Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

How's he doing that. The idea is to create a study that approaches these things from an open point of view, or at least, it should be. He's not attacking you, he's stating that the study should be approaching the topic without any inborn leanings toward any prejudice.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

camlorn wrote:@14I'm not saying that heterosexual couples don't have unique problems as compared to gay people: for one thing, they generally don't have to fear for their a Libertarian person i will stand for social and economical freedoms regardless of who's liberties have been taken. no matter weather gays, heteros, hispanics, whites blacks what ever although i m not the sjw kind.camlorn wrote:@14I'm saying that this idea that blind men have unique problems as opposed to blind women, and that "I'm doing a study, here's a survey, let's talk about how we've overcome prejudice of sighted women against blind men" is at best tone deaf and creepy.  I'm hoping this is a language issue or something like that, not you actually intending to come across how you're coming across here.You say that, i didn't. my goal was to talk about Blind men's problems but, never in a crippy  way. as i said above. i m maried already and had sighted girl friends too. but, i hear from some friends havving blindness related problems it may not be reality in Your country though  reality for some others. so it should be discussed.i agree with you on one thing about survay  and i've already editted it.camlorn wrote:@14be mad at me all you want, but please at least be mad at me for the point I'm making, not the point you've decided I'm making.  I should have just made up an example rather than drawing from my personal experience, I guess.i m not mad at You. it's just an internet board i got more things to consider in real life. i only dislike Your way of using ad hominem arguements thats it.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@14I'm not saying that heterosexual couples don't have unique problems as compared to gay people: for one thing, they generally don't have to fear for their lives.  I'm saying that this idea that blind men have unique problems as opposed to blind women, and that "I'm doing a study, here's a survey, let's talk about how we've overcome prejudice of sighted women against blind men" is at best tone deaf and creepy.  I'm hoping this is a language issue or something like that, not you actually intending to come across how you're coming across mad at me all you want, but please at least be mad at me for the point I'm making, not the point you've decided I'm making.  I should have just made up an example rather than drawing from my personal experience, I guess.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@15HE is right about what? There is nothing to stop you havving fun although You're blind thats true. but, can You share your experiences with us? if you're that successful what are your approach methods, move etc?


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@15There is nothing to stop you havving fun although You're blind thats true. but, can You share your experiences with us?


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

Camlorn is totally right. You guys have no idea what's out there. The craziest stuff you can imagine. And even if you're blind, there's nothing stopping you from enjoying it, nor should it stop you from dating or having relationships either.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@camlorni always love Your programming related posts but, Enough with Your ad hominem arguements. This thread has nothing to do with Gender equality nor does  it have anything against it. So stop.heteros  have their own problems. Gays also theirs too. we can examine differant problems under differant titles. Hope that helps otherwise i m really bored with this.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@12Most of the people on this site live in places where the genders are roughly equal in terms of being able/willing to initiate things and the like.  You should approach the discussion with that in mind.  I have no idea where you are, but you're coming across like you're 30 years in the past, from the perspective of people in the U.S. or UK.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@camlornEach title brings up differant matters under differant context. as a heterosexual married man i haven'T made this thread for my own self problems but, wanted to hear what happends around differant places of this planet since i also came across discriminatory attitudes personally before that.again as i said each side has their own problems so they're not the same. example i'Ve heard from many blind or vi women who lives in the same country that while sighted females more tendent to date blind males than sighted males shows more negative  approach twoards dating blind women however i can't prove it.@darki would love to know more about Britain hope we can hear more from you. by the way actually this thread might be improved. there were templated questions when i made this thread  at first but, rather than how to make this thread better or discuss the original topic.   People prefered questioning it's methodology  so the thread hijacked already.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@camlornHaha fare enough, it was mostly a joke anyway, but I take your point.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

On the one hand, Britain is incredibly crappy for blind people anyway, on the other I'm hardly a typical example since when you start with genophobia and all the other issues I had to deal with, then suddenly run into a relationship so perfect describing it feels like talking about a bad romance novel, my experiences are hardly typical or something anyone could draw real conclusions from.I would say there is something valuable in discussing this, and obviously I have in the past in previous topics, but where I'd be more than happy to just have a friendly chat among blind people, be they straight, gay, bisexual, male female or whatever about my experiences and listen to theirs, I'm afraid framing that chat in the guise of a less than academic sounding "research project" which even starts off on a pretty sticky wicket in terms of wording, professionalism, representation and so on discourages me from wanting to talk about things quite a lot.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@8The stereotypes are really inaccurate.  You really can't tell which side of that someone's going to fall on without asking.  I'm more SM than D/s anyway.  Had the D/s phase and it wasn't for me.Won't say more than that unless this thread goes that far off the rails without my help.  I'm comfortable enough talking about it, but teenager land isn't necessarily the place to give specifics.  I wanted to make the point that this assumption that it's somehow different is flawed, and I've done that.  Yeah it's harder for us to meet people--man, do I ever know that--but beyond that, nah, it's the same, even when you're as weird as me.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@CamlornYour a dom?  Ya know this explains allot.Or maybe it's the other way around...


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@CamlornYour a dom?  Ya know this explains allot.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@4The problem is that it shows that you think that there is something special about blind men and sighted women.  it's not about political correctness.I know some countries are different when it comes to relationships, maybe there women don't get to make the choice or something.But to be blunt, I'm a blind gay man, I go on the kinky gay man web site, and I have no problem finding almost-strangers who are happy to let me tie them up alone in my house and hit them with things after we've barely met.  If you're starting from some idea that this is really different because we're blind, it's not.  If you want sex you can go online and find it no problem. If you want a significant other you can make friends and maybe it becomes something more.  It's just like anyone else out there.If you're trying to "overcome prejudice" or something, that relationship isn't going to last.  "I found someone who thought blind men were incapable, but I changed their mind and we've been married for 20 years" is a fantasy.  Try it in the real world and it's not going to end well.I am 99% sure that you just want advice.  If that's the case, just ask for advice.  Don't try to make it some sort of creepy sexist survey.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

Yeah I kinda find it weird that it has to just be males talking about females too... what about gay or bisexual guys?  What about women, it just seems to be pointlessly limiting the discussion.And sure someone else could make another topic, but why not just do it right the first time?  Why break up the talk into two threads, that just makes it harder to follow.I'm not assuming you are trying to be discriminatory here, but I think you could have planned this better...Cuz at this point, if I posted on the thread I'd feel like I was just being a winy "nice guy™" participating in a woe is me  circlejerk session, regardless of my disability making social stuff hard.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

Yeah I kinda find it weird that it has to just be males talking about females too... what about gay or bisexual guys?  What about women, it just seems to be pointlessly limiting the discussion.And sure someone else could make another topic, but why not just do it right the first time?  Why break up the talk into two threads, that just makes it harder to follow.I'm not assuming you are trying to be discriminatory here, but I think you could have planned this better...Cuz at this point, if I posted on the thread I'd feel like I was just being a winy "nice guy™" participating in a woe is me  circlejerk session.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

Yeah I kinda find it weird that it has to just be males talking about females too... what about gay or bisexual guys?  What about women, it just seems to be pointlessly limiting the discussion.And sure someone else could make another topic, but why not just do it right the first time?  Why break up the talk into two threads, that just makes it harder to follow.I'm not assuming you are trying to be discriminatory here, but I think you could have planned this better...


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@3Ok, maybe the term research was wrong and i will edit the title. Thanks for pointing out.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

@2i don't have intentions to be politicaly correct so, i don'T think doing  research on male issues nor for it's female version suppose to be sexist. An other person can make a thread regarding reverse version and i can happyly contribute that to. For being it's public, You don't have to sign Your answer with Your name so  no problem.i've named it research though, you can name it chat on world wide cultures and prejudices.


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Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships on World wide

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turkce_Rap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind male - Sighted female relationships   on World wide

Ok, maybe the term research was wrong and i will edit the title. Thanks for pointing out.


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