Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

I went to a mainstream school. I was taught spelling right along with everybody else, and I was a quick study. I began with grade 1 braille, was asked at first to use it on spelling tests, but in grade 3 or 4 (about the age of 8 or 9) I made the argument that by using a symbol for a contraction, I was still using the letters. If you're using the symbol for o-u, I said, you were still aware that you needed those letters; I even argued that to ask me to go back and forth between grade 1 and grade 2 gave me a greater potential for mistakes, which is true. They caved.I still spell words wrong sometimes, but almost never everyday English words. It's just...never been an issue for me. Ever since I can remember, I've known how to spell, or at least how to check and see that my spelling is right. The idea of writing j-u-r-n-a-l for journal, for instance, just boggles my mind because I was never left alone in an environment where I couldn't check my work and wasn't expected to. Most misspellings of mine nowadays come from proper names (usernames, character names, places, etc), or from typos. God knows I make some of those, just like everybody else.To those passively suggesting that some people think it's okay that we fuck up spelling, I disagree. If there's a legit learning issue and you're still getting your point across, then okay fine, I don't care. But if your only excuse is that you're blind, then that's not an excuse at all.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon . vinnie_ware via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Hi. I speak Trinidad Creole English which is a bit different to normal english but i can speak the queen's language. I think most english speakers have this problem. If you have a little sight, I recommend looking at prints that you can identify, for example your TV, clock, books, etc. As mentioned above, try to read english passages and let your screen reader spell the words for you. Also, if you have the problem of spelling it as its pronounced,, listen to Brittish English speakers as Americans speak slightly different.  But, you've been given a lot of great options here, now, you have to choose.HTH.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Yeah, the contractions-as-explanation-for-misspelling thing always bugged me, because I was not allowed to use contracted words on spelling tests. But the only time I had both spelling tests and an electronic means of doing them was part of fifth grade (there were these Vocabulary assignment abominations in 7th-8th grade, but contractions make no difference with words like "obsequious".)But it's become very clear to me, almost from the moment I met blind people who didn't have the same teacher, that experiences vary wildly, and I got remarkably lucky, education-wise.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

You are paying attention


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

You misspelled misspell...


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

IMO part of the issue too isn't what you learn on but how you are taught, or in other words: Are your teachers actually any good?I mean, My English teachers never flagged me up for my spelling, but it's got worse but I don't really care long as people know what I mean.Here's my experience, and I'll ask around to see if it was just me, but I rarely, if ever, got called out on mispelled words because the teachers had an 'the computer will fix it# attitude. Which led to me taking tests by hand because my VI team were not able to take the spellcheck and autocorrect off of Word at the time. Which leads me into my next point that I asked a friend (well ex friend) about, and they said, paraphrasing, the Braille teachers at my school were told to ignore misspellings and get my typing and words per minute rate up.Now, that is second hand evidence, but I personally heard of and saw teachers not bothering in English classes, all the way into high school, not correcting poor spelling, and I have read godawful dissertations by uni professors who ought to know better really...


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

I think the other competitor to the Orbit Reader 20 was called the Braille Me for 515$. There are a few other ways to get a cheap braille display for around 104$ Euros if you don't mind a little DIY, same with a relatively cheap braille embosser, though i'm not sure what the parts cost is for that. Haptics is still a work in progress. Could also try 3D printed braille, or maybe something like a 3D pen like the 3Doodler Start.edit: Oh, and for the curious, I tested out that Morse Code trainer RufzXP with NVDA and it seems to be accessible.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Yes! that's it! the braille me.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

I think the other competitor to the Orbit Reader 20 was called the Braille Me for 515$. There are a few other ways to get a cheap braille display for around 104$ Euros if you don't mind a little DIY, same with a relatively cheap braille embosser, though i'm not sure what the parts cost is for that. Haptics is still a work in progress. Could also try 3D printed braille, or maybe something like a 3D pen like the 3Doodler Start.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

I think the other competitor to the Orbit Reader 20 was called the Braille Me for 515$. There are a few other ways to get a cheap braille display for around 104$ Euros if you don't mind a little DIY, same with a relatively cheap braille embosser, though i'm not sure what the parts cost is for that. Haptics is still a work in progress.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

If you want a nice cheep braille option, depending on you're budget, i'd go for a brailliant bi 14, it's only about 900 dollars, and it works great. Great keyboard, nice display, etc. There are also some nice 500 dollar ones, i can't think of the name of one of them, i do not recommend the orbit reader personally though, as i find the location of the dot 7 and 8 keys to be inconveaniant, And the pins to be too sharp for my liking. There is another display that's about the same price, with better pins, faster refresh rate, and better all around. I don't remember the name of it though. It is discussed on blind bargains  though.HTH


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Braille isn't as readily available to folks as it should be. thousands of dollars for a good Braille display these days just so you can read modern formats in Braille? Give me a break. Not to mention an embosser is another large chunk of change.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diegogaribay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

thank you all so so much for the help, and options and advice. Seriously these things really seem obvious but I never really considered how important it could be to do them all at once. I am 25 and going for my political science degree, so yes I most definitely know what I am doing when it comes to speech, however I do not have a braille display at the moment.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

@18, that's news to me. I would've never guessed that!  Yes, English is trickier among other languages because of its roots spreading across multiple other languages. It isn't like Spanish or any of the romantic languages that you can spell almost perfectly if you know the semantics of the language (emphasis/stress, vowels, consonants, etc). That's why, contrary to belief, spelling bees aren't just about memorizing the dictionary. It's much, much deeper. Understanding a language is way more involved than the cosmetic ability to remember how words are spelled, and that's what makes the champions of such tournaments a force to be reckoned with - they have that level of understanding with languages of origin. They're not just asking those questions to fit a stereotype. I know it might seem like I'm super fascinated by this stuff when in reality I'm really not, but there is something to be said about the ability to spell.As far as practicality, there are plenty of Americans who can't write it properly. You know, the word donut ( spelled d o n u t) should actually be doughnut (d o u g h n u t), but we dumbed it down for some reason, and it doesn't even make sense. Doughnut. Dough. Nut. Doughnut. Donut. Do. Nut. Donut. Weird...


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

So, this is my situation: English is also my second language. However I grew up in the US, in which the main language spoken is English. I'd like to think I gained a level of native fluency due to my exposure to English throughout my life. To clarify, I was born in the US and I attended school here as well, but in my home, with my family, I did not speak English. Even with all this, I still believe my English-speaking abilities are not where they should be as compared to a typical person who grew up speaking English at home, at school, and all other places. There are many people in my situation in the US! All this is to say that when it comes to spelling, it took me quite a bit to adapt to how English words looked like, their semantics in different contexts, and variations which they could take on with respect to pronunciation and spelling. Also, I'm not attempting to minimize my progress. I understand that I write and speak relatively well. But I still feel self-conscious from time to time. There is an inherent difference of sorts, noticeable by English speakers, when I speak the language. It's probably not so apparent when I write, but certainly is when I speak. As others have already mentioned, reading a lot in actual Braille really does help. I read many books in physical Braille copies growing up, and when I learned how to use a computer, and I learned about Braille displays, you can bet I used them extensively to get a lot of reading done. Especially technical material! Unfortunately, the way I see it is that if English is not your first language, there will always be a gap of knowledge whether you know it or not, or even if it appears apparent to you or not. English grammar and spelling is some of the weirdest simply due to influence by many languages. You can thank French-based, Germanic-based, and even old Latin-based languages and dialects. haha At the end of the day, if people can understand you, that's all that really matters. Of course, professional spelling and formality are different. Especially here in the US if you are trying to get a job. If my technology career hadn't taken off, I would have become a linguist because I find this kind of thing really interesting. But I digress! 


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

I guess listening or feeling the morse code in high speeds is in a way kind of similar to listening your tts in a very fast rate. When sighted people hear my screenreader, they often ask me, how the heck can you understand it. Then I explain to them that I have just gradually made it faster and faster. It seems logical to me that it works the same way with morse code. Of course, whether or not to dedicate a big chunk of time to that is another issue.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Damn, that's insane.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

I like the idea and would even like to explore it myself (the Morse code project). Many probably think it ore of a novelty kind of thing, Morse code, I mean, but integrating something like that with haptic feedback would be pretty cool. If it were such that it could be used on say, an Apple Watch, to read things like texts or emails, that would be so useful in loud environments and during times when you don't have headphones or it might not be appropriate to have VoiceOver reading out loud. Anyways, I digress.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Hello,As a devoted student of English, and as a person having studied English as a second language for fourteen years now, I wouldn’t be able to find a long-term and fully-working strategy under your circumstance’s. I kind of face this issue, too, but it’s not serious these days.The way I usually solve this is by checking the words I’m not that familiar with, or that I have doubts on how they’re written. To create this skill, you do need to have interest in learning English. It’s not like you use your English, but you use and try to improve your English at the same time by thinking about how the words are written; how the expressions are used; and if there’s anything that you don’t seem to have come across before. To achieve this, as I said above, you have to check the words you’re not familiar with, both when reading and writing. And, it’s not simply checking the word character by character. Sometimes, your synthesizer will let you know that you’ve made a mistake as you hear what you have written. Note though that different synthesisers handle phonetics differently, so it’s not always advisable to rely on them but at times it does really help.Another thing to be aware of is the difference between English accents. Sometimes they trick you into thinking that what you’re writing is wrong. For instance, color vs. colour, center vs. centre, organization vs. organisation, defense vs. defence, and so on. These differences are between American English and British English. If you adopt any of these accents, you have to be aware of their particularities.One other thing that helps a lot in improving your written English is by actually writing it. When you write, you automatically make use of the already acquired vocabulary and when you have doubts on a word, you just check how it is written. You will gradually correct many things you have learnt improperly during your English learning process. I had to use English as my primary language for the past four months, and I can say my writing improved significantly as I often had to communicate on WhatsApp or send e-mails, all of which were in English. Join an online platform where there are international participants, participate on forums like this where there are active discussions on different topics, and more.This is what I have mostly done during the process of learning English. For the past seven years, I haven’t used any braille book or device; I have used only JAWS and it worked very well. My purpose in mastering English is not simply having a second language; I intend to teach it or translate from and to English. I’m not sure if I’ll be successful. If I’ll not be, I’ll go for something else.Hope this helps.Cheers!


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Morse Code enthusiasts, er, extremists? Like drone racers, kind of have their own little niche community tucked away, mostly using Ham Radio recievers with PCs, and yes, this is done purely with audio. There are actually audio decoding competitions such as the [IARU High Speed Telegraphy Championship] where people have gone up to 195 words per minute like Stanislau Hauralenka, amazingly enough. There are a few tools around to train for such competitions, like [RufzXP], or [Chuck Adams] free course [here], a retired astrophysicist who in 2008 clocked in at 140 words per minute.The world can be a truely strange place at times, heh.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

80wpm on the actual graph, probably not through audio. I'd be surprised if anyone could get that high just through listening to it.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Well pulse rates can usually be adjusted for haptic or audio feedback, and experienced telegraphers can read up to 80 words per minute, so "slow" and "tedious" may be a bit subjective. But yeah, if Braille or TTS are available it would be a lot better to go with what your already familiar with to improve than a whole new syntax like Morse Code. I mentioned it purely as another possible option, if their so inclined.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Morse code would be too slow and tedious. Apart from what was mentioned here, actually retain what you have had to get corrected, either through a spell checker, or some jackass pointing and laughing. Like, put in the effort to remember the new spelling and you will do it.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

I do this too, and i've found no viable solution for it. I think part of my spelling is because of how reliant i used to be on braille contractions, and now that i almost always use a qwerty keyboard, i'm not used to having to spell out all the words.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

@7, interesting, but seems far more tedious than the other two options, and I'll assume OP is capable of using both Braille or TTS. Not sure how practical that would be for a person is already struggling with spelling.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

@6Mmm, not necessarily. Another option besides TTS or Braille might be Morse Code, which can translate through audio or haptics. Recently Google implemented a Morse Code accessibility function with Gboard that works on Android and iOS [here], though i'm not sure if it enables Haptic feedback. Course a problem with that is traditional Morse Code is rather limited, and doesn't support much punctuation or captialization.You can find a bit more information on Googles Morse Code accessibility experiment [here].


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Braille aside, I do think this will be an approach of habit. Reading Braille for us is the equivalent of sighted folks reading print because you're quite literally physically engaging with the literacy. Not that this can't be done with screen readers, but as others have pointed out, trying to go back and pick up all of those nuances which can make the biggest difference under certain circumstances is rather tedious. You already get those nuances with Braille, hence why I strongly believe every blind person be fluent in Braille. Braille first, audio second, just to get the fundamentals of literacy down first.My point is to nitpick as much as you can. You're only options are physical literacy (Braille) and auditory interaction (speech synthesis) to read, so it's not like you have a wide range of choices, unfortunately.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Braille aside, I do think this will be an approach of habit. Reading Braille for us is the equivalent of sighted folks reading print because you're quite literally physically engaging with the literacy. Not that this can't be done with screen readers, but as others have pointed out, trying to go back and pick up all of those nuances which can make the biggest difference under certain circumstances is rather tedious. You already get those nuances with Braille, hence why I strongly believe every blind person be fluent in Braille. Braille first, audio second, just to get the fundamentals of literacy down first.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Yeah, thirding Braille. Words I've actually laid hands upon I tend to spell correctly, while words I mostly just hear online tend to get mangled unless I specifically check the spelling.One thing I have been doing lately is just asking Siri how to spell things. Or dictating it and then checking, if I'm typing on my phone.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Reading braille, recognizing homophones and looking with your screen reader etc.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Well, I guess your best bet would be to start reading written braille either traditionally on paper or on a braille display so you can subcontiously learn the correct spelling, if you read enough, it will come automatically.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Misspelling Issue

Autocorrect?  In all seriousness, though, I would advise you narrow it down to groups of words that give you the most trouble. If you're writing jurnal (without the o) and not journal (with the o), I'm sure you struggle with words containing "ou." Focus on words like journal, flour, pour, etc. Although, based on your example, it seems like your issue may be more akin to phonetics. I'm not a linguist, but this would be my best advice to you.


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Blind Misspelling Issue

2019-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diegogaribay via Audiogames-reflector


Blind Misspelling Issue

I have been writing english for a very long time, I learned to write when I was about 5 It is my second language. I constantly spell little things wrong every time. I miss a double letter or I spell something the way it sounds. Things like jurnal instead of journalor other examples of really simple stuff like that. What do you all suggest for learning how to spell properly. This is rather an anoying nusence which crops up every so often when I am typing. It also happens with words like injury and such. Any help is well apreciated.


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