I differ from you only in one area. I don't think it should take a game dev or a sound designer to make a claim, but I do think the claim needs more than "omg so-and-so stole my guns sounds their bastards". Clear and transparent indication of who's on the hot seat, and exactly why, is something that needs to be visible, and I would commit to this level of transparency with absolutely no issue.The chance to appeal is also very important; this was never intended as an informal one-and-done lick-and-a-promise solution. Again, this is part of why this has been taking so long in the first place. We don't just want to come out, do it in pieces and screw it to hell. We know how important and potentially divisive this issue is, so if we're going to do it, we want to do it fairly and transparently.Key, I said it before, I'll say it again. You say no harm is being done by using assets from big companies. First of all, they don't know they're being pirated, so how can you say there's no harm? Second, are you willing to inform them that there are copyright violations in our community, in order to give them a fair chance to respond? Third and probably most damning, let's assume for just a moment that I buy the "no harm done" argument regarding big companies. Do you really think this hypocrisy - where it's okay to steal from Nintendo but not okay to steal from other devs - actually -helps people? Do you think that maybe, I dunno, it might be encouraging bad dev practices by being too soft on behaviour we really ought to try and move away from? Because I do, and by and large, the rest of the team does as well. So the harm being done is potential - if a big company gets hold of it and decides to raise hell - and internal (because our community has a bad habit of just taking shortcuts and claiming it's okay because the folks they're stealing from aren't going to go bankrupt or be financially impacted). In case you forgot, some of the rules we espouse here on this forum deal with decency. This is why you get warned when you personally attack someone. This is why you may get cautioned or warned if you can't keep your constructive criticism from boiling over into attacks. This is why we have rules against spam, against topic hijacking, against phobic language and racism and all the rest. Is predicating this rule change partially on decency really such a new and amazing precedent? If that were our only reason, or even our primary reason, then maybe you'd have a strong argument. But it's not, and you don't. Communities are governed not just for the financial and professional safety of developers, but also with respect to the indecent things some forum members participate in, support or in many cases try to hand-wave as tolerable. That's just how it is. And at this point, I'd -also like to remind you that we aren't talking about being iron-fisted on this, banning everything, banning users for single accidental infractions. We can't read your PMs and we're not going to try. We're not going to stalk you off the site and use that info to build cases against you. We seriously do not care what you play and how you play it outside of this very specific space; your choices are truly your own. But in this space, we have a duty to do what is best for the community. Sometimes that means updating or creating a rule to deal with new behaviour that is unacceptable. Sometimes that means taking a firmer stand on an issue that has the potential to cause harm, and which fosters problematic behaviours in the community itself. It also means accountability, honesty, integrity and transparency. That's why we're here. That's why we apologize if we do something wrong. That's why this process I alluded to, and which Defender laid out, sounds like an extremely good working frame for how to deal with situations like this. This system is not punitive or retributive. It's collaborative. Work with us and we will happily work with you. It's not rocket science.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is among us accessible?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindLightning via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is among us accessible?

Yeah amoung us ain’t a battle royale @tunmi13


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

@bryantOh well then...That's where the concept of due diligence comes in.The burden of responsibility for a small site like this can only reasonably be so great, and the mods can't be spending all their time on this issue, nor do they have the tools or expertise to do a thurro job of it.There is no foolproof solution, some cases will always fall through the cracks no matter what, my proposal seeks to work with the reality of the situation, rather than relying on having the most ideal circumstances.It's a compromise, but at this point that's the best we are going to get.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Defender, I like almost every bit of your proposal. It's a lot of legwork, and I feel that a bit of that legwork is needless, but otherwise, we're in agreement here.For instance: I don't believe that the copyright holder should be the only one who can start an investigation. I've hit on this before.I also am not a fan of restricting action against well-known violators of these standards - i.e., those who have already been well-documented - when that evidence overwhelmingly proves that assets are being used irrespective of copyright or ownership.I do believe, however, that a framework like yours is an excellent way to deal with future projects whose status at present is truly unknown.Key, I said it before, I'll say it again. You say no harm is being done by using assets from big companies. First of all, they don't know they're being pirated, so how can you say there's no harm? Second, are you willing to inform them that there are copyright violations in our community, in order to give them a fair chance to respond? Third and probably most damning, let's assume for just a moment that I buy the "no harm done" argument regarding big companies. Do you really think this hypocrisy - where it's okay to steal from Nintendo but not okay to steal from other devs - actually -helps people? Do you think that maybe, I dunno, it might be encouraging bad dev practices by being too soft on behaviour we really ought to try and move away from? Because I do, and by and large, the rest of the team does as well. So the harm being done is potential - if a big company gets hold of it and decides to raise hell - and internal (because our community has a bad habit of just taking shortcuts and claiming it's okay because the folks they're stealing from aren't going to go bankrupt or be financially impacted). In case you forgot, some of the rules we espouse here on this forum deal with decency. This is why you get warned when you personally attack someone. This is why you may get cautioned or warned if you can't keep your constructive criticism from boiling over into attacks. This is why we have rules against spam, against topic hijacking, against phobic language and racism and all the rest. Is predicating this rule change partially on decency really such a new and amazing precedent? If that were our only reason, or even our primary reason, then maybe you'd have a strong argument. But it's not, and you don't. Communities are governed not just for the financial and professional safety of developers, but also with respect to the indecent things some forum members participate in, support or in many cases try to hand-wave as tolerable. That's just how it is. And at this point, I'd -also like to remind you that we aren't talking about being iron-fisted on this, banning everything, banning users for single accidental infractions. We can't read your PMs and we're not going to try. We're not going to stalk you off the site and use that info to build cases against you. We seriously do not care what you play and how you play it outside of this very specific space; your choices are truly your own. But in this space, we have a duty to do what is best for the community. Sometimes that means updating or creating a rule to deal with new behaviour that is unacceptable. Sometimes that means taking a firmer stand on an issue that has the potential to cause harm, and which fosters problematic behaviours in the community itself. It also means accountability, honesty, integrity and transparency. That's why we're here. That's why we apologize if we do something wrong. That's why this process I alluded to, and which Defender laid out, sounds like an extremely good working frame for how to deal with situations like this. This system is not punitive or retributive. It's collaborative. Work with us and we will happily work with you. It's not rocket science.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

@JaydeNot everyone considers a police officer to be dangerous simply because they have a holstered firearm on their person.Most of us recognize that it's just a rarely used, and unfortunately still necessary tool of their trade.The assumptions here are disturbing to me, even if I understand and empathize with where it's coming from.After all, would you have this same level of immediate reaction to someone who had just been playing baseball coming to vote with a metal bat still over their shoulder and their jersey and pads on?I strongly disagree with this being classified as voter intimidation as it stands, without more information about the incident.  I definitely don't believe it's worth a termination of someone's livelyhood at this point either, even if it was irresponsible and against policy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Urgent: Help with blackboard needed

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Urgent: Help with blackboard needed

Hi.I think, more work needs to be done in labeling and stuff so that we can interact with the blackboard properly, I haven't used the blackboard that much, but did used white board, which is not accessible at all. How ever, I tried jamboard, works great, we are able to put sticky notes at least.Also, I haven't checked if the board works with NVDA V 20.2, I am having poor network so cannot update it right now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

@JaydeNot everyone considers a police officer to be dangerous simply because they have a holstered firearm on their person.Most of us recognize that it's just a rarely used, and unfortunately still necessary tool of their trade.The assumptions here are disturbing to me, even if I understand and empathize with where it's coming from.I don't believe this should be classified as voter intimidation as it stands, without more information about the incident.  I definitely don't believe it's worth a termination of someone's livelyhood at this point, even if it was irresponsible and against policy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@ironcross32You're being purposely obtuse, we both saw the libraries and packs I mentioned, nothing is stopping you from downloading and searching those as you would with any set of illegal libraries.  I could easily grab over a hundred and 80 gigs of pre sorted, pre tagged sounds just by looking at the topic in the dev room, and all without searching for more than a few minutes.The idea that you'll need to do heavy or even any cleanup work on most free sounds is also false.  Again, only a portion of the sites I mentioned were the community driven kind (on which you can still find studio quality work if you look but it is rare) the rest were professional quality libraries, and some of the most popular, like FreeSFX, SoundEffectsPlus, and Zapsplat specifically state that they legally pull most of their sounds from industry giants like Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge.And no, it's still not as easy, but at least you can avoid potential problems of legality or community backlash, and feel some pride in being honest and properly crediting the people who provided the material.I also find that it makes me more creative when I don't have everything handed to me, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to an inability to get started, and honestly, ultra crisp, super impactful, perfectly matched sounds really just aren't necessary for allot of projects anyway and often serve to distract from  developing the other, arguably more important elements like story or mechanics.Besides, it seems like finding ways to make it work with less helps you become a better sound designer, similar to how BGT limits you as a coder as compared to something like Python or C#.I didn't think it was amazing or anything my self, since I did it, but the top rated game for sound design in the audio game jam was Unwanted Passenger, and almost everyone who played it (including Liam and Gortholon) commented on the sound design.  That game, short as it was, used only free, properly licensed sounds, and it only took a little over a week to do them, with some of that being simple adjustments to the existing sounds do to changing mechanics.Your willful ignorance and defensive attitude is helping to reinforce the acceptance of this problem of sound reuse and disrespect for artists that cheapens audio games as a whole, and as someone who people listen to, I wish you'd be more responsible.If you want to continue using illegal sounds in your personal projects, I really couldn't care less my self, but at least don't pretend you're being forced to do so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@ironcross32You're being purposely obtuse, we both saw the libraries and packs I mentioned, nothing is stopping you from downloading and searching those as you would with any set of illegal libraries.  I could easily grab over a hundred and 80 gigs of pre sorted, pre tagged sounds just by looking at the topic in the dev room, and all without searching for more than a few minutes.The idea that you'll need to do heavy or even any cleanup work on most free sounds is also false.  Again, only a portion of the sites I mentioned were the community driven kind (on which you can still find studio quality work if you look but it is rare) the rest were professional quality libraries, and some of the most popular, like FreeSFX, SoundEffectsPlus, and Zapsplat specifically state that they legally pull most of their sounds from industry giants like Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge.And no, it's still not as easy, but at least you can avoid potential problems of legality or community backlash, and feel some pride in being honest and properly crediting the people who provided the material.I also find that it makes me more creative when I don't have everything handed to me, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to an inability to get started, and honestly, ultra crisp, super impactful, perfectly matched sounds really just aren't necessary for allot of projects anyway and often serve to distract from  developing the other, arguably more important elements like story or mechanics.Besides, it seems like finding ways to make it work with less helps you become a better sound designer, similar to how BGT limits you as a coder as compared to something like Python or C#.I didn't think it was amazing or anything my self, since I did it, but the top rated game for sound design in the audio game jam was Unwanted Passenger, and almost everyone who played it (including Liam and Gortholon) commented on the sound design.  That game, short as it was, used only free, properly licensed sounds, and it only took a little over a week to do them, with some of that being simple adjustments to the existing sounds do to changing mechanics.Your willful ignorance and defensive attitude is helping to reinforce the acceptance of this problem of sound reuse and disrespect for artists that cheapens audio games as a whole, and as someone who people listen to, I wish you'd be more responsible.If you want to continue using illegal sounds in your personal projects, I really couldn't care less my self, but at least don't pretend you're being forced to do so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@ironcross32You're being purposely obtuse, we both saw the libraries and packs I mentioned, nothing is stopping you from downloading and searching those as you would with any set of illegal libraries.  I could easily grab over a hundred and 50 gigs of pre sorted, pre tagged sounds just by looking at the topic in the dev room, and all without searching more than a few minutes.The idea that you'll need to do heavy or even any cleanup work on most free sounds is also false.  Again, only a portion of the sites I mentioned were the community driven kind (on which you can still find studio quality work if you look but it is rare) the rest were professional quality libraries, and some of the most popular, like FreeSFX, SoundEffectsPlus, and Zapsplat specifically state that they legally pull most of their sounds from industry giants like Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge.And no, it's still not as easy, but at least you can avoid potential problems of legality or community backlash, and feel some pride in being honest and properly crediting the people who provided the material.I also find that it makes me more creative when I don't have everything handed to me, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to an inability to get started, and honestly, ultra crisp, super impactful, perfectly matched sounds really just aren't necessary for allot of projects anyway and often serve to distract from  developing the other, arguably more important elements like story or mechanics.Besides, it seems like finding ways to make it work with less helps you become a better sound designer, similar to how BGT limits you as a coder as compared to something like Python or C#.I didn't think it was amazing or anything my self, since I did it, but the top rated game for sound design in the audio game jam was Unwanted Passenger, and almost everyone who played it (including Liam and Gortholon) commented on the sound design.  That game, short as it was, used only free, properly licensed sounds, and it only took a little over a week to do them, with some of that being simple adjustments to the existing sounds do to changing mechanics.Your willful ignorance and defensive attitude is helping to reinforce the acceptance of this problem of sound reuse and disrespect for artists that cheapens audio games as a whole, and as someone who people listen to, I wish you'd be more responsible.If you want to continue using illegal sounds in your personal projects, I really couldn't care less my self, but at least don't pretend you're being forced to do so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@ironcross32You're being purposely obtuse, we both saw the libraries and packs I mentioned, nothing is stopping you from downloading and searching those as you would with any set of illegal libraries.  I could easily grab over a hundred and 50 gigs of pre sorted, pre tagged sounds just by looking at the topic in the dev room, and all without searching more than a few minutes.The idea that you'll need to do heavy or even any cleanup work on most free sounds is also false.  Again, only a portion of the sites I mentioned were the community driven kind (on which you can still find studio quality work if you look but it is rare) the rest were professional quality libraries, and some of the most popular, like FreeSFX, SoundEffectsPlus, and Zapsplat specifically state that they legally pull most of their sounds from industry giants like Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge.And no, it's still not as easy, but at least you can avoid potential problems of legality or community backlash, and feel some pride in being honest and properly crediting the people who provided the material.I also find that it makes me more creative when I don't have everything handed to me, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to an inability to get started, and honestly, ultra crisp, super impactful, perfectly matched sounds really just aren't necessary for allot of projects anyway and often serve to distract from  developing the other, arguably more important elements like story or mechanics.Besides, it seems like finding ways to make it work with less helps you become a better sound designer, similar to how BGT limits you as a coder as compared to something like Python or C#.I didn't think it was amazing or anything my self, since I did it, but the top rated game for sound design in the audio game jam was Unwanted Passenger, and almost everyone who played it (including Liam and Gortholon) commented on the sound design.  That game, short as it was, used only free, properly licensed sounds, and it only took a little over a week to do them, with some of that being simple adjustments to the existing sounds do to changing mechanics.Your willful ignorance and defensive attitude is helping to reinforce the acceptance of this problem of sound reuse and disrespect for artists that cheapens audio games as a whole, and as someone who people listen to, I wish you'd be more responsible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

@key: again, I see this argument that Nintendo or any other company doesn't care what you do with there sounds. Let me ask a question. Has anyone contacted Nintendo regarding the fact that there assets are being used in games? No. So they don't even know that there assets are being used in the first place. We have no proof that they would or wouldn't care.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@ironcross32You're being purposely obtuse, we both saw the libraries and packs I mentioned, nothing is stopping you from downloading and searching those as you would with any set of illegal libraries.  I could easily grab over a hundred and 50 gigs of pre sorted, pre tagged sounds just by looking at the topic in the dev room, and all without searching more than a few minutes.The idea that you'll need to do heavy or even any cleanup work on most free sounds is also false.  Again, only a portion of the sites I mentioned were the community driven kind (on which you can still find studio quality work if you look but it is rare) the rest were professional quality libraries, and some of the most popular, like FreeSFX, SoundEffectsPlus, and Zapsplat specifically state that they legally pull most of their sounds from industry giants like Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge.And no, it's still not as easy, but at least you can avoid potential problems of legality or community backlash, and feel some pride in being honest and properly crediting the people who provided the material.I also find that it makes me more creative when I don't have everything provided to me, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to an inability to get started, and honestly, ultra crisp, super impactful, perfectly matched sounds really just aren't necessary for allot of projects anyway and often serve to distract from  developing the other, arguably more important elements like story or mechanics.Besides, it seems like finding ways to make it work with less helps you become a better sound designer, similar to how BGT limits you as a coder as compared to something like Python or C#.I didn't think it was amazing or anything my self, since I did it, but the top rated game for sound design in the audio game jam was Unwanted Passenger, and almost everyone who played it (including Liam and Gortholon) commented on the sound design.  That game, short as it was, used only free, properly licensed sounds, and it only took a little over a week to do them, with some of that being simple adjustments to the existing sounds do to changing mechanics.Your willful ignorance and defensive attitude is helping to reinforce the acceptance of this problem of sound reuse and disrespect for artists that cheapens audio games as a whole, and as someone who people listen to, I wish you'd be more responsible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

the potential problem I see with this proposal is that not every developer is going to know whether or not you stole his/her sounds, especially if they don't play or look at said game. WHy allow it at all is what I keep coming back to.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@ironcross32You're being purposely obtuse, we both saw the libraries and packs I mentioned, nothing is stopping you from downloading and searching those as you would with any set of illegal libraries.  I could easily grab over a hundred and 50 gigs of pre sorted, pre tagged sounds just by looking at the topic in the dev room, and all without searching more than a few minutes.The idea that you'll need to do heavy or even any cleanup work on most free sounds is also false.  Again, only a portion of the sites I mentioned were the community driven kind (on which you can still find studio quality work if you look but it is rare) the rest were professional quality libraries, and some of the most popular, like FreeSFX, SoundEffectsPlus, and Zapsplat specifically state that they legally pull most of their sounds from industry giants like Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge.And no, it's still not as easy, but at least you can avoid potential problems of legality or community backlash, and feel some pride in being honest and properly crediting the people who provided the material.I also find that it makes me more creative when I don't have everything provided to me, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to an inability to get started, and honestly, ultra crisp, super impactful, perfectly matched sounds really just aren't necessary for allot of projects anyway and often serve to distract from  developing the other, arguably more important elements like story or mechanics.Besides, it seems like finding ways to make it work with less helps you become a better sound designer, similar to how BGT limits you as a coder as compared to something like Python or C#.Your willful ignorance and defensive attitude is helping to reinforce the acceptance of this problem of sound reuse and disrespect for artists that cheapens audio games as a whole, and as someone who people listen to, I wish you'd be more responsible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@ironcross32You're being purposely obtuse, we both saw the libraries and packs I mentioned, nothing is stopping you from downloading and searching those as you would with any set of illegal libraries.  I could easily grab over a hundred and 50 gigs of pre sorted, pre tagged sounds just by looking at the topic in the dev room, and all without searching more than a few minutes.The idea that you'll need to do heavy or even any cleanup work on most free sounds is also false.  Again, only a portion of the sites I mentioned were the community driven kind (on which you can still find studio quality work if you look but it is rare) the rest were professional quality libraries, and some of the most popular, like FreeSFX, SoundEffectsPlus, and Zapsplat specifically state that they legally pull most of their sounds from industry giants like Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge.And no, it's still not as easy, but at least you can avoid potential problems of legality or community backlash, and feel some pride in being honest and properly crediting the people who provided the material.I also find that it makes me more creative when I don't have everything provided to me, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to an inability to get started, and finding ways to make it work helps you become a better sound designer, similar to how BGT limits you as a coder as compared to something like Python or C#.Your willful ignorance and defensive attitude is helping to reinforce the acceptance of this problem of sound reuse and disrespect for artists that cheapens audio games as a whole, and as someone who people listen to, I wish you'd be more responsible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tracy_20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

Sorry for the launch chaos earlier. We'd like to thank all who came out to try the game. Also, my apologies for being way late to the posting party. It has been a busy evening.If you have questions, suggestions, or cratiques, feel free to send us a support ticket. I will take a few notes from the suggestions here if that is permitted.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: learning bgt with open source games

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning bgt with open source games

in my openion i hate, it means i really hate bgt.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how to switch between workspace and editor in notepad++?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how to switch between workspace and editor in notepad++?

@3great. i never got this idea


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem with VIP Mud

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with VIP Mud

@ironcross32Please stop injecting your off topic opinions, no one asked for that information.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

I like Key's idea.Don't bother trying to figure out the legal status of a game's sounds unless an officially recognized developer/sound designer contacts the mod team privately with a complaint and solid proof that they belong to them, such as a receipt/invoice for the sound libraries with  identifying info, matching metadata and file attributes that a mod could verify for them selves by downloading the suspect game, or directions on how to reveal a unique watermark which was imbedded (something which people really need to start doing).If the team agrees that the evidence is good enough, temporarily remove any links to the game you can find, close the game's topic if there is one and add a moderation post, then give the other party a chance to privately defend them selves with evidence such as links to the majority of the sounds on a legal free website or their own purchase receipts/invoices for the same libraries.A closed moderation topic with the game's name in the title (for visibility) giving the other recognized party a fare chance to contact the staff privately to defend them selves within a reasonable time limit such as one week, along with a PM or email to them if listed, should be good enough.If the deadline is reached and either contact hasn't been established or both sides have conflicting evidence, than a decision should be made by the mod team based on what they know.If they do prove them selves or the case is dropped, open it back up again, restore the links and edit the moderation post.  A double warning (for the reputation smearing/wasted moderation time it caused) should also be given to the accuser if there is strong evidence that the claim was made in bad faith.Any legitimate representative of a banned game should have the right to appeal the decision privately even after the deadline, with a timelimit (for instance every 90 days) on how often one can be made to avoid spamming the mods, as long as they provide good evidence.Assuming the counterclaim is legit, the mods can vote on whether or not to open the case back up and then the burden of proof is flipped.Obviously this isn't perfect, but I do think it's a pretty decent framework, and if laid out as a rule in plane English it's actually pretty simple.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Introducing Forge, an ACcessible version of Magic: the Gathering

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : parnooson1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Introducing Forge, an ACcessible version of Magic: the Gathering

greeting alli have a problim with forge. when i finished a game i can't process to the next game, when i press on next game button the game frise.any help?thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

I like Key's idea.Don't bother trying to figure out the legal status of a game's sounds unless an officially recognized developer/sound designer contacts the mod team privately with a complaint and solid proof that they belong to them, such as a receipt/invoice for the sound libraries with  identifying info, matching metadata and file attributes that a mod could verify for them selves, or directions on how to reveal a unique watermark.If the team agrees that the evidence is good enough, temporarily remove any links to the game you can find, close the game's topic if there is one and add a moderation post, then give the other party a chance to privately defend them selves with evidence such as links to the majority of the sounds on a legal free website or their own purchase receipts/invoices for the same libraries.A closed moderation topic with the game's name in the title (for visibility) giving the other recognized party a fare chance to contact the staff privately to defend them selves within a reasonable time limit such as one week, along with a PM or email to them if listed, should be good enough.If the deadline is reached and either contact hasn't been established or both sides have conflicting evidence, than a decision should be made by the mod team based on what they know.If they do prove them selves or the case is dropped, open it back up again, restore the links and edit the moderation post.  A double warning (for the reputation smearing/wasted moderation time it caused) should also be given to the accuser if there is strong evidence that the claim was made in bad faith.Any legitimate representative of a banned game should have the right to appeal the decision privately even after the deadline, with a timelimit (for instance every 90 days) on how often one can be made to avoid spamming the mods, as long as they provide good evidence.Assuming the counterclaim is legit, the mods can vote on whether or not to open the case back up and then the burden of proof is flipped.Obviously this isn't perfect, but I do think it's a pretty decent framework, and if laid out as a rule in plane English it's actually pretty simple.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

I like Key's idea.Don't bother trying to figure out the legal status of a game's sounds unless an officially recognized developer/sound designer contacts the mod team privately with a complaint and solid proof that they belong to them, such as a receipt/invoice for the sound libraries with  identifying info, matching metadata and file attributes that a mod could verify for them selves, or directions on how to reveal a unique watermark.If the team agrees that the evidence is good enough, temporarily remove any links to the game you can find, close the game's topic if there is one and add a moderation post, then give the other party a chance to privately defend them selves with evidence such as links to the majority of the sounds on a legal free website or their own purchase receipts/invoices for the same libraries.A closed moderation topic with the game's name in the title (for visibility) giving the other recognized party a fare chance to contact the staff privately to defend them selves within a reasonable time limit such as one week, along with a PM or email to them if listed, should be good enough.If the deadline is reached and either contact hasn't been established or both sides have conflicting evidence, than a decision should be made by at least two moderators, but preferably the whole team.If they do prove them selves or the case is dropped, open it back up again, restore the links and edit the moderation post.  A double warning (for the reputation smearing/wasted moderation time it caused) should also be given to the accuser if there is strong evidence that the claim was made in bad faith.Any legitimate representative of a banned game should have the right to appeal the decision privately even after the deadline, with a timelimit (for instance every 90 days) on how often one can be made to avoid spamming the mods, as long as they provide good evidence.Assuming the counterclaim is legit, the mods can vote on whether or not to open the case back up and then the burden of proof is flipped.Obviously this isn't perfect, but I do think it's a pretty decent framework, and if laid out as a rule in plane English it's actually pretty simple.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

I like Key's idea.Don't bother trying to figure out the legal status of a game's sounds unless an officially recognized developer/sound designer contacts the mod team privately with a complaint and solid proof that they belong to them, such as a receipt/invoice for the sound libraries with  identifying info, matching metadata and file attributes that a mod could verify for them selves, or directions on how to reveal a unique watermark.If the evidence is good enough, temporarily remove any links to the game you can find, close the game's topic if there is one and add a moderation post, then give the other party a chance to privately defend them selves with evidence such as links to the majority of the sounds on a legal free website or their own purchase receipts/invoices for the same libraries.A closed moderation topic with the game's name in the title (for visibility) giving the other recognized party a fare chance to contact the staff privately to defend them selves within a reasonable time limit such as one week, along with a PM or email to them if listed, should be good enough.If the deadline is reached and either contact hasn't been established or both sides have conflicting evidence, than a decision should be made by at least two moderators, but preferably the whole team.If they do prove them selves or the case is dropped, open it back up again, restore the links and edit the moderation post.  A double warning (for the reputation smearing/wasted moderation time it caused) should also be given to the accuser if there is strong evidence that the claim was made in bad faith.Any legitimate representative of a banned game should have the right to appeal the decision privately even after the deadline, with a timelimit (for instance every 90 days) on how often one can be made to avoid spamming the mods, as long as they provide good evidence.Assuming the counterclaim is legit, the mods can vote on whether or not to open the case back up and then the burden of proof is flipped.Obviously this isn't perfect, but I do think it's a pretty decent framework, and if laid out as a rule in plane English it's actually pretty simple.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: questions about Spotify

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: questions about Spotify

Hi guys.A question for you. I'm using Spotify on my Touch +, and I have been having trouble bringing up the full screen audio player to access things like shuffle. I did it once but don't remember how. Is there something I should look for that will help? Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: questions about Spotify

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: questions about Spotify

Hi guys.A question for you. I'm using Spotify on my Touch +, and I have been having trouble bringing up the full screen audio player to access things like shuffle. I did it once but don't remember how. Is there something I should look for that will help? Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

@60 this is exactly the point I'm trying to make. There, is, no, real, harm, being, done. Not with the piracy of the Alter Aeon or Crazy Party or even with Rhythm Rage. Nintendo doesn't care about a fan work that uses its sounds, especially since its free. Neither do the creators of Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter, from which many of the mush-z sounds were lifted, nor does Bruno Mars, who admittedly was probably entitled to a tiny royalty every time someone played the Uptown Funk song in Rhythm Rage. All of the major offenders that Jade likes to harp on, about, which are basically the examples I have just listed, are free. I wish that they didn't ask for donations without acknowledging that they piggybacked on someone else's work. and if it were up to me, i would ask the creators to credit the developers of the assets they used, or get rid of their donate buttons. But the fact of the matter is, their supposed victims aren't hurting. is supposed to promote the development of audiogames, not serve as this shining city on a hill of good morals. It, is, made, to, promote, audiogames. Making developers worry about this will do far more damage to the development of games than it helps. I encourage anyone who agrees with me about the no harm / promote audio game development policy to go back up to post 47 and click that thumb up button because I'm tired of all of this meandering and I want us to have some concreet rules that help guide the web site to fulfill its primary purpose, which is, if I need to repeat it again, promoting the development and discussion of audiogames.Edit: fixed some typos


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

@60 this is exactly the point I'm trying to make. There, is, no, real, harm, being, done. Not with the piracy of the Alter Aeon or Crazy Party or even with Rhythm Rage. Nintendo doesn't care about a fan work that uses its sounds, especially since its free. Neither do the creators of Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter, from which many of the mush-z sounds were lifted, nor does Bruno Mars, who admittedly was probably entitled to a tiny royalty every time someone played the Uptown Funk song in Rhythm Rage. All of the major offenders that Jade harps likes to harp on, which are basically the examples I have just listed, are free. I wish that they didn't ask for donations without acknolwedging that they piggybacked on someone else's work. and if it were up to me, i would ask the creators to credit the developers of the assets they used, or get rid of their donate buttons. But the fact of the matter is, their supposed victims aren't hurting. is supposed to promote the development of audiogames, not serve as this shining city on a hill of good morals. It, is, made, to, promote, audiogames. Making developers worry about this will do far more damage to the development of games than it helps. I encourage anyone who agrees with me about the no harm / promote audio game development policy to go back up to post 4 and click that thumb up button because I'm tired of all of this meandering and I want us to have some rule concreet rules that help guide the web site to fulfill its primary purpose, which is, if I need to repeat it again, promoting the development and discussion of audiogames.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

@ironcooss, I noticed. Most people I saw seem to have chosen Sector B. Just out of curiosity, did anyone choose Sector C?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Problem with Gameroom, I must write It about here

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Problem with Gameroom, I must write It about here

Hello.Maybe You just ask, why I must write about this problem here.I have mistakenly delete My account from playroom and I couldn't create another on My e-mail. It looks, like e-mail is on the database of Quentin C's Gameroom. I would like to contact with Aminiel. I have written down some messages via contact form, but nobody responses to me.So please, could You contact with Aminiel to contact me on my e-mail? E-mail begins marco.oros.Thank You lot for Your help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Mastodont, I agree with you in theory, but not in principle.Here's an example.Let's say for some silly reason that the staff team decides to ban the word "blue", but instead of telling people ahead of time, we punish someone, then invent the rule. That's bad. I think we'd all agree that's bad. It's not purely because there was no rule beforehand though. It's awful because a reasonable person could not have been expected to know that they were in violation of any rule, law, or even a social norm. To punish them in any way for that, before the rule has been published and explained, is completely unfair. We agree on that.Where we disagree here is in the application of such an action where it concerns actions that a reasonable person would consider potentially harmful. I think most of you know that copyright infringement is wrong, at least on some level. I think most of you know that if someone makes a game or any sort of project, and you yoink some of the assets to use for yourself without asking, or without getting permission, or without proper attribution, you're at the very, very least in a moral gray area. You don't have the benefit of the doubt here. You can't possibly claim you had no idea at all that what you were doing was a problem, the same way the person in my above blue example could.This wasn't a totally blue-sky decision (see what I did there?). This was not a scenario where folks had absolutely no idea that what they were doing might be wrong. There's no plausible deniability here. There has been precedent for this change for a long time. The fact that we haven't known how to begin enforcing that precedent before now is a testament to a lot of things, and most of them don't actually rest with us. But I've talked that part of the argument to death, so I'm not going to chase it any further. I am very hopeful that any and all projects who have part of all of their community support conditionally withdrawn are willing to address the issues which caused it in the first place. This includes Vast Horizon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Going back to the rule suggestion for a moment, relying on the owner of sounds to complain won't work for things like Crazy Party or the Alter Aeon soundpack. Not unless, as Jayde says, someone's willing and able to drop those companies a line and inform them that their assets are being used. Honestly, I don't see many people being willing to do so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pitch Black: A Detective's Demise

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: A Detective's Demise

Thanks for sharing. I really look forward to this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Music and it's impacts on dealing with trouble

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Music and it's impacts on dealing with trouble

Most contemporary mainstream music doesn't really do much for me. What I need in order to evoke some sort of emotional response is bluegrass or mountain music, old country, classic / southern rock, or folk music. I'm partial to Celtic music. I also like Tuvan throat singing.Music where the sound engineer is doing the lion's share of the work just isn't for me. It's too sterile and commercial. Give me groove, feel, a funky bass line, meaningful lyrics, or good musicianship.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

@54, thumbs up to you! You are right and I agree with you. If you want to punish someone for doing something wrong then you must have the framework, the necessary law where you specify what action is punished and what the punishment can be. If every country would go punishing their people and only after that bringing up a law to justify their action then it would be chaos. You can't say I am doing something wrong if there is no rule to say what is wrong or right. If you want to punish people for illegal using of assets then design a rule so everyone knows what is allowed and what is forbidden, provide a set of actions that will be taken against the user in question and start punishing. Untill then there is no real ground for that. You can't violate a rule if there is no rule, mind you, we are not a church nor a philosophical school debating whether it is moral or not to use and share assets we are a forum where everyone is allowed to post if they follow the rules laid out. There are people from many cultures and many backgrounds, for some cracking, pirating and using ilegal assets is perfectly fine because they have used them for all their life and never got punished, for some it's not because they addhere to a moral standard and keep it. As a moderator, your role isn't to tell who is wrong in their beliefs and moral principles or who isn't, but to make sure that the rules of this forum are followed and to apply adequate punishment if someone breaks them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

@54, thumbs up to you! You are right and I agree with you. If you want to punish someone for doing something wrong then you must have the framework, the necessary law where you specify what action is punished and what the punishment can be. If every country would go punishing their people and only after that bringing up a law to justify their action then it would be chaos. You can't say I am doing something wrong if there is no rule to say what is wrong or right. If you want to punish people for illegal using of assets then design a rule so everyone knows what is allowed and what is forbidden, provide a set of actions that will be taken against the user in question and start punishing. Untill then there is no real ground for that. You can't violate a rule if there is no rule, mind you, we are not a church nor a philosophical school debating whether is moral or not to use and share assets we are a forum where everyone is allowed to post if they follow the rules laid out. There are people from many cultures and many backgrounds, for some cracking, pirating and using ilegal assets is perfectly fine because they have used them for all their life and never got punished, for some it's not because they addhere to a moral standard and keep it. As a moderator, your roles aren't to tell who is wrong in their belief and who isn't, but to make sure that the rules of this forum are followed and to apply adequate punishment if someone breaks them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

Bro, you need a mortar and pestle first. You transfer the stuff from your backpack or herb container into the mortar and pestle, then grind it.You should be doing this manually until you know how it works, then mess with autogrind. Also com is short for comfrey, which is a medicinal herb you can forage.In order to make poultices, you require fresh ground herbs of different types. That's what you're doing and is why you need the mortar and pestle.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hades - roguelike dungeon crawler

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hades - roguelike dungeon crawler

Hi.I've bought the game and given it a try. It seems really cool.I'm not sure on how to activate the God mode in the settings. Is it the second last item in the settings menu? How to confirm that it has been enabled?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

can someone explain to me how autogrind works. I did the example in the file and when I did that it says I need a tool to grind.herbtype fresh comherb pouchherb2 pouchautogrind ontrans fresh com from pouch to mor;grindwhat does mor;grind mean?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what is this?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what is this?

What is this?this is a topic subject which says absolutely nothing...Seriously, this is the second topic you create about the Epic Games store. Why not just continue in the topic you've already made?Even worse, post 4 in the other topic is exactly what you write in post 1 in this topic. So I'll consider this topic as spam...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what is this?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what is this?

What is this?this is a topic subject which says absolutely nothing...Seriously, this is the second topic you create about the Epic Games store. Why not just continue in the topic you've already made?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what is this?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what is this?

What is this?this is a topic subject which says absolutely nothing...


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Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla is not comming to steam.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla is not comming to steam.

Hi.Am I wrong, or wasn't there a request from Epic games regarding feedback to accessibility in their launcher? Or was that an other company?@Berenion: Have you even tried Stadia?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

wish I could, but the rp story passes over my head..


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is among us accessible?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is among us accessible?



Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Tracy_20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

The only thing I have to say on this matter is that everybody can learn from the mishandling of this pack issue and move forward rather than verbally sparring and ripping apart a vital assistant to gaming. I do believe that I was treated unfairly in that nobody attempted to contact the developers until after the explosion started. I also think it wrong to throw around the word stolen without getting both sides to the story. However, continuing the arguing won't solve anything. We either stay here and abide by the wishes of the mods, or we don't. It's as simple as that. I hope you all have a fine rest of your evening, morning, or afternoon.


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Re: A non-online football (soccer) manager?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A non-online football (soccer) manager?

The only one that comes to mind is football chairman, it's available for IOS devices. In the game you play in the football league of england and you start from the bottom, working your way up to the first league, playing the national coup and champions league if you qualify. I find it quite challenging and I often get back into it just for the fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dealing with procrastination

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dealing with procrastination

Yup. Same boat here. At the moment I have to do a powerpoint on the effects of exploiting resources, I had to fill and write a Spanish form, make a YouTube video, and I had to do a group project where we had to do an advertisment, and well, the group I was stuck in, to put it bluntly, fucking sucked cocks, and because of their stupidity, my grade will plommit. I  spent about 25 minutes writing the script only for the guy who was putting it together to do a very, extremely, grammatically incorrect, flavourless, stutterying rattle bucket of a voiceover, and they didn't even bother telliing her that  wrote one and they completely ignored t. Rant aside, this is the kinda crap you have to go through iin high schoool, and to add insult to injury, teachers and parents don't give 2 fucks about our mental state. Get over 75 and get 11 out of 12 commendations and you're good. Get a C and fuck you, we're not going to even give you any credit for trying your damnest to keep up. I was travelling in a taxi the other day, the guy was a bit crazy. I know this because he diidn't believe corona was real until Trumpy boy got it. Eitherways, he spent about ten minutes going on about how its gonna prepare me for life, and 've got to deal with it, and blah blah blah blah. Like, uh, what the fuck? Have you looked at your child's book recently and tell me hoow many of the stuff in there is valuable or usefful? Most adults here say that the work has become ridicuolus, while they still come down on us if we falter even the slightest.Like, our maths teacher gave us a thoousand lines of penence for not putting in statements n the first year of fsecondary school. But yeah.  can't wait for 2025 when  can fnally be out of secondary school and attempt to get into the UWIII. Fortunately if  do well enough  have government paiid universiity so that's good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

JayJay, if this was going to begin and end with Vast Horizons, you'd be dead right.If it had been up to me, in hindsight, I would probably have started with the biggest offenders, like Crazy Party or the AA soundpack via MushZ. This is where the apology comes from, because until we followed up, it absolutely did look like we were just cherry-picking. But that's not going to be how we do this.Like it or not, Vast Horizons definitely did stuff it shouldn't have. That alone could have, in a less piracy-friendly climate, been grounds for the intervention we took. I believe that part of the reason some of you didn't like this - not all of you, of course - is it's been so much of a wink-wink-nudge-nudge situation before now. People just turned a blind eye and ignored it because it was fun or because they couldn't be bothered using their own assets, or whatever other reasons they had. Now suddenly someone comes in, makes a ruling that sort of upsets the apple-cart, and folks freak out.No. This will not begin -and end with Vast Horizon. We're not singling them out. They were the first one. They will not be the only one. And indeed, given that they appear to be very willing to help improve their sound pack, our support for that sound pack may be reinstated in the future.Need I remind you here that what we're talking about is not, in fact, a blanket ban on all discussion? We're going to drop active support for problematic projects. Nothing stops you playing those projects. Nothing stops you even talking about them for the most part. Just don't link to them if their support has been conditionally withdrawn. If the reason their support was withdrawn no longer applies, then we'll happily reinstate them. We're not trying to punish anybody here.


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Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

@staticmaster.Your post has been very thought provoking and life changing. thank you so much for this enlightening set of words which has brought tears to my eyes. How could I not have known? How was I so clueless?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bk3 save

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bk3 save

nun of thees save files work  for me.


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Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

I really need to build a ghost/undead duo team and challenge you guys at some point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

I really need to build a ghost/undead duo team and challenge you guys at some point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

But the thing is why this though? Why didn't you decide to go play some game like I don't know, just calling a random game here, STW or something? Why did you choose to crack down on this, and not all the other blaintant offenders like CP? Why not Rhythem Rage, or why not all the other stuff that are allowed to gon unscaved? Seriously, your comparison between ths and the Jonkster thing isn't even comperable, since one is a gross privicy violaton, while this just did what you allowed dozens of fother stuff to go on moderation free. Looking at this on the perspective of someone just lookingg in it screams dodgyness, and 'm sure 'm not the only one who thinks so. Also, notice how the dev hasn't came on the forum since? Wonder why? Hmm?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Kai, for someone who doesn't mean harm and doesn't want drama, you're sure not leaving quietly. It's your right to leave if you want, obviously, but I think your view on the facts is skewed.I've talked in the past about "case law", which is to say, situations that come up which merit intervention even if there isn't a specific rule to deal with it yet. There was a forum user last year who posted a recording of a woman and was trying to figure out who it was...very, very much not okay. There was not, at that time, a rule against this, but I think most people would agree that this behaviour is not okay. As such, we used out judgment, warned him for it, then put the rule in place.The same thing is happening for Vast Horizons. They admitted that their sound pack has problems, and that was enough for us to step in, and also enough to light a fire under our collective asses to get us to once and for all actually deal with this hypocritical assets-use issue. It looked like we were picking on Vast Horizon; we weren't, but impression management matters, so that's why the apology was made.Just as that one user was the catalyst for the rule about divulging a person's information (including voice), so Vast Horizons was the catalyst for meaningful change. It is not reasonable to construct a set of rules from a haphazard system which accounts for absolutely every eventuality. Put bluntly, people are going to find, invent or otherwise utilize new ways of getting around existing rules. It's a small minority, but it happens. Eventually, something will come up where it's too big to ignore, and a new rule or amendment to a rule has to be put in place.This is not totalitarianism. We're talking to you civilly. We're hearing your arguments. We're not killing this forum. Take a breath and put this into perspective.


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help! eurofly terrible bug!

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zargonbr via Audiogames-reflector


help! eurofly terrible bug!

hello person. recently, i'm having this damn bug on eurofly, what should i do, this is the bug. Application Error dialog Exception EAccessViolation in module Eurofly.exe at 002E3CB4.Access violation at address 006E3CB4 in module 'Eurofly.exe'. Read of address .


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Re: Is among us accessible?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is among us accessible?

So in a way, it's really similar to a Mafia / werewolf game, but also different. Similar in a sense that one person is picked as an impostor on your spaceship, and before you can take off you have to find him. It can also be configured so you play with 2 or 3 of them. Now, you have to vote who you think it is, but it isn't just that. Before the vote, the impostor can kill other people. He does it when the lights are off, and in this situation other people can see that he did so and notify the rest of your crew, though of course the impostor tries his best to pretend they are lying. The rest of the crew has tasks to perform, and in a way they are like small minigames. For example, adjusting the generators, reactors, downloading the weapon data, and so on. In a sence that's it, and to be honest myself I don't know how some of the things in there would work in audio. However, let's say if 3 or 4 people started a discussion and proposed different ideas, we could get something productive.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : staticmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

the unbeatable gunner challenge. select a random user from the form and start saying bad things about them. if you mannage to get them band, you win. but if you mannage to get yourself band, sucks for younon cence englishthis is me. I have arm that's very big and can hol 5 legs. I have a steal war cooker that can cook cars. I was driving a super computer when the computer hit a knife. the knife smashedd a nearby airplain and it exploded and destroyd a human. then a dog comes up to the computer and punches them in the balls. the balls role out and punches the dog in the mouth. he dogs mouth turns into a car


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

Yo we just drinkin in the hall of the Drake hotel like a couple of god damn vagrants


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is among us accessible?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is among us accessible?

i don't think so, well mabey but that isn't really all, from what i've  ubzerved, it's a game, ware a random player is randomly picked to be an inposter, and so the inposter gos around killing people, and you half to try and find the inposter, but there is  stuf trying to stop you, i think,  there's probibly alot mor, but the games are also protected by a password, so you would half to need a password to join it, but yeah, if osmeone made a version of this for us then i   would be really happy.


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Publishing Games In China

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Publishing Games In China

As found on [gamasutra]:China can be a lucrative market to publish a game into, but it can also be very challenging to get your foot in the door, its not quite like posting a game on or a traditional store front and calling it a day. If anyone's interested as to what those challenges and certification processes are to breaking into the market, you can read a full teardown [here].


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

A lot of these rules seem to be up to the judgement of the moderation staff, and if the bar is set by their thinking that it was perfectly fine to enforce a rule which had yet to be ratified, I no longer trust their judgement on other affairs. Nor have they removed their moderation post on Vast Horizons, even though Jayde delivered a veiled apology laced with more of the same "we know what's better for you" kind of speech. The failure to delete the moderation post means that they're still absolutely fine trying to enforce a rule which is not in the rules section, and you guys agreeing to it are basically saying it's fine for them to drum up any reason to moderate your activities, on a whim, and without your prior consent.I've been a member of this site for quite a long time, but since this is the new regime, and given that even some users are fine being punished under rules that don't exist and are willing to defend this behaviour and the condescension this implies, I'm going to follow Aprone's example and take my leave of this website.Enjoy your totalitarian forum, folks. Don't be surprised when this example of you being perfectly willing to accept nonexistent rules as law leads to off the cuff punishments in the future, where the moderators will just make up one excuse or another to justify their unwarranted punishments. If they can convince themselves that it's fine springing a punishment based on a rule that hasn't even been published to the site yet and heaping the consequences and negative publicity on a new developer, it's only a matter of time before you'll be silenced simply because your views differ from that of the moderation team.I frequent for, well, the games. I don't frequent it for this kind of bs and drama, nor do I visit this place so that some select number of users can potentially at any time decree that something I'm doing is against their imaginary rules. And so, with that, I bid you guys fair well. It's been mostly fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Don't ask, don't tell has worked for decades, there's nothing wrong with that policy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

if the stolen asset becomes popular enough then the original owner will eventually hear about it because the community is that small. And if they don't hear about it, I agree piracy isn't okay but also the harm done is so small that it's not worth fussing over. Morally I hate this but we have to be practical around here at some point. Regarding your concern of the don't ask don't tell thing, I don't think that would happen. People talk. A lot of it's public. I would have to seriously consider about the example of some reputable person tipping off the mod team about possible stolen assets, but in order to act on this tipoff the mods shoud get in contact with the person who originally created the sound to confirm with them. If the person who sent the tipoff can't tell who the original owner of the sound was, then the complaint is dead on arrival. I am trying to set up these guidelines to minimize harm done.


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Re: Netflix and Audio Description

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Netflix and Audio Description

Yeah, when season 2 came out, it was not described. Might he now though, haven't checked back to see if it ever got it. At least cobra kai is described. Hope they do season 3 of that also.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

yeah it was definitely out of the blue. We should've done better, thankfully the dev of Vh seems pretty cool on first impression. That having been said the only new component here is the widespread application of this rule. I remember complaints about unauthorized assets eventually leading to warnings a time or two, but it took a hot minute for hypocrisy to be called, then came piracy and audiovault and anime and now here we are.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is among us accessible?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is among us accessible?

Not one to advertise but, I am attempting a battle-royale style thing, if that is what I believe Among Us is.


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Re: am I learning in the wrong way?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jamestoh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: am I learning in the wrong way?

Never a fan of textbook learning myself. maybe thats why i am failing


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

This is why we will probably start with the obvious offenders, the ones where there is absolutely zero doubt, and go from there. We are not looking to cross-examine 99% of the games in the database here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

The Unmatch thumbs upper challenge: Thumbs up every single posts, in every single topics, in this forrum.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: challenges we shouldn't play on the forum

The unmatch thumbs upper challenge: Thumbs up every single posts, in every single topic, in this forrum.


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Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

Wel, sinss Jayde go's first with the sound team, I think I'll try a flying type team this time. See how it go's.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is among us accessible?

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is among us accessible?

Precisely when somebody asks what new concepts we are missing in Audiogaming, this is the type of game. As far as I know nobody even attempted something similar.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

The problem again I have with sound packs is there is no way to prove ownership of the sound that I know of. I assume, and I'm sure the vast horizon creators would as well, that if the sound is not encrypted it is fine to be used as is, and there isn't a way to protect your sounds that you want to keep proprietary in a mud client. Now, credit sure, they could always give credit. To be fair, the VH staff are fixing it, but this was a pretty shitty way to go about that particular situation.Normally I agree with staff here, but this seemed pretty out of the blue and a bit unprofessional as others have stated, and I think you will have a hell of a time enforcing this since proving ownership of a wav file that is probably in six or seven different games already is going to be tough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

Lol I love how we all as a collective have this sort of disdain for sector A types, and it just sort of happened organically.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jamestoh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

Oh cool. I tried with the DS4 program and now it works. Thanks.


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