Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

first some replies

@Cody_91 yes please

@jack correct we are working with three schools in the UK and anybody willing on Earth.

@GeneWarner I to sometimes take things literally, driving my friends and family mad. we simply live in the UK, but yes also on earth and absolutely want anyone to be able to get a copy of the game and influence how it develops.

@Crashmaster ... since we only have one code slave right now (mainly me) releasing for stacks of platforms is incredibly difficult, but you will hopefully like the rest of the news I'm sharing today. So I'm also adopting unity cloud build to help improve my build productivity . doing my best pal thats all I can do.

@Garrett thanks and thanks again, your support really helps . Some days its hard to pick yourself up and keep going so its just good to know your out there rooting for us.

guys just email me direct or hook up on skype.

apologies for cross posting... this was also po sted on another section / topic

quick post to say I haven't stopped trying to get a JumpInSauceRS release of better quality out there, and I'm at the point where this is very close. if any audiogamers are willing to try out an array of features and new ways to test/share results please just email

1. we now have a prototype talking scoreboard / "ships computer" that is somewhat of a maverick hence his/her code name is MaverickTTS ... Maverick needs work (and therapy) but having it does mean you can hear your progress and score without relying on a web based TTS. It also means we can put a switch on it to toggle or mute it.

2. thanks to MaverickTTS we were able to finally do a web build (yes that means we are close to a PC build) which I know a few gamers have been asking for. I've been working on web build after web build all day trying to flush out the best way to login as a previous character ( for e very specific te ster who loved their Mists of Audazzle character that much... I couldn't say no)

3. shouldn't forget to mention the rival challenge thing, [[wow]] that was fun (hmm)... so we have a web based challenge maker and an email based challenge maker, both randomly create a custom challenge in the name of your character... so if you are super lazy then you can simply submit and get a reward... 

4. rewards engine... so in the style of the surreal ramblings of Dark Sock... JumpInSauceRS is being backed with rewards...

so lots of details and lots of potential usability issues to find and fix. point is I could be doing this over and over till Christmas, so can anyone spare time to help?


Q1. Anyone used everyplay? Q1.1. or maybe didn't know they were?
-- its a way to record and share playing a game. I embedded this yesterday thought it would help get the best feedback.
Q1.2 but us everplay accessible ?

anyhow this week and next week I just need some people to agree to help me find the issues that must be sorted to get the final version of JumpInSauceRS ... up to fun factor 1 (on a scale of 1 - 10) ... would just love to get to 1.

again apologies for cross posting I'll also post this where folks have been discussing Audazzle and on our Facebook page... please help.

p.p.s Q2. anybody use twitch ? accessible is it for screen readers?

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