Help Ashvi to teach in Nepal.


I was sitting with my friend Amin or Bashue on here at a cafe we go to quite a bit, when we were told about a woman called Ashvi and how she wanted to teach in Nepal.

After speaking to her,, I ended up donating £30 in cash and will be donateing £100 online.

Her goal is quite a big one, it's around £6000. It will cover her flight, her expenses for the year she intends to stay there and anything else she may need.

Pleas take a look at these pages and donate if you can. If you can't, and have social media, share the page.

Here's the link where you can donate:

Here is her facebook page,  I don't have facebook anymore so can't confirm how accessible it is: … 763398119/

Here is the link for the charity she will be going with if she reaches her goal:

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