Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

Welcome to part 2 of my alexa guide, m/ZUnfortunately, with so many games and the forum's post count limit, the guide got rather too large for one topic, so it needed cutting in half. If you haven't seen part 1 already, you can find it here.Nevertheless, on with the list.Memory match Play A single player game of Concentration with Alexa. the classic take two cards and match them game, all you need to do is tell Alexa the row and column of the cards you want. A nice exercise, though I do wish you could change number of cards in the game, since right now it's always at twelve arranged in a 4 x 3 grid. A little odd since the symbols on cards are procedurally generated so you'd think there would be more options. Also, I do find it a bit harsh that if you match a pair you've already matched, Alexa counts it as an extra move so you end up with a low score if you can't recall the coordinates of the last card exactly and need to go through the board. Harder than you would think given you have no way to examine the board between moves.It'd also be nice to have a multiplayer option for this, though hopefully it'll be expanded in the future..Memory training recall  Similar to train my brain (I wonder if it's the same developer). You get a little story and are asked details about it. Actually a very cool idea and especially good if you like taking in audio information. My one miner complaint is it seemed nearly impossible to get this ap to stop, or to get a score, but fun all the same.Memory training  Has two exercises, a digits memory exercise which is like simon with numbers, and a phone exercise which works with simulated phone numbers with four or six digits. A little irritating that you don't get any high score lists or other fun bits, indeed while I get that this is all about the brain training I was a bit disappointed the presentation was so dower and it wasn't made more of a game.Millionaire quizA very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money . Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost .Mind maze This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates. The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa. minny dungeon  This is another very short Cyoa style game for Alexa set in a dungeon choosing coloured doors and options. While it did only take me five minutes or so to finish, it actually had  room descriptions, a few different choices and some locked door puzzles too, plus no random instant death traps for no reason. I really hope the developer makes longer games since unlike much of the other short Cyoa stuff this actually had potential to be interesting, worth a playthrough if you want a short adventure with some interesting locked door puzzles, also a dragon!music quiz Not to be confused with the above mentioned song quiz. Answer multiple choice trivia questions on music. It has a nice selection, albeit it's one attempt at a classical question was rather pathetic and it seems slightly more geared towards the post 2010's. Still its worth a quick break if you want some extra trivia questions using the same question set as other trivia games.My farm  Sort of a clicker incremental game about owning a farm where you start with one chicken, collect eggs to sell, buy other animals etc. Its got some nice touches such as a minigame where  find your cat and get paid for it,  farm workers and characters with different voices (I liked the Welsh chap who ran the market). My only problem is that with no ability to click quickly, the game can get rather grindy. For example you can only sell eggs in batches of twelve, and to get an egg you first have to  feed the chickens then collect the egg. This means to get a second chicken you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twelve times, while to get a piglet (assuming you've maxed out your chicken production at three chickens), you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twenty times. I really hope you get some auto clickers later, or at least the equivalent, still nice to spend some time with and see what you can buy, and of course there are more unlockables down the road too.My pet rock  An alexa version of everyone's favourite Tamagotchi random pet

Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

Welcome to part 2 of my alexa guide, m/ZUnfortunately, with so many games and the forum's post count limit, the guide got rather too large for one topic, so it needed cutting in half. If you haven't seen part 1 already, you can find it here.Nevertheless, on with the list.Memory match Play A single player game of Concentration with Alexa. the classic take two cards and match them game, all you need to do is tell Alexa the row and column of the cards you want. A nice exercise, though I do wish you could change number of cards in the game, since right now it's always at twelve arranged in a 4 x 3 grid. A little odd since the symbols on cards are procedurally generated so you'd think there would be more options. Also, I do find it a bit harsh that if you match a pair you've already matched, Alexa counts it as an extra move so you end up with a low score if you can't recall the coordinates of the last card exactly and need to go through the board. Harder than you would think given you have no way to examine the board between moves.It'd also be nice to have a multiplayer option for this, though hopefully it'll be expanded in the future..Memory training recall  Similar to train my brain (I wonder if it's the same developer). You get a little story and are asked details about it. Actually a very cool idea and especially good if you like taking in audio information. My one miner complaint is it seemed nearly impossible to get this ap to stop, or to get a score, but fun all the same.Memory training  Has two exercises, a digits memory exercise which is like simon with numbers, and a phone exercise which works with simulated phone numbers with four or six digits. A little irritating that you don't get any high score lists or other fun bits, indeed while I get that this is all about the brain training I was a bit disappointed the presentation was so dower and it wasn't made more of a game.Millionaire quizA very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money . Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost .Mind maze This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates. The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa. minny dungeon  This is another very short Cyoa style game for Alexa set in a dungeon choosing coloured doors and options. While it did only take me five minutes or so to finish, it actually had  room descriptions, a few different choices and some locked door puzzles too, plus no random instant death traps for no reason. I really hope the developer makes longer games since unlike much of the other short Cyoa stuff this actually had potential to be interesting, worth a playthrough if you want a short adventure with some interesting locked door puzzles, also a dragon!music quiz Not to be confused with the above mentioned song quiz. Answer multiple choice trivia questions on music. It has a nice selection, albeit it's one attempt at a classical question was rather pathetic and it seems slightly more geared towards the post 2010's. Still its worth a quick break if you want some extra trivia questions using the same question set as other trivia games.My farm  Sort of a clicker incremental game about owning a farm where you start with one chicken, collect eggs to sell, buy other animals etc. Its got some nice touches such as a minigame where  find your cat and get paid for it,  farm workers and characters with different voices (I liked the Welsh chap who ran the market). My only problem is that with no ability to click quickly, the game can get rather grindy. For example you can only sell eggs in batches of twelve, and to get an egg you first have to  feed the chickens then collect the egg. This means to get a second chicken you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twelve times, while to get a piglet (assuming you've maxed out your chicken production at three chickens), you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twenty times. I really hope you get some auto clickers later, or at least the equivalent, still nice to spend some time with and see what you can buy, and of course there are more unlockables down the road too.My pet rock  An alexa version of everyone's favourite Tamagotchi random pet

Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

Welcome to part 2 of my alexa guide, m/ZUnfortunately, with so many games and the forum's post count limit, the guide got rather too large for one topic, so it needed cutting in half. If you haven't seen part 1 already, you can find it here.Nevertheless, on with the list.Memory match Play A single player game of Concentration with Alexa. the classic take two cards and match them game, all you need to do is tell Alexa the row and column of the cards you want. A nice exercise, though I do wish you could change number of cards in the game, since right now it's always at twelve arranged in a 4 x 3 grid. A little odd since the symbols on cards are procedurally generated so you'd think there would be more options. Also, I do find it a bit harsh that if you match a pair you've already matched, Alexa counts it as an extra move so you end up with a low score if you can't recall the coordinates of the last card exactly and need to go through the board. Harder than you would think given you have no way to examine the board between moves.It'd also be nice to have a multiplayer option for this, though hopefully it'll be expanded in the future..Memory training recall  Similar to train my brain (I wonder if it's the same developer). You get a little story and are asked details about it. Actually a very cool idea and especially good if you like taking in audio information. My one miner complaint is it seemed nearly impossible to get this ap to stop, or to get a score, but fun all the same.Memory training  Has two exercises, a digits memory exercise which is like simon with numbers, and a phone exercise which works with simulated phone numbers with four or six digits. A little irritating that you don't get any high score lists or other fun bits, indeed while I get that this is all about the brain training I was a bit disappointed the presentation was so dower and it wasn't made more of a game.Millionaire quizA very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money . Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost .Mind maze This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates. The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa. minny dungeon  This is another very short Cyoa style game for Alexa set in a dungeon choosing coloured doors and options. While it did only take me five minutes or so to finish, it actually had  room descriptions, a few different choices and some locked door puzzles too, plus no random instant death traps for no reason. I really hope the developer makes longer games since unlike much of the other short Cyoa stuff this actually had potential to be interesting, worth a playthrough if you want a short adventure with some interesting locked door puzzles, also a dragon!music quiz Not to be confused with the above mentioned song quiz. Answer multiple choice trivia questions on music. It has a nice selection, albeit it's one attempt at a classical question was rather pathetic and it seems slightly more geared towards the post 2010's. Still its worth a quick break if you want some extra trivia questions using the same question set as other trivia games.My farm  Sort of a clicker incremental game about owning a farm where you start with one chicken, collect eggs to sell, buy other animals etc. Its got some nice touches such as a minigame where  find your cat and get paid for it,  farm workers and characters with different voices (I liked the Welsh chap who ran the market). My only problem is that with no ability to click quickly, the game can get rather grindy. For example you can only sell eggs in batches of twelve, and to get an egg you first have to  feed the chickens then collect the egg. This means to get a second chicken you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twelve times, while to get a piglet (assuming you've maxed out your chicken production at three chickens), you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twenty times. I really hope you get some auto clickers later, or at least the equivalent, still nice to spend some time with and see what you can buy, and of course there are more unlockables down the road too.My pet rock  An alexa version of everyone's favourite Tamagotchi random pet

Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

Welcome to part 2 of my alexa guide, m/ZUnfortunately, with so many games and the forum's post count limit, the guide got rather too large for one topic, so it needed cutting in half. If you haven't seen part 1 already, you can find it here.Nevertheless, on with the list.Memory match Play A single player game of Concentration with Alexa. the classic take two cards and match them game, all you need to do is tell Alexa the row and column of the cards you want. A nice exercise, though I do wish you could change number of cards in the game, since right now it's always at twelve arranged in a 4 x 3 grid. A little odd since the symbols on cards are procedurally generated so you'd think there would be more options. Also, I do find it a bit harsh that if you match a pair you've already matched, Alexa counts it as an extra move so you end up with a low score if you can't recall the coordinates of the last card exactly and need to go through the board. Harder than you would think given you have no way to examine the board between moves.It'd also be nice to have a multiplayer option for this, though hopefully it'll be expanded in the future..Memory training recall  Similar to train my brain (I wonder if it's the same developer). You get a little story and are asked details about it. Actually a very cool idea and especially good if you like taking in audio information. My one miner complaint is it seemed nearly impossible to get this ap to stop, or to get a score, but fun all the same.Memory training  Has two exercises, a digits memory exercise which is like simon with numbers, and a phone exercise which works with simulated phone numbers with four or six digits. A little irritating that you don't get any high score lists or other fun bits, indeed while I get that this is all about the brain training I was a bit disappointed the presentation was so dower and it wasn't made more of a game.Millionaire quizA very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money . Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost .Mind maze This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates. The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa. minny dungeon  This is another very short Cyoa style game for Alexa set in a dungeon choosing coloured doors and options. While it did only take me five minutes or so to finish, it actually had  room descriptions, a few different choices and some locked door puzzles too, plus no random instant death traps for no reason. I really hope the developer makes longer games since unlike much of the other short Cyoa stuff this actually had potential to be interesting, worth a playthrough if you want a short adventure with some interesting locked door puzzles, also a dragon!music quiz Not to be confused with the above mentioned song quiz. Answer multiple choice trivia questions on music. It has a nice selection, albeit it's one attempt at a classical question was rather pathetic and it seems slightly more geared towards the post 2010's. Still its worth a quick break if you want some extra trivia questions using the same question set as other trivia games.My farm  Sort of a clicker incremental game about owning a farm where you start with one chicken, collect eggs to sell, buy other animals etc. Its got some nice touches such as a minigame where  find your cat and get paid for it,  farm workers and characters with different voices (I liked the Welsh chap who ran the market). My only problem is that with no ability to click quickly, the game can get rather grindy. For example you can only sell eggs in batches of twelve, and to get an egg you first have to  feed the chickens then collect the egg. This means to get a second chicken you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twelve times, while to get a piglet (assuming you've maxed out your chicken production at three chickens), you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twenty times. I really hope you get some auto clickers later, or at least the equivalent, still nice to spend some time with and see what you can buy, and of course there are more unlockables down the road too.My pet rock  An alexa version of everyone's favourite Tamagotchi random pet

Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

2020-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

Welcome to part 2 of my alexa guide, m/ZUnfortunately, with so many games and the forum's post count limit, the guide got rather too large for one topic, so it needed cutting in half. If you haven't seen part 1 already, you can find it here.Nevertheless, on with the list.Memory match Play A single player game of Concentration with Alexa. the classic take two cards and match them game, all you need to do is tell Alexa the row and column of the cards you want. A nice exercise, though I do wish you could change number of cards in the game, since right now it's always at twelve arranged in a 4 x 3 grid. A little odd since the symbols on cards are procedurally generated so you'd think there would be more options. Also, I do find it a bit harsh that if you match a pair you've already matched, Alexa counts it as an extra move so you end up with a low score if you can't recall the coordinates of the last card exactly and need to go through the board. Harder than you would think given you have no way to examine the board between moves.It'd also be nice to have a multiplayer option for this, though hopefully it'll be expanded in the future..Memory training recall  Similar to train my brain (I wonder if it's the same developer). You get a little story and are asked details about it. Actually a very cool idea and especially good if you like taking in audio information. My one miner complaint is it seemed nearly impossible to get this ap to stop, or to get a score, but fun all the same.Memory training  Has two exercises, a digits memory exercise which is like simon with numbers, and a phone exercise which works with simulated phone numbers with four or six digits. A little irritating that you don't get any high score lists or other fun bits, indeed while I get that this is all about the brain training I was a bit disappointed the presentation was so dower and it wasn't made more of a game.Millionaire quizA very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money . Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost .Mind maze This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates. The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa. minny dungeon  This is another very short Cyoa style game for Alexa set in a dungeon choosing coloured doors and options. While it did only take me five minutes or so to finish, it actually had  room descriptions, a few different choices and some locked door puzzles too, plus no random instant death traps for no reason. I really hope the developer makes longer games since unlike much of the other short Cyoa stuff this actually had potential to be interesting, worth a playthrough if you want a short adventure with some interesting locked door puzzles, also a dragon!music quiz Not to be confused with the above mentioned song quiz. Answer multiple choice trivia questions on music. It has a nice selection, albeit it's one attempt at a classical question was rather pathetic and it seems slightly more geared towards the post 2010's. Still its worth a quick break if you want some extra trivia questions using the same question set as other trivia games.My farm  Sort of a clicker incremental game about owning a farm where you start with one chicken, collect eggs to sell, buy other animals etc. Its got some nice touches such as a minigame where  find your cat and get paid for it,  farm workers and characters with different voices (I liked the Welsh chap who ran the market). My only problem is that with no ability to click quickly, the game can get rather grindy. For example you can only sell eggs in batches of twelve, and to get an egg you first have to  feed the chickens then collect the egg. This means to get a second chicken you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twelve times, while to get a piglet (assuming you've maxed out your chicken production at three chickens), you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twenty times. I really hope you get some auto clickers later, or at least the equivalent, still nice to spend some time with and see what you can buy, and of course there are more unlockables down the road too.My pet rock  An alexa version of everyone's favourite Tamagotchi random pet

Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

2020-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

Welcome to part 2 of my alexa guide, m/ZUnfortunately, with so many games and the forum's post count limit, the guide got rather too large for one topic, so it needed cutting in half. If you haven't seen part 1 already, you can find it here.Nevertheless, on with the list.Memory match Play A single player game of Concentration with Alexa. the classic take two cards and match them game, all you need to do is tell Alexa the row and column of the cards you want. A nice exercise, though I do wish you could change number of cards in the game, since right now it's always at twelve arranged in a 4 x 3 grid. A little odd since the symbols on cards are procedurally generated so you'd think there would be more options. Also, I do find it a bit harsh that if you match a pair you've already matched, Alexa counts it as an extra move so you end up with a low score if you can't recall the coordinates of the last card exactly and need to go through the board. Harder than you would think given you have no way to examine the board between moves.It'd also be nice to have a multiplayer option for this, though hopefully it'll be expanded in the future..Memory training recall  Similar to train my brain (I wonder if it's the same developer). You get a little story and are asked details about it. Actually a very cool idea and especially good if you like taking in audio information. My one miner complaint is it seemed nearly impossible to get this ap to stop, or to get a score, but fun all the same.Memory training  Has two exercises, a digits memory exercise which is like simon with numbers, and a phone exercise which works with simulated phone numbers with four or six digits. A little irritating that you don't get any high score lists or other fun bits, indeed while I get that this is all about the brain training I was a bit disappointed the presentation was so dower and it wasn't made more of a game.Millionaire quizA very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money . Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost .Mind maze This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates. The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa. minny dungeon  This is another very short Cyoa style game for Alexa set in a dungeon choosing coloured doors and options. While it did only take me five minutes or so to finish, it actually had  room descriptions, a few different choices and some locked door puzzles too, plus no random instant death traps for no reason. I really hope the developer makes longer games since unlike much of the other short Cyoa stuff this actually had potential to be interesting, worth a playthrough if you want a short adventure with some interesting locked door puzzles, also a dragon!music quiz Not to be confused with the above mentioned song quiz. Answer multiple choice trivia questions on music. It has a nice selection, albeit it's one attempt at a classical question was rather pathetic and it seems slightly more geared towards the post 2010's. Still its worth a quick break if you want some extra trivia questions using the same question set as other trivia games.My farm  Sort of a clicker incremental game about owning a farm where you start with one chicken, collect eggs to sell, buy other animals etc. Its got some nice touches such as a minigame where  find your cat and get paid for it,  farm workers and characters with different voices (I liked the Welsh chap who ran the market). My only problem is that with no ability to click quickly, the game can get rather grindy. For example you can only sell eggs in batches of twelve, and to get an egg you first have to  feed the chickens then collect the egg. This means to get a second chicken you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twelve times, while to get a piglet (assuming you've maxed out your chicken production at three chickens), you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twenty times. I really hope you get some auto clickers later, or at least the equivalent, still nice to spend some time with and see what you can buy, and of course there are more unlockables down the road too.My pet rock  An alexa version of everyone's favourite Tamagotchi random pet

Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

2020-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1: A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

2020-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon Alexa audiogames, Part 2: m/z

Welcome to part 2 of my alexa guide, m/ZUnfortunately, with so many games and the forum's post count limit, the guide got rather too large for one topic, so it needed cutting in half. Nevertheless, on with the list.Memory match Play A single player game of Concentration with Alexa. the classic take two cards and match them game, all you need to do is tell Alexa the row and column of the cards you want. A nice exercise, though I do wish you could change number of cards in the game, since right now it's always at twelve arranged in a 4 x 3 grid. A little odd since the symbols on cards are procedurally generated so you'd think there would be more options. Also, I do find it a bit harsh that if you match a pair you've already matched, Alexa counts it as an extra move so you end up with a low score if you can't recall the coordinates of the last card exactly and need to go through the board. Harder than you would think given you have no way to examine the board between moves.It'd also be nice to have a multiplayer option for this, though hopefully it'll be expanded in the future..Memory training recall  Similar to train my brain (I wonder if it's the same developer). You get a little story and are asked details about it. Actually a very cool idea and especially good if you like taking in audio information. My one miner complaint is it seemed nearly impossible to get this ap to stop, or to get a score, but fun all the same.Memory training  Has two exercises, a digits memory exercise which is like simon with numbers, and a phone exercise which works with simulated phone numbers with four or six digits. A little irritating that you don't get any high score lists or other fun bits, indeed while I get that this is all about the brain training I was a bit disappointed the presentation was so dower and it wasn't made more of a game.Millionaire quizA very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money . Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost .Mind maze This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates. The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa. minny dungeon  This is another very short Cyoa style game for Alexa set in a dungeon choosing coloured doors and options. While it did only take me five minutes or so to finish, it actually had  room descriptions, a few different choices and some locked door puzzles too, plus no random instant death traps for no reason. I really hope the developer makes longer games since unlike much of the other short Cyoa stuff this actually had potential to be interesting, worth a playthrough if you want a short adventure with some interesting locked door puzzles, also a dragon!music quiz Not to be confused with the above mentioned song quiz. Answer multiple choice trivia questions on music. It has a nice selection, albeit it's one attempt at a classical question was rather pathetic and it seems slightly more geared towards the post 2010's. Still its worth a quick break if you want some extra trivia questions using the same question set as other trivia games.My farm  Sort of a clicker incremental game about owning a farm where you start with one chicken, collect eggs to sell, buy other animals etc. Its got some nice touches such as a minigame where  find your cat and get paid for it,  farm workers and characters with different voices (I liked the Welsh chap who ran the market). My only problem is that with no ability to click quickly, the game can get rather grindy. For example you can only sell eggs in batches of twelve, and to get an egg you first have to  feed the chickens then collect the egg. This means to get a second chicken you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twelve times, while to get a piglet (assuming you've maxed out your chicken production at three chickens), you need to feed chickens and collect eggs twenty times. I really hope you get some auto clickers later, or at least the equivalent, still nice to spend some time with and see what you can buy, and of course there are more unlockables down the road too.My pet rock  An alexa version of everyone's favourite Tamagotchi random pet care game. Log in each day to play with your rock, feed i

Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1 A/L

2020-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of amazon Alexa audiogames Part 1 A/L

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list: 3%challenge From the makkers of the vortex (see below), comes this awesome daily challenge game, containing an interactive story, plus a hole bunch of different logic, sound, and memory games played on a daily basis. The diversity of different minigames here is very nice, though be careful about the difficulty of some. Also, the premium system here is extremely fair, letting you pay for occasional extra bits of content, from accessing other parts of the story, to giving you some new challenges for the sound recognition game. My only miner criticism is that at the moment, the game’s activation seems rather random, some days it works, some days it doesn’t. Hopefully this is not a major issue the developers are having and will be solved soon.Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.80’s feel the pressure Similar to the feel the pressure game (see below), but with 80’s, pop questions. Great for music and ambience and with a lot of questions, but even my lady ran into trouble with this one, since the questions are pretty tough and require a good knowledge of the music of the period, who was in the charts when etc. There are versions available for other decades as well, but since I have no knowledge of pop music myself, and even my lady’s knowledge of eighties pop failed with this one, be prepared to be trounced unless you’re a real pop aficionado Animal letters From Drew Cosgrove, the ssame person who created Harry potter letters and it works on basically the same principle, get a letter and say as many animals as you can beginning with that letter. What sets this one apart from similar skills of the type  is the number of sounds for different animals , the amusing score titles, and the keeping of top scores.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are nei

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-04-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Bbc the inspection chamber  This one is very cool! A random scifi comic game in which you are a life form in an inspection chamber being looked over by two scientists who just want to get out of the office and go home, and their database, the actually rather disturbing computer "dave" Lots of recorded audio and sfx, although this isn't quite an interactive audio drama. Highly recommended if your  strange and quirky things, I can see why it's described as a nod to Douglas Adams.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra wa

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do hav

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates including bug fixing, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't expect progress to be too quick. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do hav

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. For a none official list of other things I've tried see this topic of random Alexa stuff Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't express progress to be too quick. I also personally found one or two bugs with a couple of commands, though sicne others don't report these it might just be me, or that the game doesn't like none Us English. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've bui

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2018-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't express progress to be too quick. I also personally found one or two bugs with a couple of commands, though sicne others don't report these it might just be me, or that the game doesn't like none Us English. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might co

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't express progress to be too quick. I also personally found one or two bugs with a couple of commands, though sicne others don't report these it might just be me, or that the game doesn't like none Us English. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might co

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't express progress to be too quick. I also personally found one or two bugs with a couple of commands, though sicne others don't report these it might just be me, or that the game doesn't like none Us English. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might co

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't express progress to be too quick. I also personally found one or two bugs with a couple of commands, though sicne others don't report these it might just be me, or that the game doesn't like none Us English. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might co

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weird gods. With frequent updates, the chance to build castles,  and lots of exploring this is definitely one for rpg fans, albeit don't express progress to be too quick. I also personally found one or two bugs with a couple of commands, though sicne others don't report these it might just be me, or that the game doesn't like none Us English. thanks to bookrage for providing some extra info about this one.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might co

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Bio Acoustics 101  If it weren't midnight I'd go and get my lady to show her this since it's perfect for animal lovers. Try and guess ten animal sounds whichgo from standard to unusual, you can also have the sounds demoed for you before you play to give you a head start. My only two issues are firstly voice recognition is ropy if you choose an animal not in the list, eg, it didn't know the difference between a moose and a goose (which is sort of amusing), and secondly being as the animal sounds come from public domain sites the quality isn't always great, the cobra was barely audible. Still good fun if you like animals.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Battlecry Supposedly a skill where you get to battle people across the net in  random duels. One problem, to battle anyone you need their code. Since there are neither ai opponents, nor any way of searching for another player's code, nor (from what Google can tell me), a registered list of codes or similar there is literally no way to battle anybody! So , is it a good game? I honestly don't know, but my code is blue panther twelve and anyone is free to give me a try and let me know, hay, let me know your code too .Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the trains. There is also an American train empire version, but that one didn't show up in the Uk version of Alexa.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the trains. There is also an American train empire version, but that one didn't show up in the Uk version of Alexa.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go. To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.Chance starship A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in yo

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the trains. There is also an American train empire version, but that one didn't show up in the Uk version of Alexa.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go. To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.Chance starship A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in yo

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the trains. There is also an American train empire version, but that one didn't show up in the Uk version of Alexa.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go. To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.Chance starship A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in yo

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the trains. There is also an American train empire version, but that one didn't show up in the Uk version of Alexa.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go. To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.Chance starship A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in yo

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat. Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.British train empire  Thanks to Cyko for recommending this one. A simple economic stratogy game where you build stations and tracks linking cities together, and then run trains to earn prophet. unfortunately, the game only has a few cities, also unfortunately, once you've built one station and connected it to another there is no way of seeing what other cities it might connect to, so unless your geography is far better than mine you do have to guess a little. A relaxing game for stratoggists complete with leaderboard, though I do wish it included a few more stations and a bit more about the trains. There is also an American train empire version, but that one didn't show up in the Uk version of Alexa.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go. To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.Chance starship A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in yo

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat.8 pages Recommendation by Psycho. This is similar to the Slenderman lost vision audiogame. Wander around creepy locations looking for pages while being chased by a creature who distorts sounds (I think it's slenderman, though it's not named in the game). On the plus side, speech recognition was flawless in this one and the sounds are damn creepy! On the minus side, the game plays very slowly, some of the commands are just plane odd, eg, @turn around the old truck 2@ to search, and while the sounds are creepy, hearing a long burst of them everytime you move quickly loses their appeal, as do the generic Alexa responses such as @there there@ or @now now@ you get when you do something.There was also little to no description, and to even get directions of what is around you on the map you needed to say help each move. It was also physically impossible to actually die, since if you run into a square with the creature, your asked if you want to go back, and then can take the same direction again with no trouble. The creature also doesn't interupt while your random searching, which unfortunately you do lots and lots and lots! of, indeed after looking for the last page for a solid half hour I actually gave up with this. A potentially nice idea but not a game I would recommend I'm afraid.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adven

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go. To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.Chance starship A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in your skills tab or in the categories rather than having to use google search or search for the creator's name). pretty much the same thing with an out of power starship and aliens instead of a dungeon and fantasy monsters, and equally as fun. Colossal cave adventureThe grand daddy of all interactive fiction games, puzzle your way through the caves to find the treasures (really is there nobody who hasn't! heard of this one?). Speech recognition seemed pretty good, albeit parsing can still be as interesting as in the original.Doctor who trivia Very similar to some other trivia games I've seen. Five questions per round, probably a reasonable selection. Nice for having a mix of classic and modern doct

Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

2017-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Dark's list of Amazon/alexa audiogames

Introduction Here is a list of audiogames I have discovered on the Amazon Alexa platform which can be enabled using the "skills" tab. Most are free as are all Alexa skills, though a couple link to services that create accounts and thus have a charge. Additions, thoughts or updates to the list are always welcome, so please use This thread[/ for comments or suggestions Note however that due to Amazon's policy,  this list contains only skills I could access from the United Kingdom version of the Alexa app, since unfortunately not all developers make their skills available in all countries, even when the language is the same (dam them!).to qualify as an audiogame an ap must: 1: Be completely accessible via audio alone such that a blind and sighted player could play equally. Thus quizzes  with the odd visual question in the ap would not count. 2: Be an actual game with a goal and some way for the player to interact  to achieve that goal. Unfortunately many of the skills in the "game's section, though often doing fun things like dispensing random facts about dragons or werewolves are not games a player can interact with. Also note that these short descriptions contain actual reviews, ie, they represent my opinions, both positive and negative. The list will be updated from time to time as I try more skills so check back. This does not however mean that Amazon skills will not get db pages, just that since many are comparatively short games, this is a quick and easy way to keep people informed of what is out there, as well as perhaps alert developers of these skills to the fact that the audiogaming community exists.Now on with the list:Six swordsAn rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat.Beat the introSupposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players. Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  Alexa voice the game would've been way less irritating D.Basic adventure The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.Button button  Supposedly a cooperative clicker game in which people from all around the world click to press a button multiple times, however it is completely broken  told me it couldn't connect to database everytime I tried it.Categories game A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  categories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.Chance dungeon An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go. To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.Chance starship A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in your skills tab or in the categories rather than having to use google search or search for the creator's name). pretty much the same thing with an out of power starship and aliens instead of a dungeon and fantasy monsters, and equally as fun. Colossal cave adventureThe grand daddy of all interactive fiction games, puzzle your way through the caves to find the treasures (really is there nobody who hasn't! heard of this one?). Speech recognition seemed pretty good, albeit parsing can still be as interesting as in the original.Doctor who trivia Very similar to some other trivia games I've seen. Five questions per round, probably a reasonable selection. Nice for having a mix of classic and modern doct