Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

talk about blind looking rofl


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

agreed with camlorn.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

@24Given that Tiananmen is an actual place where people want to go and that China fortunately doesn't have the power to warp space to hide places where bad things happened, I'm not surprised you got back some search results.  I would also not be surprised if you got back search results because you're presumably outside China.  But also just flat out banning Tiananmen from the internet without doing something more targeted means that anyone living near it is going to have some very interesting questions and you've just put up a giant neon sign saying "something we don't like happened here".It's also possible to get around some of their great firewall stuff because mostly it's done by looking for key words so if they ban talking about chocolate cake for some sort of country-wide weight loss initiative you might still be able to get at it by googling for recipes made with cocoa and flower.  That's a silly example but sadly much of what they do isn't less ridiculous.  China makes the information as hard to get as they can within the limits of technology, and uses fear for the rest.  It doesn't take that much for a government to set themselves up so that you won't talk about certain things for fear of the consequences.  If you just arrest 1 in 100 people who criticize the government at random, then that means everyone suddenly has a friend of a friend who criticized the government and then vanished and that's enough to make up for any gaps in your technological solutions.  It's also enough to make sure that things like Tor, VPNs, etc. never get used widely to circumvent the censorship because those tools become a sign that you want to talk about the things you're not supposed to talk about.But...this is focusing on free speech.  It's not just free speech.  Let's talk about China's social Credit System.  Basically in China you now also get a number that's supposed to rate your trustworthiness.  The wikipedia article honestly makes it look very tame, but if you scroll down to the "Examples of Policies" heading you can see why this is bad, and also get a feel for how China operates.  Not sorting waste, not visiting elderly relatives, or your kid crossing the street wrong all contribute to you being potentially denied the ability to travel or buy a house, and the only reason it's not more strict is that the internet and computers are new.  But give it a few more years, as they continue rolling it out, and it will be.I don't want to live in a country where I can't learn accurate history and where crossing the street wrong or not sorting my garbage the right way might get me denied the right to travel.  I don't want governments which think these are okay things to do in charge of the world.But again, let me reiterate that Trump really doesn't care about any of this.  Trump doesn't care about China one way or another.  he's certainly not afraid of them.  He just needs someone convenient to yell at and hey, there's China.  Most people in the U.S. don't have complex criticisms of China, or even know about things like the free speech issues or the social credit system.  They just know that China is where the manufacturing jobs went, as if the manufacturing jobs were some sort of livestock that we could crate up and ship around the world to the winning country, and as if Trump or someone could just make China put them in a box and ship them back over here or something if he screams loud enough.But China has a history of war crimes and things of that ilk.  It's pretty noncontroversial that China has used psychiatry as a way to deal with political dissidents (as in your psychiatrist declares you insane when pressured by the government).  I'm just not as informed on that part of it, and am sticking to the stuff I do know about.But let me just close with this.  If people say "China applies censorship to their search engines and you can get in trouble if they have reason to look" and your first thought is "let's go on a Chinese search engine and see if I get some search results", you probably should work on your critical thinking skills because you just decided to get China's opinion of China, which is always going to be the best version they can put forward.  Also if you did that and you are in China currently, you also just did something dangerous just because you wanted to know if it's true.  But either way, you seem somewhat predisposed to disbelieve us because you have a friend in Taiwan, and if your method of trying to build a counterargument is to search on the thing we said censors and tracks stuff for the thing we said it censors and tracks, then either you seriously need to think about what you're doing or you're trying to troll us.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

@24. Typing that one word of course will give you results. But do a mor specific search for the event in question and you will find very little information from Chinese sources that match up with the facts. @18 pretty much mentioned all of my points, so I'l just point to that post if you want my opinion. And again as I've stressed in the past, this is speaking as someone who loves Chinese heritage and culture. But the fact that my sister and cousin almost got arrested for taking photos in the wrong place even though they were tourists, and my Dad almost got detained because he had a Taiwanese passport makes the reality of how socially controlled it is a lot more clear. And granted, the blame should be put where it belongs, with the government and not with your average every day Chinese person who doesn't know any better. And another anicdote.. a friend of mine, also Chinese, went to hina to do her practicum as a teacher. She mentioned to me one particular episode where some kids asked for a window to be open because the classroom was far too hot, and she was hesitant because of how polluted the air outside was. But you aren't allowed to say that... you have to say that it's too hot outside and opening the window would make it even hotter than it already is. Why? Because you never know who might be a spy and which kid might run home and tell their parents that a teacher mentioned pollution, which is seen as a criticism of the country and government.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Actuyally I have typed "tiananmen" in Baidu and I have got many results.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

I have many thoughts about China I could never write about coherently. I do think some of you expressed them, and this discussion only reinforces my general line of thinking with respect to the US president, China, and tragedies, past and present. So this discussion is appreciated.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

@21It's quite possible we are.  Though not because of this thread, it's probably not been long enough for that yet.  However the machinery for doing it is automated--look up the great firewall of China--and this thread is probably enough to hit it if/when that machinery should decide to crawl for some reason.One of the biggest recent Google controversies was when it leaked that Google was working with the Chinese government to launch a China-specific Google that would flat out block searches containing specific key words like Tiananmen Square that the government didn't like.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Well I guess this forum will be banned in China now


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Just throwing this tidbit here:     In human rights, even one single violation of a person's right to lie or exist by a government is just as severe as millions. Trying to downplay China's past by saying that Japan and Germany did worse things doesn't excuse the fact it still murdered thousands of protestors with military arms. That's just like saying someone who murdered 5 people isn't a horrible person because he didn't kill millions like Stalin. He still killed people and that obviously should be criticized and punished. This is applying the same logic when you defend China's actions like that. It's not as bad as those other countries who murdered millions of people, but a lot of other countries can boast that.  Anyway, agendic policies without consulting experts or human lives was China's form of epic failures. Shall we not forget the Great Leap Forward and the Sparrow massacre. One quite literally worked peasants to death to try to accelerate China's industrial capabilities. The other one shows how well China handles certain problems by inflicting a famine among its people because of that specific policy to remove Sparrows, which were hunters of another certain peast. China seems to moving back to a policy of one person holding way too much power, and epic failures like this can occur again if they are too self aggrandizing and don't consult others for policy.  The original question. One of the main reason that Trump, and nearly every other power and head of state in the past fears China is that China has an economic strangelhold on various industries. China is a heavy exporter of things, while the things it can import it can get from other places. As an example, when Trump tried for his tradewar early on and put up terriffs, the U.S was holy dependant on stuff coming out of China. China, who imported a few things form the U.S like SOybeans, could just go to another country to import such things, and screw over companies who relied on that market in the U.S.  China also has a strong control over the value of their currency, valuing and devaluing the currency to meet certian needs. The currency can be shifted to devalue the currency so that a Chinese product is cheaper than American made ones, devalue the impact of trade tariffs on them, or get the upperhand on buying U.S debt.   TL-Dr:  We fear China because China has way too much control over it's own currency and the currency of other countries at times.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Bleh, sorry for the double post but just realized I significantly edited 18, so if you already read 18 before I edited it etc.  Got distracted and hit the wrong things.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

@nunoThe thing about Tiananmen Square is that China is in fact effective enough that Chinese people don't know about it.  The rest of the world does, but they're authoritarian enough that their own people don't.  And if you discuss it that's illegal in China.  outside of China that means your site gets blocked from all of China's internet, inside China you probably go to jail.  For discussing historical fact, not even your opinion of historical fact, let's be clear, you can't even discuss documented history as it happened by law.In China, the people have little to no power to change anything.  It is illegal to discuss certain topics.  The internet is monitored in realtime to monitor and immediately block topics the government doesn't like and to shut down all possibility of protest.  Universities and schools have special, limited exemptions to China's lack of free speech because their lack of free speech is bad enough that you couldn't teach classes without those exceptions.  China actively rewrites history, basically, to make them look good.China's social control sort of let them handle the Coronavirus better but that's like saying that the nuclear bomb let the U.S. win World War II better or something like that.  If you have the power to just squash anyone and anything you don't like then yes, you can order people to stay in their homes and they'll do it, but do also note that the same mechanisms that let them respond well had them denying it for weeks and jailing doctors who tried to point out that they had a new disease on their hands and actually made this worse at the same time.  The social control let them respond quickly once they went "shit, we have thousands of cases", but if they had been able to respond quickly and acknowledge the problem rather than jailing people for saying things the government didn't like, they might have kept it to hundreds and we might not be doing worldwide shutdowns.You are pointing out evils committed by other countries and saying "well we let them have a pass" basically.  The difference between your examples and China is that those examples are in the past tense.  China is actively doing these things now.  If we didn't let bygones be bygones, the world would be unable to function; and if China changed, I'd support them because it's not China's citizens that are the problem.  Almost every country, the U.S., the U.K., Rome, Italy, the list goes on, has done China-level things; the crusades, slavery, various wars, etc etc etc.  If you don't eventually say "okay, they've changed" you're punishing the son for the sin of the great great great grandfather, and fortunately for everyone the world has figured out how to not do that.  But the world didn't give those countries a break at the time, either.In fact it's funny you mention Taiwan.  China doesn't consider Taiwan to be a country, but instead a rogue  province, and China makes the rest of the world go along with it.But none of this is why Trump actually hates China, just reasons China probably shouldn't become the dominant world power.  Trump hates China because a lot of U.S. people hate China and Trump's platform works by finding an enemy at all times.  Since the Coronavirus can't really be demonized or beat, he's turned back to China because it's easy and it keeps his base voting for him.  Trump doesn't care about little things like consequences.There are political nukes that no one plays because it upsets the board, but by the nature of them being there someone can eventually fire them, and that's what Trump did.  It is easy to point at China and say China steals our jobs because we import from China.  It doesn't matter that the real situation is more complicated.  The thing Trump realized is that enough of the country is satisfied with having an enemy and someone who won't ever back down no matter what,  and that the only reason people haven't played that card is some sort of political honor.  So he did, and he will continue doing so indefinitely.  So what if his policy makes it worse?  The people who back him don't care about pesky little things like facts, so all he has to do is yell louder and/or pick a different enemy.  That didn't win him the popular vote in 2016, but it turns out that the sort of people who think like that are concentrated in the right states so that he could win the white house anyway using some stupidities in the U.S. political system that means that the popular vote isn't what matters, and even if it doesn't let him win in 2020 he'll still have a very large, vocal base backing him.  People like to feel angry and as if something is being done, and whether something actually gets done is beside the point entirely when it co

Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

@nunoThe thing about Tiananmen Square is that China is in fact effective enough that Chinese people don't know about it.  The rest of the world does, but they're authoritarian enough that their own people don't.  And if you discuss it that's illegal.In China, the people have little to no power to change anything.  It is illegal to discuss certain topics.  The internet is monitored in realtime to monitor and immediately block topics the government doesn't like and to shut down all possibility of protest.  Universities and schools have special, limited exemptions to China's lack of free speech because their lack of free speech is bad enough that you couldn't teach classes without those exceptions.  China actively rewrites history, basically, to make them look good.China's social control sort of let them handle the Coronavirus better but that's like saying that the nuclear bomb let the U.S. win World War II better or something like that.  If you have the power to just squash anyone and anything you don't like then yes, you can order people to stay in their homes and they'll do it, but do also note that the same mechanisms that let them respond well had them denying it for weeks and jailing doctors who tried to point out that they had a new disease on their hands and actually made this worse at the same time.  The social control le them respond quickly once they went "shit, we have thousands of cases", but if they had been able to respond quickly and acknolwedge the problem rather than jailing people for saying things the government didn't like, they might have kept it to hundreds.You are pointing out evils committed by other countries and saying "well we let them have a pass" basically.  The difference between your examples and China is that those examples are in the past tense.  China is actively doing these things now.  If we didn't let bygones be bygones, the world would be unable to function; and if China changed, I'd support them because it's not China's citizens that are the problem.  Almost every country, the U.S., the U.K., Rome, Italy, the list goes on, has done China-level things; the crusades, slavery, various wars, etc etc etc.  If you don't eventually say "okay, they've changed" you're punishing the son for the sin of the great great great grandfather, and fortunately for everyone the world has figured out how to not do that.  But the world didn't give those countries a break at the time, either.In fact it's funny you mention Taiwan.  China doesn't consider Taiwan to be a country, but instead a rogue  province, and China makes the rest of the world go along with it.But none of this is why Trump actually hates China, just reasons China probably shouldn't become the dominant world power.  Trump hates China because a lot of U.S. people hate China and Trump's platform works by finding an enemy at all times.  Since the Coronavirus can't really be demonized or beat, he's turned back to China because it's easy and it keeps his base voting for him.@jaidonMost of the research from Nazi Germany that we gave people pardons for turned out to be useless bullshit after the fact because It turns out that when science is done by sadists who like torturing people, it's junk science.  But the pardons were given before the work was seen by actual scientists, and it was too late to take them back.  We learned much less than people like to say we did from that, I think mostly because saying it makes there be at least a little bit of a redeeming-ish feeling to something really terrible and as long as we don't say "oops" we don't have to feel ashamed for trying and failing to benefit from it.  It's like how the U.S. also says that the Mayflower was a bunch of refugees fleeing religious persecution but actually it turns out that the only sorts of people who have the money to build a ship to take them all to a new continent are actually wealthy merchants having a tantrum.Nazi Germany did also kill their own people.  In droves.  If you were a Jew in germany the best case is you left while the leving was good; the worst case was you went to a concentration camp, or perhaps you left and then after you left they conquered wherever you went to and got sent to a concentration camp then.  Not sure if the false hope of thinking you escaped was better or worse but before you go on with this Germany wasn't as bad as China kick you should probably learn some history because I'd call people waking up at night thinking they'd finally gotten away only to be dragged off and killed horribly is kind of as bad as you can get.It should also be mentioned that gay people were also on the chopping block there, and that prior to the holocaust Germany was actually leading in research into thi

Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Oh.Democratic countries can handle covid. Trinidad, with a GDP of 52billion us, and with a race of people who make everything into a party  is now ranked 15Th in the world as the strongest emerging economy. So yeah, it can be done. Just the Americans are full of shit and propaganda


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Guys, why are you entertaining this guy? He has openly admitted that he's a racist, and thus he'll see everything  China does with rose coloured glasses.Nazi Germany did terrible things yes, but keep in mind at least the evil they committed lead to greater understanding of the human body. Not to mention America and Soviet Russia took many Nazi scientists.Germany has had to pay reparations, they admitted they did it. Tell me, between 1871 under the Kaiser, did Germany kill their own people? Nope. 1920 to 1935, did they? How about 1945 to 1989? Again no. Germany was dealt a bad hand. When you look back at Germany it wasn't as bad as China. Heck. The only reason I'm here was because my great grandmother moved here because of the unrest.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : fatih via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

And why did trump advice the people to enject disinfectants into their bodies?


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

And this is the point I agree with. China's way of hangling this event is merely stupid, as we already know it anyway! So why deny something that everyone knows about?


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Hi.Does Germanys currently raigning party deny the events of the second world war? No, they don't.Does Chinas currently raigning government deny the events of the 1989 massacre? Oh yes, they do.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

What Germany and Japan did from 1939 to 1945 is equal  if not even worse.Same in 1914/1918 and so on. Poland also had their faults, like the Cossack Massacre in the 18TH century or attack on the Czechoslovakia in 1938. And what PZPR (the communist party in Poland) did in 1960s/1970s can't also be forgotten.I am sorry to say that, but two great evils of Europe were Germany and Russia. And it's not my racizm (I love russian culture), but these are facts.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Hi.At Connor well I was going to mension the Tiananmen massacre at one point or the other, good you did that already.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

And don't forget the Chinese government is trying to stop research on the coronavirus origin.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Don't know don't care


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

I would like to point all who want to excuse the chinese government to this article. In official chinese history books, this incident, in which thousands of protesters lost their lives, did not happen. The protesters were demonstrating for something people living in large parts of the world take for granted. The free rights to information and freedom of speech, as well as the rights to vote among several parties, rather than having just one centralized party that controls everything. Yes, many of today's democratic countries have bloody pasts. I am sure everyone here knows about things like the holocaust. But if Austria had China's government and it had been active back then, we wouldn't learn about things like that.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

I would like to point all who want to excuse the chinese government to this article. In official chinese history books, this incident, which thousands of protesters lost their lives, did not happen. The protesters were demonstrating for something people living in large parts of the world take for granted. The free rights to information and freedom of speech, as well as the rights to vote among several parties, rather than having just one centralized party that controls everything.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china? Nuno well actually the Media at least in germany isn't that USA positive anymore. Yes, they definitly were when Obama was the president, but since about 1 or 2 years, they are pritty neutral on the matter and pritty offen shoot in the direction of Trump.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Even if the social control system is present, it has some advantages in my opinion. Otherwise the Covid situation would be even worse.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Agreed with #4. If I was a president of a country I would never ally with China. They hide stuff from the public, I.E: Coronavirus.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Trump will lead the USA to the state, where they will have the sea of enemies arround them, and no allies to count on.Don't you think that european media, being so much influenced by USA do exaggerate the problem of China violating human rights?


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Hi.Well every cuntry certainly has their own agenda to follow, but some do make it more obvious than the other. And pardon me saying, Chinas human rights and total control system like social credit and what not don't really put it in the best light.And yes, the oh so great US of A have their big problems with racism and weapons, sometimes you do start to think if a president is really what the cuntry needs, they more need something like a bunch of missionarys to teach them, or at least a lot of the inhabitants how to be a competend human civilisation.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

@2 can any country be trustworthy? SOme of the governments do things for their people, some for their good only, but that does not change anything. History has shown than no nation can be trusted.


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Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Trump is afraid of china?

Hi.Well because a, he is Donald Trump and every atempt at logical thinking about this guy can basically go  out the window, BTW, I hope you all took your injection of Disinfectant for today,and b, because I wouldn't bet a dollar on China beeing a trustworthy ally or a cuntry I would trust.Greetings Moritz.


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Why Trump is afraid of china?

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Why Trump is afraid of china?

Hi folks.yesterday I was speaking to my Taiwanese friend about all kinds of stuff. We've spoken about games, politics and programming. And these tree points have brought up a very important point to my attention.We have been talking about the game "1942" and its developer. As my friend is a good friend of his, he has told me that the reason why he can't fix some problems is that he has just started learning about programming because he was doing all other stuff before, not even related to the CS field, and the reason why he staretd learning to program is that he wanted to commemorate the 80TH anniversary of the start of the WW II.And then my friend summarized it with words like this: "this is why Trump is afraid of us". Isn't it true? If chinese people can adapt so quickly (this is not the only caase), might that be the reason for Trump's fear and anti-chinese movements?


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