Stereo Image To Sound Python Examples

Hey everyone, i've finished porting some of the Stereo HiFi examples of Meijers code to python and thought i'd share it for anyone interested. Unfortunately the "Hifi" portions of the code isn't implemented, I ran into some problems as it turns out Python has some issues with unsigned ints. Regardless, all the other settings and stereo still works.

The original source is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, free to share and adapt for any purpose or use commercially provided that in all places where you describe or use the functionality you give credit to the original author and a link to his site: Copyright © Peter B.L. Meijer -

You can download the example scripts here.

The first example is a straight port of the original HiFi script and produces a wav file. The second example converts an image into a wav file, you can substitute it with what ever image you wish. The third example pipes an image file out through OpenAL using Pyglet, though the example also works with PyAL you'll still need Pyglet to load the image. The 4th example is just like the third, but is optimized with Numpy for a performance boost, it takes a bit to load because it pre-calculates all the HRTF tables when initializing, this is to cut down on the calculations needed for conversion when in regular use.

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