Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

@annellin, What did you do when you finished the newbie academy in Avalon? (or whatever it's called). this was the point I got up to before getting lost sinsce I didnt' really know which class to try. Once I tried a bard and as I said while people were very nice in the bard's guild, at the same time it was just "learn this skill" "learn that skill" with no idea what the skills were or what I was really doing. I then had to go offline and I just thought "what the hell is there to do! in this game?" since while there are help files up to the sky didn't seem to be a way to actual get into activities, eg, no quest master or crafting guild to give you missions or whatever. I gather that a lot comes from interacting with other players but as I said there I really wasn't sure what I should do. I suppose I should really just dive in and create another char and try a nutral class like loremaster just to
  see what the game has to offer since I did get the idea there was a lot to do in the game, it was just that after the newbie academy I couldn't really find a way to start into doing it.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

hello all i like post-apocaliptic theme mud games and i find that: … DesolationGame is so great but some not properly accessible, can any who  want check game and contact administrators or developpers and ask for accessibility performances...


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

Dark, Regarding Avalon, I got Mercinae at my city, and I liked it. The players were very nice, and I had a lot of help. I didn't went into combat, so I cant tell you much about that, but exploring was nice, and pacifism, if I got it right, protects people from PVP. To get the farming skill up, you need to be  online a lot, But I like the game.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

I didn't get the idea in Avalon you had to spend money at aHmmm, Jayde, odd you say that about Avalon since I got the opposite idea, that all the donation items were pretty much conveniences and the balance was very careful. The only thing that is confusing in Avalon is that it is sort of a pay to play game that isn't quite pay to play, in that you need to subscribe to actually play beyond the first five ohours or so, but getting a sponsored subscription is insanely easy.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

Yes, it's post-by-post, but it's inside the game. It's not a forum or anything. You and everybody else are characters on a map. There is an OOC (out of character) channel to talk on, but RP happens based on what room you're in. So if you act something out and you're in the tavern, and I act out something while I'm south of the tavern, we won't see each other. So in that sense, it's not one of those forum-based things. RP is active, which is to say people get online, congregate wherever they're gonna congregate, and cook something up. You don't just slap your post into a forum and wait for someone else's story.Avalon? I tried that one, but the impression I got from it is that everything is shrouded in mystery and that you aren't going to get ahead without spending money. Maybe I'm mistaken, but that was the impression I had.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

Hmmm.. @jayde, based on your posts.. Is hollow like a post by post rp game?


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

I'd be interested to know how you got on with Avalon. I always got the idea there was a good game in there somewhere, but I got lost after finishing  first few missions. I love what you do with the spying and herb  gathering and especially the village cursing and such, but after that I wasn't sure. On one occasion I had a character try to become a bard, but basically the guild just told me to go and learn a bunch of skills with no idea what to do with them or where to go. Otherwise I'm not sure. I do like the writing and as I said I'm fairly sure the game in there is mgood I just could never get into things, it all seemed a bit impenintrable.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

Hollow can be found at the following link:http://www.hollowgame.comAnd yeah, like I said, it's about 89% RP, with the other 11% being the ability to stat for gold. There are a few quests, but they're freaking obscure and most players (self included) don't know about them and don't bother.That being said, the player base is very friendly, and if you like RP enough to get involved with plot arcs that actually go places and can change the world, this might be your cup of tea.Here. For the fun of it, I'll give you a couple of posts of the general style and complexity Hollow goes for. You don't have to be this wordy or detailed, but this is me on an average day..Non-combat postRikailin pushes open the tavern door with one shoulder and steps inside. The warmth of the fire on the hearth is immediately welcome, and she ambles in that direction, the better to take advantage of th
 e heat. Were one of her friends nearby, they would likely tell the battle-druid that this is precisely what she deserves for daring the wilds of Frostmaw garbed only in vines and moss and birchbark. Drargon, the frost giant tending bar, greets her with a grunt which might actually be friendly, and Rikailin favours him with a distracted half-smile and a rueful shake of the head. "Nothing just now," she amends, "but don't worry. If I stay long enough, I'm sure to order something."Duel/Combat postEmrith's training as a spell-blade has taught him many a valuable lesson. Foremost among them at the moment is that sometimes, taking a wound in order to avoid greater injury is the surest path to decisive victory. He drives his left leg upward as the spear darts toward him, skewering the point into the flesh next to his shinbone. Blood sprays, and Emrith hisses his agony through clenched teeth. For the moment, though, his foe is without a usabl
 e weapon, and Emrith intends to take full advantage of his opening. He jerks his leg back down - the better to perhaps weaken his opponent's grip on his spear - then brings both of his shortswords across his body just below shoulder height, straightening his arms and driving the keen edges of both blades directly outward and toward his opponent's unguarded torso. One blade would be enough to deliver a mortal injury; two all but guarantee it.Now, like I said, you don't have to write all the time, but this isn't the sort of RP site where the following exchange would be considered kosher.Chekhu appears from the north.Lionel says: Hey Chekhu.Chekhu says: Hey Lionel.Chekhu grins.Lionel hugs Chekhu.Chekhu giggles.Lionel says, "Wanna kill some goblins?It's nowhere near that casual.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

Im playing Cosmic rage, Avalon, alter aeon and lensmoor at the moment, but school keeps me quite busy.  I posted about lensmoor a few things, try looking at the crafting muds list.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

I did know a chap (actually he used to be called archer on this forum), who was a fun of hollow, nice to know it is still going. I was slightly putoff by the fact that the rp is basically the thing and there isn't much by way of quests etc. As regards 4dimentions, actually one thing I have noticed is that "bug report" servs almost as a hint channel and if you submit a bug as in "this quest isn't working" you usually get an answer if nobody on the gossip channel wants to. Then of course there are actual bugs or moments of clarity (the girl in the forest for example).the basic idea I get with 4d is that it has some long time players who are a bit arsy about qinfo, a couple of long time players who are nice about qinfo (I can think of two), and the admins who really want more people playing and don't mind either A, giving hints or B, fixing stuff that is unclear, the problem is letting them know these things. I'
 ;ll also say I do like the none combat activities. Combat in the game is fairly uninteresting, but none combat stuff like gardening, farming, etc is pretty dam cool and actually advances you rather faster as well.Then I'm also giving cosmic rage another go since I do like the activitiesand I want to try all of them, right now I'm just trying asteroid harvesting and meteor chasing (though haven't quite done either successfully yet).


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

@jayde Could you tell me a bit more about Hollow? As in how is the game played, how is rp done there? If pocible, could you post a link to it?Thanks!


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

In no particular order, the muds on my hot list at the moment:Alter Aeon (though it's gone through a period of burnout for me for the last while)UossMud (I'm getting back into this one and giving it another try, it's hard but it's doable)Frandum (this one is fun, but in small bursts)4 dimensions (I dropped it and I don't think I'm going back, but it was a good little run while it lasted, until I realized that silly knowledge-hoarding is the name of the game)And not so much a mud, but HollowHollow is basically a game played in your web browser and it's almost entirely RP-based. If RP isn't your thing, you won't like this one. Players are helpful and there are, as far as I know, no accessibility issues. Lots of races/classes to choose, plus you can customize both to some extent. You can stat too, but really the only reason to stat is to gain gold on your own, and gold is only really used to buy gear (b
 e it regular or custom). I know a lot of players, self included, who don't have and don't buy any such thing, but just describe what they've got or what they're wearing. If you play this one though, do bear in mind that if you harass players for any reason, you're apt to get the hammer. And by harass, I don't mean ask newbie questions. I mean badgering and the like. I was recently punished on this mud for first asking a judge why I lost a duel (dueling is an art form on Hollow), then sending that judge one message back after they'd explained their point. I wasn't even aggressive or mean, just disagreed with a couple points; even finished with thanks for judging the duel, but I was still muted for a week and banned from future yeah. There are definitely some issues with rules not being administered properly. But if you can get past that, it might be a good one.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

HiNot sure if I count, being its admin and all, but I play cosmic rage. LOL!Thank ya very much!


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

@Firefly, the problem I have with creating an extra muds room is the ame problem I have with creating a side scrollers roomm, a browser games room, a sports games room or a room for any other sort of game. I don't want to segrigate players and discussion. For example, if someone was asking about rpgs with complex cdiscussions, or roleplay, or puzzles or whatever, I don't want people only configned to answering with one game type. I also want a situation where say something like core exiles could be compared to something like cosmic rage. the thing I can suggest people do however is post topics about muds in new releases, just as people have been doing, that way people can see what  have been investigated, and this even goes for long standing muds which people might know about but haven't tried, if there isn't already a topic there, eg, I don't think we have a new releases room topic about cyber assult. I am also of course try
 ing to create db entries for those muds with especially good screen reader adaptations, though manifestly that is a little longer process. As to muds and me well here is the list in rough order of when I've last been playing them. 4dimentions: This one I was trying a while ago but stopped due to being rather busy getting my new win ten machine. I'm liking the crafting and extra things to earn xp besides combat (of which there are many), and a lot of the ideas in the game and the writing, but I do wish things were a little less obscure, either that or that players would be bit more inofrmative with info. given I've had a good response from the developer though i might try and work things out better.As a quick thumbnail, 4d has fairly stock combat, but lots of quests, and interesting stuff with ranged weapons, plus a huge range of none combat stuff to do as well. Theme is time travel, though time travel with fantasy and a little pop culture thrown in
 . Aardwolf: played this recently after realizing I was enjoying erion and wanted to give another try. Combat and quests are about as fun as autoquests can be and some of the writing is good, however the goals are very! obscure in parts and running around finding mobs and slaughtering them for quest points can only go so far, likewise combat tends to revolve typing spellup and spamming attack commands. I also don't like corpse dropping upon death either.Erion: This one actually I think has great potential but some major flaws. Similar to aardwolf in having random quests, but very different in that quest equipment is perminantly useful, there is no corpse drop. Writing and areas are imho better than aardwolf and combat is I think more interesting, particularly because the abilities don't tend to just be spam commands (I love playing an archer and shooting at a distance and hiding). Erion is also great for other random stuff happening outside combat, eg, d
 rops of extra items like sigils equip your character, tyles you can make monopoly words with etc. the really major! problem with erion is that advancement is rather slow and finding missions to do outside of combat is fairly hard, despite the fact that the player base is very helpful. I suspect this will change in time given that they are currently working on a new witch class and a crafting system, so probably one to watch.Cosmic rage: Really! enjoy a lot of the game here, probably the only space mud I've been successful with. The only problem i have currently is getting started after I had a rather bad ship disaster, but I really ought to just sort things out and give thingsw another try, especially given how much work is going into the game and how very responsive the admins are to requests for access changesAlteraeon: Do I really need to explain this one? . I only stopped to try some different muds, but I likely will play again soon enough, possibly at the next event. What I find astounding is even after playing other combat orientated games, Alteraeon still stands out. In it's quests, in the balance of the combat and how interesting combat is (making potions, having minians), and in many other aspets being expanded like leather crafting. Certainly not a game I'll give up on, albeit I do try other things from now and again for variety's sake.Frandom: Really awesome game with very good development, extremely nice writing and a detailed world. I got a little burned out on looking at objects and finding quest solutions, however when I got sick of bashing mobs on aardwolf I decided give 4D a go, and if  obscurity in terms of quests is too much I may well try frandom again. Classic six dragons: Again this is a game with great potential. Awesome and possible to do quests, an interesting world, and po
 tentially even interesting actual inter city war (if only there were more players and more cities). The major problem is that experience comes slowly and I am afraid I found th

Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zub0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

ah yes, the mud with the medieval demention and others is called go figure: "legend mud" the german city is the medieval one  wich is medieval germany, so it says. enjoy


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

I play cyber assault, and game is so cool...


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

i can't play any mud no space,because,auto change line not work on all explore mud.and this kind mud,i can not find map,like alter aeon,square,ca


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

my muds lifes keep changeing, haha, sometime I am on 3skape, squaresoft, clok, empiremud, cosmic rage, frandom, or alter aeon.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

Hi zub0! Could you give me the name of the german mud? I am from germany and want to try this.Geas is realy realy great! But i found out for my self that RP is realy exhausting.I got some other muds on my personal list. There is a newer Wing commander mud and a firefly mud i want to try. But i have to be in the right mood for that. And i wanted to give the coffee-mud another try.Hey Dark! If you are reading this. Maybe it would be nice to create an extra room for muds? I am sometimes testing muds for a short time till i find out that they are to spamy or having other problems about accessibility. If we had a extra muds-room it would be easier to find out about what others allready tested or talked about.


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

I'm generally afraid of playing muds, because I can't stop playing. I get addicted too quickly, which is not great at all...Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this?


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Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

I like Geas, but no one is in the guilds, and the guild masters are never online, I have two characters there, one I have pretty much abandoned due to lack of people active in the guild I was in, the other meh, I like that char, I am in good, but yeah, again, no players really coming on to do guildly activities with. I'm playing Lament right now, Got into a camp with some others which makes the game a lot more fun. I tried Frandum and like it, but didn't really go back.


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Muds: what is everyone playing

2017-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zub0 via Audiogames-reflector


Muds: what is everyone playing

since there is a veriety of muds out there, and no doubt some quite obscure or not too well known ones, i though i would make this topic to see what people are currently and in the past, played. I myself have been hooked with Geas, do to its great team combat and archer fighting system. I have also been popping in and out of frandum and squaresoft. There was also a mud i had been playing with  a mud that was a mix like 4 dementions. It was a bit odd, so i quit. but i may give it another chance, it was interesting as it mad medieval, and it was in germany, so the char names and things were in german, and you could go ask a languist what the words mean. So i learned a bit of german:d it was interesting, though don't recall what the names of the knights were. Will put the name in, when i find it, hope to see what else others are playing, enjoy


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