Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dgleks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

Is this the same pack that Justin was working on? If so, not surprised to see that he hid in the back and got someone else to post this for him 


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

ok, switch done. uploading everything now that has been changed


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

ok, so we're switching to a live system, to make things easier on me. expect a lot of resynking


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

ok guys, i'm currently in the process of rwwriting th starsihp combat scripts to gag the ship hit messages. expect some instability and possible conflicts.


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

@potterspotter I'm not sure if the forum actually informs you of private messages now but I remember it didn't used to, lol so posting this here, I sent you some stuff through that


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

here is the help file on profiles. the command to bring this up was, help basic profile. well, here it is.Star Conquest Help: Basic Profile HelpCategory: ProfilesThis information is valid for players wishing to create a profile for a standard pilot character of the League, AEU or Fringe alliances. There are sample profiles for each of these under HELP LEAGUE PROFILE SAMPLE, HELP AEU PROFILE SAMPLE and HELP FRINGE PROFILE SAMPLE.If you want to apply for a special application, or play as a Mutuality character, please see HELP ADVANCED PROFILE and HELP MUTUALITY PROFILE, respectively.WHAT IS A PROFILE?At its most basic, the purpose of the profile is to help you craft a characterisation for the person you intend to play within the game, giving you a framework to base their responses and actions on. It is not intended to be a hurdle or barrier to stop you playing the game, it is instead meant to be a device to aid you in getting further immerse
 d in it.A good profile should generally not exceed 500 words, and should certainly never be over 1,000 words.Roleplaying note: The fact that you need to submit a profile / character application to the staff is out-of-character. Referring to your profile by another name (i.e., "paperwork") does not turn it into something that is in character. Please use an OOC aside if it is necessary to refer to your profile. ICly, a cadet character is still in a probationary period and is not yet considered an official civilian pilot by their government. This may sound pedantic, but separating remarks that have OOC implications from ones that have good, IC implications is a key ability of good roleplayers, so it's best to start thinking this way early!THINGS TRUE ABOUT ALL PILOTSThere are a few things we can say about all standard pilots. This is a starting point for you. Note, however, that Mutuality characters are an exception to most of these things, and so
 metimes a special character application can also change some of these facts.1) You were born a citizen of the AEU, League, or Fringe.2) You, like nearly every other human, almost certainly grew up speaking Esperanto, the universal language.3) You are a civilian.4) You have been aware all your life that humans are active in space and that some are civilian pilots: a sort of space trucker, a profession of ill repute, reduced personal rights, but the potential for great wealth.5) For one reason or another, you chose to become a civilian pilot yourself.6) You paid for flight lessons from a certified flight school. This required money, so you probably had a mundane job to work yourself through it.7) After about two years, you had enough flight hours and had passed flight exams and you were able to provisionally join the civilian pilot program.8) A medical examination ensured that you were physically capable of operating a starship even in m
 oments of great stress.9) You also went through psychological screening and were pronounced to be of sound mental health.Your job as the writer of your character profile is to decide exactly why your character took this path. What will your particular story be? What led you to become a pilot? What life goals do you have that mesh with leaving any semblance of a normal life behind and becoming a space trucker? The steps below will help you to work this out.STEP ONE: PERSONALITYThe main focus of any profile, and the starting point of your character concept, should be the personality of the character you intend to play - and this should match how you do actually intend to act in-game. For example, if you plan to be an aggressive bounty hunter, you should not put in the profile that your character is a pacifist.Personality should be the easiest way to begin. You must have some idea of the kind of character you will play. Do you plan to keep to yourself? Wor
 k hard all the time? Be lazy? Invite yourself to every party? Pick fights? Try new things? Stick to what you know? Only you know what sort of character you'll most enjoy! Make sure that you also include some negative character traits! No one is perfect and nothing is good all the time.So where to begin? Try thinking about the questions below -- the answers should help you sketch out a concept. Keep in mind that the questions below should not have answers only related to piloting; people are not one-dimensional and piloting is not the only thing in a person's life.What motivates your character?What does your character admire or find abhorrent in other people?Does your character have any likes or dislikes that they would keep secret from others?Does your character have any hobbies?Does your character have any quirks?How would the character's friends describe them, and does this fit with how the character sees her/himself?W
 hat are others most likely to dislike about your character?These are not the only questions that are useful, but they are a good starting point.One thi

Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

connor thanks a mil for that detailed description. for the looks of it, doesn't really seem like my type of game but who knows I may check it out


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

hello anyone could help me setup a profile? , as you see, my english isn't that good lol, what information do you need for the profile?


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

working on yet another update. should be out by tomorrow. i think you'll like this one.


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

i just put out an update to the sound pack. changelog is as in 1.1fixed asteroid hauling messages.copy hauling.setshortened the message, a destination appears on the ships navigation controls: *copy ship.setenjoy!


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

that would indeed be helpful. Thanks.@connorNicely said. If sc is the father of all space muds, who is the mother? No, really. nicely said.


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

@potterspotter would it be easier for you if I at least went through the sound files and removed the ones that are still in the sync pack and tried to just leave either the ones I added or changed?


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

@smoothgunner star conquest is what I consider to be the father of all the space moos that are online today such as promo and cosmic rage. It opened first in I believe 1995, and was shut down in 2005. That's why miriani came to be, in 2006. In 2009, star conquest reopened under the name "star conquest. The catalyst" (I believe that's its full name now), though the old moo still runs under the name "classic star conquest". Like most space muds after it, sc involves you working as a pilot for one of the four main playable alliances doing activities for credits, the game's currency, or points which must be acumulated to unlock new equipment. Of these points, there are different catagories, e.g. industry points for doing activities such as salvaging, asteroid hauling etc, space combat points for participating in combat mission, ground combat points for battlesuit related activities, exploration points for bringing back artifacts or surveying unknown 
 planets, etc. While sc doesn't offer as many activities as other spacemuds do, the activities it does have are incredibly well designed and thought out. IN sc there's none of the crap you get in new muds where you buy a fancy new ship, go do some random activity, type a command to begin the activity, and sit there typing repair blah every so often. In asteroid mining for example, you get assigned a section of asteroid which you must mine by constructing buildings to mine the ore, process it, defend your site from hostile poachers, provide power and a lot more, while managing drones which do most of the heavy lifting and operating. Another example is the ground combat system. You buy a battlesuit (every alliance has one type and there are some harder to get but very powerful ones), and then precede to outfit it with different modules for various kinds of weaponry, armor and abilities. What modules you can get it defined by what suit you use and what teer the suit is at. The
  one major thing that puts people off from playing the game is the strict enforcement of roleplay if you want to be a fully licenced pilot. When you create a character and select an alliance, you usually start in cadet status which means you can't get any ships except the flitter, fighter or cargo hauler, you can't sign up for an einrophone plan, and you stop earning points from activities past 100 in all catagories. To get past cadet status, you must write a character profile with a history, a character personality, and your character's goals. Once you've gotten past that though, any points you may have earned past 100 in all catagories will be given to you gradually, and you can buy all the ships and equipment, plus get as many points as you wish in all catagories. Also, there's lots! of help files that try to make the profile writing process easier. The entire help catagory "background" gives you information about everything that happened in sc 
 up to now, and also tells you quite a bit about the alliances and culture of the universe's inhabitants as well as other races. The help catagory "profiles" has help files in it that give you pointers about how to write your profile, example profiles for each of the alliances, things you shouldn't include in your profile and of course an "advanced profile" help file which tells you how to get the most out of one profile. While I've lost my motivation to play, my character still exists in case I want to come back to it and I can only recommend it to anyone interested. Connection info, or 7771.


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

it's fine. just send the whole thing over and i'll make something to compear files for differences and show them


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

@potterspotter oh boy... that could be difficult, lol I'd have to go through literally all of the original pack's sounds and also remember which scripts I modified, I get the feeling I didn't log absolutely everything I did


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

I never played this game. do youo have a description of it and a link


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

yes, please. if you just thorw me the updates that would be cool. and if you ever actually do decide to come back, to the game, that is also good.


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

see the thing is though I'm not really an active player any more, and I'm also not much of a creator, as you can probably see most of the stuff there is mostly just sound changes and a couple basic triggers, I wouldn't really be able to help with developmentbut what I can do is package what I have into an archive and just send it all to you if you'd like to take a look at them, that's the best I could do as far as helping out goes unless I start playing my character again


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

can you pm me this stuff? and if you like, i can send you the full access secret if you'd like to help develop this sound pack further. By the way "this stuff" would be a possible link to the soundpack that you modified so i may incorperate the changes if you will allow me. or like i said, you can join the development team to so you can also update the pack


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

can you pm me this stuff? and if you like, i can send you the full access secret if you'd like to help develop this sound pack further


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

ehh, it was mostly minor things, but full change log is here... luckily I logged everything I was doinggeneral stuffremoved some old triggers that no longer surve a purpose as well as a couple that are seemingly duplicates, updated othersupdated communicator sounds to make them more, communicator-like rather than sounding like you're receiving instant messages however the old sounds are still there for those who want to use themfixed the apartment close door sound so now it actually sounds like a door closed instead of just cutting offadded sounds for einrophones ringing, alliance sector and conquest status channels and probably a few other things I can't remember right nowadded sounds for communicator notices as they arriveadded a sound for the mentor channel, yaymade a modified version of the say sound for when people speak over einrophoneremoved some more clone soundsadded sounds for suborbital podsgro
 und combatadded 2 sounds, one for dropped minimods/special items and one for generic lootnew sounds for storing and  retrieving suitsmessed with some air fort stuff, nothing major to list for the casual playership combatadded sounds for chains, failsafes breaking, tracking array directions both in range and long range as well as damage notifications, critical hits only for nowreplaced clone sounds with different onesadded additional ship explosions and sounds for you being hit, you can never have too many explosion soundsadded sounds for starting and completing repairs, because why notremoved old triggers for weapon hits, because the game has seemingly gotten new hit messages which are considerably cooler to readadded a repair fail sound as well as low grid/ammoadded gag variables for ship hits both actual hit text and flavor text, I suspect most people will want these on to cut down on the spam but they're
  there regardless if people want them off for some reasonadded a gag for locks, you may want these not gagged but for major firefights could be usefulchanged the armor soundadded a sound for damage resistances, not sure if that was the intended sound type but it can be changed later if necessarygeneral ship stuffnew sound for docking bays not that they're needed all that often, but anyways there are alternative sounds in the folder if people so wishupdated sector comm triggers to the new game text, they should work nowroom sounds no longer stop other sounds from playing if the ship is powered down, so yaychanged room sound volume to just a little less than the rest of the soundsexiting capsules now actually shuts up room sounds like for standard ships, also added a sound for it because why notseatbelts, as rare as they are now have a sound


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

what was it that you did? I'd be interested to incorperate the changes


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

Ah thanks, I just ask because there were a few things that I added to the old pack a while back, but never actually did anything with so it's basically just my own copy that has them


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

firstly, several things in the game have been either, updated, or added. it's not complete, but i've fixed combat and hope to expand on ambiances. pluss, that other sc pack is not being updated, this one is.


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

please upload,i will try.


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Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star conquest, bt sync sound pack

just wondering, how is this pack different from the original SC pack that was circulating a couple years back?


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star conquest, bt sync sound pack

2017-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


star conquest, bt sync sound pack

here is a bt sink sound pack for star conquest, works with both VIP mud 1 and VIP mud 2. this is also available through dropbox, but please email me if you would like that version insted.the key isBYTD4E3XSMMXWLFQYDBLQXDKB6JPC5YP4enjoy, and happy mudding!also, eMail me with anything you would like to see added or foxed in the next revision. Another also moment, don't worry, the hosts have approved this sound pack.


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