Re: Bookrage's choiceofgames reviews

2019-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bookrage's choiceofgames reviews

I'm really surprised Choice of Rebels hasn't been mentioned yet. It's objectively one of their best games, (biggest opening day sales, very highly rated, one of the longest in the main line), and deserves every ounce of praise it's ever gotten. Joel Havenstone is just on a different level writing wise compared to your average COG writer. It's one of the only games where I've gone back multiple times and just made the same choices to relive the story for it's own merits, it's just that good. Seriously, could go on for hours about how much I love this one, would kill to get my hands on the next four games in the series sooner rather than later. If you took out the choices and made it into a novel series I'd still read it, not to imply that it's the type of game to railroad you a lot.  Another great writer as Dark mentioned is Paul Wang, who did Mecha Ace, which is a great standalone, Choice of Broadsides HMS Foraker, which is a short free game, and the Kendrickstone series, which honestly not so much a fan of. He's also done the Infinity series for the hosted games line, and those are his best work, they're just in the hosted games line because they're genderlocked male and COG isn't down for that.Another one I really enjoyed is Slammed, which somehow manages to be awesome even though I'm not really a wrestling fan (more into MMA). It's just a compelling story, that explains everything it needs to explain so that it's accessible to your average reader. it's the character dynamics that make this one great.Choice of robots is also really solid, and has ridiculous amounts of variability in how the story can play out.All of Mike Walter's stuff (Life of a wizard/mobster, lost air) is very vanilla and sticks to genre tropes, but really fun if you're into minmaxy RPG stuff. Clear, concise writing, isn't trying to do more than entertain you for a couple hours. Definitely something I'd classify as a  game, not a gamebook.Zombie exodus, both of them, are also really good, and are worth your time if you're into zombies, but they do have their weaknesses so it really depends.There's a bunch that aren't that great as games, but got me to chuckle, like choice of the star captain, For rent haunted house, and neighborhood necromancer, but I definitely wouldn't start with those.I'll come back if I can think of any more.


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Re: The Vale Official Release Announcement

2019-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale Official Release Announcement

If someone could please post the beta again, that would be great. I lost my copy of the thing and want to play it again to decide how I feel about it before deciding to buy later.


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Re: News from Valiant galaxy associates

2019-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: News from Valiant galaxy associates

Seems like a really cool concept, unfortunately this self voiced voice is incredibly irritating to me, and I’m wondering if it would be possible for you to create a mode where we could use SAPI instead


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Re: I'd like to get into mainstream gaming.

2019-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'd like to get into mainstream gaming.

What if I rephrase. Are there any games that I can independently play and theoretically enjoy in the mainstream market? If so, where can I find guides on how to get things working. E.G: menu guides, audio queues that matter, general advice, ETC.Or is this going to be one of those trial and error things.Basically, is it possible to be a casual gamer and enjoy mainstream games, or will there have to be a huge time commitment to find things that work for me and learn how they work.


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Re: The Great Toy Robbery is getting Updates

2019-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Great Toy Robbery is getting Updates

Heavy toys that slow you down but are worth a lot more points would be cool.certain toys being throwable at elves would also be a fun little gimmick, say you throw a Frisbee  and it knocks Jimmy the elf off his Pogo stick freezing him for 10 seconds.


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I'd like to get into mainstream gaming.

2019-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


I'd like to get into mainstream gaming.

Where do I start? I literally know nothing. I'm interested in purchasing a console, if it's actually worth it, but have no idea what to go for, which games would be accessible, ETC.All thoughts are welcome. Remember, I'm a newb.


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Re: muds with accesable hiacking systems?

2019-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: muds with accesable hiacking systems?

Firstly, I miss wayfar1444. It was such a fun little thing.Secondly, has anyone made a decent set of Starmorn  scripts yet? If you thought your average space moo was inaccessible without sounds and the like, you should try Starmorn sometime.


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Re: Star conquest.

2019-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Star conquest.

Literally, who is your character. You've only got 35 words, so don't say anything that applies to all characters, everyone already knows your character is a pilot so don't waste your words restating it. Just tell them the idea for your character. I like helping people isn't an idea for a character, because it tells the reader nothing about the character. Many people like helping people, for vastly different reasons. Knowing someone likes to help but not knowing anything else is like knowing how a book will end without having read the book. What's special about your character that makes them worth playing. That's all it is. If you have a profile, look at the personality section and see if you can string together a sentence summing up the most important bits. I know that's worked for others in the past.


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Re: calling all mud players

2019-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling all mud players

Sure, I’ll take the plunge.What makes a good activity: three things.1, I need to have something worth working for. CR, as it currently stands, gives me nothing that I feel will drastically change the game for me to work for. Why should I do more button mashing if all I’ll get after doing said button mashing is the ability to do more button mashing? If there isn’t a new mechanic/toy/substantially different goal for me to work for, why should I bother. Why should I spent hours trash collecting just for the ability to go volcano harvesting, which is literally the same thing? Then, why should I spend hours volcano harvesting so that I can go orbit cleaning, which is literally the same activity again. Etcetera. If I have nothing drastically different to look forwards to, I’m done. It doesn’t have to be something huge, even just the ability to do a more advanced quest once my combat skills increase is enough for me.2, the activities ability to engage me.    Let me describe to you what your average cosmic rage activity looks like to me.Type initial command.Type it again.Again.Again.Again.Another 35 times (not exaggerating in the slightest).Oh no something went wrong, type one extra command to fix it.Okay, now type initial command again.And again.And once more.And yet again.And keep going.Done? Now go to the drop off point and type transfer.You’re done, congrats, here’s 50 quadrillion credits. Now, you’ve got to do that 30 more times.This is not mentally engaging in the slightest and is literally something I can do while half asleep. I once said in a previous thread that if I were to play alongside a five-year-old, I would not have any advantages over them. I’m sure you can see why. I’m not particularly sure if it was that you started with these activities to begin with, or that you just caved when people told you what you had was too hard so dropped every aspect of the game’s difficulty to appeal to the weakest link in the player base, but either way, this does not challenge me. If I’m not challenged, and not kept motivated by the prospect of a challenging activity in my near future, I won’t bother slogging through. One way to verify if you’ve created a challenging activity. Can you do it and read a book at the same time? Yes? Then you done fucked up somewhere.Next, presentation. I’m going to keep this point short and sweet, because @Dark did a pretty good job of summarizing my feelings about it. If I have to give you 50 chunks of lead, tell me why, describe to me how it’ll be used to reinforce the outer hull to help prevent as much damage after the next attack. Make me feel that I’m accomplishing something. And for the sake of all that’s good, use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure at an elevated reading level, make me feel like I’m part of a real story, not trying to decipher a fifth grader’s very rushed homework. Don’t tell me there is a loud bang noise, describe it, it’s effects on the NPCs around me, etcetera.And lastly, give it some element of risk. If you fuck up, you will lose a lot of credits, or you will make all the ships that are sold to citizens of your home planet more expensive, or…something. If I can fail and only lose five minutes of my time while watching the death scene, I have very little incentive to not fail because seriously, what’s the big deal. And no, hardcore mode isn’t enough, because it’s a toggle that you can opt into.And now, what makes a game worth playing? Bullet point time.Well written, if I see a typo I should be surprised, and I should never see any sort of mistake in newbie content.Bug free, again, I should be surprised if I find one, and I should never see one in any sort of newbie content or activities.Decent numbers of players who are active and engaged in the community, groups of players who interact with no one outside their little subgroup are helping no one.Varied quests or missions or activities.Challenging gameplay requiring strategy and active concentration. Should I kick or throw a fireball? Well, kicking will cost endurance and slow me down in the rest of the fight, but do more damage now, while fireball does less damage and only uses mana, but might backfire on me. Which would work better in this situation. There, see, I’ve just had to think. You don’t need 6000 lines of code to make something challenging.A regularly updated game, but one where the staff don’t see the need to log every tiny addition/typo fix because that just screams “we’re out of ideas and just want it to seem like we’re working.”Well written areas to explore with secrets to find that will be missed by the unobservant passerby, hidden exits/elements in room descriptions that make the lore of the area seem deeper and more fleshed out.Well thought out, consistent lore. If it’s a game set in our future, I expect the timeline to be mostly believable. Coughcough dragons who drink coffee and sit on sofas coughcough. Extra points if you can come up with 

Re: discworld mud

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: discworld mud

Some tips.Firstly, certain guilds are easier than others, and certain guilds are better than others. For example, the warriors guild, while very easy, is a complete bust once you hit the mid game as all you can do is fight, which is what everyone else can do; you have no marketable skills. The best guilds for newbies are probably thief, because you can make boatloads of money once you hit the mid game, and wizard, even though it takes a bit more time to grasp because you can get pretty powerful pretty fast (it's possible to be soloing areas with 4 days of play time that give 30 day warriors difficulty if you're an expert player who knows what they're doing, just to give you a sense). Priests and witches are pretty neat too, but I'd stear clear of assassins because they require you to go PK at a low level, which will realistically suck as a newbie.Finding things is one of the hardest things in game, although the wiki has a half finished text map of some of the cities on it's accessibility page for basic orientation. part of the disc experience though is going to be getting so hopelessly lost that you've got no idea where you are. 50 room long streets with many intersections are not uncommon.What might help are a set of plugins that were created by a discworld player named Quo which, while designed for sighted players are semi usable. they allow you to search for a particular shop/street ETC and generate a speedwalk to that place. you can find them by refering or fingering the player, it should be in there somewhere. Don't forget to add in the standard mush accessibility plug ins yourself.If you really get stuck on things to do, the wiki has complete solutions for all quests, all of which give you tuns of experience and some of which give you money. Each guild has a bunch of websites created to help you understand it's specifics, which you can find either on the guild page on the wiki or by asking around in game.If you start in Ankh-Morpork, you can get a talker by going two south, two east, and south of where you start out at the bar of the mended drum.Players tend to be very helpful, but it is worth noting that DW is one of those games where many people log in to idle and be social rather than to actively play a lot of the times, I can think of at least 10 players who are often logged in and actively chatting but probably haven't left the room they're in for literal years. It's one of those games where the newibie experience is very sucky if you're not the kind of person who makes friends quickly, because otherwise you end up wandering around confusedly grinding away with no idea what you're doing.Personally, I haven't played in years, but I've been debating creating a new character and seeing where things go, so if I see any confused newbies around I'll see what I can do.


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Re: tactical battle maps?

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tactical battle maps?

Anyone have Den of the Slave Lords? I used to have it but lost the harddrive it was on.


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Cosmic Rage, am I the only one who feels this way?

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Cosmic Rage, am I the only one who feels this way?

Trying not to be flamy here, so figured I’d put down my issues with the game to see if I’m the only one, because everyone else seems to love it.1 : the newbie experience.From the quality of activities provided, which are all grind fests with absolutely no thought required to them (once you do them enough times you can even buy upgrades to automate them and make your roll as the player basically redundant), to the general buggyness of the game (I have never found nearly as many bugs with any other game as a newbie), to the fact that questions on newbie remain unanswered (I consider myself a polite person), to the fact that other than grind, there’s really basically nothing to do.On top of everything, there aren’t that many group activities for newbies, or so it seems, and so interacting with other players is kind of a bust in that regard, unless you feel like randomly interjecting on the ooc channel and hoping you get noticed.2: what is this this roleplay you speak of.Now, don’t get me wrong. I never logged onto cosmic rage expecting to care about roleplay, I’d go play star conquest for that. What really bugs me here is the focus the hosts seem to have on it. Why? Your player base doesn’t seem to care to roleplay on their own, as evidenced by the chuckles I got when I asked about it the other day after I was locked out of leveling for several hours while I waited for a last name to be approved and the game it self told me to go off and roleplay or something. There are no systems in place to facilitate it, no way of knowing what’s happening where. In the end, it boils down to having the self restraint not to say lol on a public channel.Also, the docs outlining lore and races )I mean, dragons? Really?) are a joke.So I ask again, why bother? There really seems to be absolutely no point to it, so why not accept the inevitable and kill the roleplay. No point improving it either as your average roleplayer would likely be turned away by the subpar writing found most everywhere.3: It doesn’t get better.I stuck it out quite a long while, in the hopes that I would then find an interesting activity to do, ETC but got nothing. I cannot stress this enough, grinding gets very old very fast, especially when the text you are shown while grinding is badly written and repetitive. So, what is the end game here? Because I’m getting the impression that all that happens as you progress is that you get fancier and fancier buttons to push to accomplish similar tasks.A note: activities that require you to type 30 different commands are still grinding. An activity’s grindyness is not measurable by the number of commands you need to type, but on how much thought you have to put into it to do it well, and how much repetativeness is involved.


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Cosmic Rage, am I the only one who feels this way?

2019-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Cosmic Rage, am I the only one who feels this way?

Trying not to be flamy here, so figured I’d put down my issues with the game to see if I’m the only one, because everyone else seems to love it.1 : the quality of activities provided, which are all grind fests with absolutely no thought required to them (once you do them enough times you can even buy upgrades to automate them and make your roll as the player basically redundant), to the general buggyness of the game (I have never found nearly as many bugs with any other game as a newbie), to the fact that questions on newbie remain unanswered (I consider myself a polite person), to the fact that other than grind, there’s really basically nothing to do.On top of everything, there aren’t that many group activities for newbies, or so it seems, and so interacting with other players is kind of a bust in that regard, unless you feel like randomly interjecting on the ooc channel and hoping you get noticed.2: what is this this roleplay you speak of.Now, don’t get me wrong. I never logged onto cosmic rage expecting to care about roleplay, I’d go play star conquest for that. What really bugs me here is the focus the hosts seem to have on it. Why? Your player base doesn’t seem to care to roleplay on their own, as evidenced by the chuckles I got when I asked about it the other day after I was locked out of leveling for several hours while I waited for a last name to be approved and the game it self told me to go off and roleplay or something. There are no systems in place to facilitate it, no way of knowing what’s happening where. In the end, it boils down to having the self restraint not to say lol on a public channel.Also, the docs outlining lore and races )I mean, dragons? Really?) are a joke.So I ask again, why bother? There really seems to be absolutely no point to it, so why not accept the inevitable and kill the roleplay. No point improving it either as your average roleplayer would likely be turned away by the subpar writing found most everywhere.3: It doesn’t get better.I stuck it out quite a long while, in the hopes that I would then find an interesting activity to do, ETC but got nothing. I cannot stress this enough, grinding gets very old very fast, especially when the text you are shown while grinding is badly written and repetitive. So, what is the end game here? Because I’m getting the impression that all that happens as you progress is that you get fancier and fancier buttons to push to accomplish similar tasks.A note: activities that require you to type 30 different commands are still grinding. An activity’s grindyness is not measurable by the number of commands you need to type, but on how much thought you have to put into it to do it well, and how much repetativeness is involved.


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Re: Help me find games with a storyline.

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me find games with a storyline.

You might also be interested in trying out roleplay enforced muds, as their focus is the creation of a story rather than mechanics.My personal favorite is Armageddon, even though I don't play all that much anymore. Several others I can think of off the top of my head include star conquest (although honestly it's rp is pretty sucky unless you really, really, really enjoy sucking up to the hosts and also never doing anything at all antagonistic  if you like having friends), Shadows of Isildur (A LOTR thiemed mud which I've never played but have heard very good things about), and Syndome (cyberpunk setting, never tried but supposedly pretty solid).There are also mushes, but I've never liked them as they tend to have nothing in terms of mechanics and I can't stand RP pose order etc.


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Re: magical ball and edge

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: magical ball and edge

For the record, that's not how you're supposed to complete that stage. pretty sure the fact you can do it is a bug, so maybe it's been fixed, although it was a lot more fun than mindlessly mashing the enter key till the case broke with the bombs.It's really easy though. switch on the left moves the crosshairs left, and the right moves it right. the middle switch is the trigger. hit it and a bomb will drop. each time you hit the left or right switch the crosshairs move 5 coordinates in that direction. if the switch is unpressable, it means you've reached the edge of the map and have to move in the other direction.


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 2), by Ebon Sky Studios

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 2), by Ebon Sky Studios

Let me add my own slew of questions to the list.1, you guys are awesome for making this. Plenty of people in this community can write well but can't code worth a damn, so this seems like it'll be a great alternative. fine, fine, this is not a question, moving on.actual questions now.First, can you set up conversation like interactions like AHC, AKA choosing how to respond to dialog and having different bits of dialog or tasks trigger in response.Next, can you create tasks that don't have you fetch an item, for example I need you to go to Wintertop mountain and slay the blue dragon.relatedly, can you have NPCs interact differently with you if you're on a task? AKA in your quest to slay the blue dragon,  if you go to speak to bob the barbarian he might have some advice on the fine art of dragonslaying.Lastly, is it possible to have an event trigger move you to a different map? During your fight with the dragon, you are thrown clear of Wintertop mountain, and would have died except for a handy scroll of levitation which allowed you to float down (relatively) unharmed in a random forest in the middle of nowhere.Or, you were too late getting to the dragon, and it ended up burning your home city, changing the map to one containing only ruins.Even if none of this is doable, very excited about this project as is.


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Re: where i can get q9?

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: where i can get q9?

1, pretty sure it's fine to post the installer as long as it's just the demo version, and you're not giving out your key.2, @shotgunshell, so what you're telling us is that you're secretly living with this dev. People have reasons for not wanting to work on a project anymore, life just happens sometimes. As to Q9, from a financial point of view, depending on how much he got for it, he'd still likely have come out ahead than if he'd continued to sell it. Audiogames tend to sell very well a little while after their release, and then sales tend to drop off as people develop cracks/move on to the next thing/ETC. So, from that point of view, once he'd made as much money as he was going to make from the initial rush, it must have made much more financial sense to sell it off for one large lump sum rather than wait around and maybe sell 3 or 4 copies a year for the next several years.


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the eternal city

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


the eternal city

It's one of those muds that you can't access through a client instead having to use a client on the website. Anyone ever tried it? Asking because I don't want to waste my free trial in case it's not accessible but becomes so in the future.It does look awesome, though, I mean, who isn't into ancient roman fantasy? Also fifth on topmudcites, so have a feeling it's got a decent playerbase.Here's the link, in case anyone else feels like checking out the intro.


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Re: Starmourn: an upcoming sci-fi MUD from Iron Realms

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starmourn: an upcoming sci-fi MUD from Iron Realms

Sorry for the double post, but.@Orin: The reason people find Ironwrelms games to be distasteful with their microtransactions isn't the fact that said microtransactions exist. It's that if you want to be at all competitive , you have to shell out cash, with your ability to compete being directly related to the amount of cash you're willing to throw at it. Yes, their games let you earn buyable perks for free over time, but nowhere near as fast. You can get somewhere in 5 minutes or 5 years, and if you don't have limitless resources to throw at a text game it can get very frustrating to watch all your friends be a million times more powerful than you...knowing you could be the same if you did 20 times the work over several years really doesn't help you feel better about yourself.I'd personally much rather pay a single cost up front, or have perks not directly affect my ability to play well, but there you go.Pay to play is the wrong phrasing, it is very much pay to win, and therein lies the problem. If you have not yet realised this, I'd think you haven't stuck it out on one of their games long enough.Who knows though, let's see how this one turns out.


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Re: Starmourn: an upcoming sci-fi MUD from Iron Realms

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starmourn: an upcoming sci-fi MUD from Iron Realms

This is not happening without a serious amount of triggers.Ship navigation is tricky, but is totally doable, if you sub the line about location ETC to show only coordinates. Still spammy s hell, especially if you plan on going anywhere fast, but I could see how you’d be able to do basic navigation without too much effort. Not sure how you’d be able to keep up with combat, though, especially with how I think the firing cone works, unless you had every line from beacon output subbed to only show the relative position of the object from you and even then at the speed we seem to be talking about it’d be quite a challenge. Someone suggested a tracking command, yeah that’d be nice, not sure if it’d happen though.Regular combat is totally doable, like any other ironrelms game, just as long as you have sound triggers for the different status effects from when your webbing fails. If any game really badly needed a soundpack/trigger set to be enjoyable, this would be it. If you thought other space moo combat was spammy, you’re going to be quite overwhelmed by this.It is fun though, if I actually knew what I was doing with complex triggers I could totally see this being very workable.


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Re: Star Conquest soundpack?

2018-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Star Conquest soundpack?

found the problem. turns out I was using one of the default sounds in the VIP mud sounds folder, which apparently not everyone has. I'd update the links on the previous page, but my DB is currently giving me issues so here's the quick solution.Go into the combat.set file, opened with notepad if you didn't know, and do a word search for TTA. delete that line, and replace it with this.#Trigger {TTA: * contact: *} {#Sub {%1 (%2)};#play {star conquest\ship\misc\boop2.wav}}Relatedly, pretty excited about the new soundpack. this one definitely does not have original sound design.


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Re: about star conquest sound pack question

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: about star conquest sound pack question

I emailed one person, and sent a PM to another. I'm not quite sure who was who. either way, I just realized that I can also email you through the forum so I'll do that.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I feel obligated to start out by saying that I've never played your game extensively. I gave it a shot once on a day when I was really bored a couple months ago, but only stuck through the first 50-100 ish levels.I do know people who do, though, and from asking around I'm reasonably confident that the issues I had with it don't go away at higher levels.I'd also like to apologize in advance if I come off as overly harsh, I'm just trying to provide honest feedback here.1. Spelling, grammar and syntax. Pretty important for a text game, and yet very obviously not given enough attention in yours. Never have I read a line of text from your game and gone oh [[wow]], that's well written. from help files to starship messages and room descriptions, I've never gotten the impression that writing quality matters. If I'm playing a text game, I expect to get quality text- not something slapped together on the back of a napkin. It's not just the presence of mistakes, it's the lack of depth,  about the lack of consistency. I got the impression of trying to read a project done in google docs where 13 different people are trying to add things in without going back and making sure the top half of the document matches in style to the bottom half. I expect some variety in messages, too. having only played the game briefly, the one thing that comes to mind at this second is weapons firing, which from what I remember relied on a single message with a single adjective and the name of the weapon changing for variety, but other than that was almost exactly the same for 80 percent of the weapons I saw- again, I admit that I only played the game briefly.I can live with typos- they happen to all of us- but I expect at least some modicum of effort put into presentation of text when the entire game is about text. [[wow]] me with your writing skills. I don't expect PHD thesis level writing, but I'd hope it's not unreasonable to get something that doesn't read like an eighth grade project that isn't even being marked on grammar.2. me and a five-year-old would be equally good at playing Cosmic Rage.As mentioned above, very many of your activities are rote tasks- type this, then wait, then type that, then wait, rinse and repeat, or buy an upgrade that makes it so you only have to type one command. More than that, though, it feels like many activities are carbon copies of each other- drawing from my experience, I didn't feel a difference between trash collecting and volcano harvesting, for example, or several other activities who's names I've forgotten. yes, the commands and some of the text changed, but I was literally doing the same thing, and from asking around this appears to be a recurring theme even at high levels. The buttons change, the messages change a bit, but you, in essence, are doing the same exact thing in almost all the multitude of activities cosmic rage has to offer. I get the impression that there are four or five activity templates reused ten or twenty times each, and from what I experienced and what others tell me, once you've done one activity from the template you can pick up any of the others in seconds.I've also been lead to believe that at no point is there an activity requiring true strategic thinking, planning, timing yourself, or anything similar- that as I said earlier, a child capable of typing would not be disadvantaged at all if they and I started playing at the same time. Nowhere is there a cutoff related to skills, save combat which I will address in a minute. If you can use a keyboard, you can play cosmic rage- which, don't get me wrong, trying to appeal to gamers of any skill level is great and all- it just provides nothing in the challenge department. from everything I've been told, no matter what if you sink enough time into it you'll end up at the top even if you barely understand what you're doing. For a game to truly be enjoyable to me, I have to be challenged. There needs to be some amount of effort involved, if I can get to the top by keyboard mashing at 3 AM then it's not particularly fun. Make people have to use their brains sometimes.3. The issue of combat.This is definitely not unique to your game, but the way space combat works has got to change. I'm not even going to go int much detail here, I think @Dark addressed it pretty well above for your particular case. What I will say, though, is if a game relies heavily on luck and better upgrades to do well at an activity touted as the one requiring the most player skill, something isn't ideal.Again, I'm sorry if any of this came off as me trying to insult you- I'm honestly just trying to provide my personal, and hopefully constructive! reasoning for not liking your game.Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful day.


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Re: about star conquest sound pack question

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: about star conquest sound pack question

Email me and we'll figure stuff out. The forum does let you email me, right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

VIPMud question

2018-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


VIPMud question

I'm wondering if anyone can answer a question I have about VIP mud triggers using version 1.1.I've been working on making a bunch of sound triggers for myself, which has been going fine; right up to now, anyways. Recently, if the set files I've been using are loaded, and I try to add new triggers, VIP Mud throws an error at me, saying that there's an error parsing the search strings found in the trigger. this happens with anything I use as triggered text, even with things that have worked just fine in the past. it happens when first loading the scripts, where it'll pick a random one that causes an error, or if I try to add a trigger directly from the program.I'm not using a cracked version of the program or anything like that, and have had much more complex soundpacks work just fine with no errors, so I'm very confused.Anyone able to tell me what's going on? I thought it might be set files being too big or something like that at first, but that didn't seem to make sense, because like I said soundpacks have never caused issues for me.Thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Playing Entombed

2016-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playing Entombed

Speaking of entombed, I can't get it to work at all. I've tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling with no luck. I also tried disabling then reinstalling .net3.5also with no luck. Is there anything else that I might be missing that it might need?


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