Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

So I got this game for christmas for xbox 360. What are the xbox equivolents to triangle square circle and all that? Everybody on here seems to play on ps3 or 4 so there's not really any way for me to see the PDA controls because I don't know what square or triangle or what ever is on an xbox controler.How useful is the pda anyway? Is it 100 percent relyable for getting you to an objective? And what about fighting, i'd need headphones i'd imagine?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2017-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

The bell puzzle is doable on pc only using a trainer, however I formatted my computer more than twice and I lost my notes. If I ever play this game again I'll ask for someone sighted for some help, but a trainer is pretty much the only way to complete it. Some of them are going to laugh at that, but I'll be honest: resident evil 7 for me at least was way more enjoyable and playable than re6, even with no PDA and no trainer at all. With some patience and memorization I was able to complete it without sighted help. I'm even considering doing an audio walkthrough whenever I get more free time


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2017-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

So I know I'm bringing this topic back from the dead (no pun intended.) So particularly for people like MR. Brunete because I'm pretty sure somewhere you said you'd done it, is there any way at all we can complete the bell puzzle? I'm playing on console so don't have access to a trainer there. I do have the PC version as well, but I'm at least trying to set myself the challenge to see if all 100% of the game is playable somehow. If it means I have no option other than to get sighted help so be it, but yeah just curious.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

so in the mercenaries mode, there is no PDA, right?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

your welcome, and i forgot a very basic thing about mercenaries mode.If you press the PDA button, the one we use to guide the character to the objective, in mercenaries your character will taunt.this is important because if the taunt is completed, you will get all your stamina back.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

[[wow]] mr.brunete, that's sure very helpful explanation. thanks!I'm also waiting for the official guide/walkthrough for this game from a blind perspective. if the guide is completed, I will surely read it and I will grab the game on my PS4.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

[[wow]]. SOunds fun.So, any progress on the official guide?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

exactly, mercenaries mode is where you run around killing things, it is something like:choose a character, choose a stage, then battle.But wait, the character and stages need some explanation.initially, you have 3 characters to choose, but as you play and get good ranks, you unlock new characters, new stages, and the second variation of each character.each character has a different equipment, and the second variation of the same character also has different items and weaponrry.example: leon has a pistol, a shotgun, 4 remote bombs and 8 healing tablets.chris has a knife, an assault rifle, a magnum, some flash grenades i think, but no healing items!jake has hand to hand, a pistol, a sniper rifle, and 3 or 4 healing tablets.but the second variation of each character has different equipment tan the first one.the enemies drop ammo and items of course, more if you buy and equip the item drop increase skill.stages.initiall
 y, you have 3 of the 10 stages of the mode, and you need to get a good Rank on all 3 stages to unlock the 4th. a good Rank on the 4th to unlock the next, and so each stage, different enemies and bosses will appear, for that reason is important to unlock all stages, to fight all posible enemies.your objective in the mercenaries is to kill 150 enemies. if you win, that's great, you unlock a reward. if you die, you get the mercenaries: no mercy, your goal is to kill 400 enemies! and they fill the screen very quickly!.In mercenaries no mercy, enemies drop items more frequently of course.finally, in no mercy, there are several guest characters, from the game left 4 dead, and some enemies of that series too.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

just a quick note, playing mercenaries with time frozen is great!!.I mean, sinze the time bonuses are scatered throughout the stages, in this mode we generally run out of time, but with time frozen and nothing else, you can play it like a battle game. unlocking characters, new stages, that's my kind of thing! i love it!mercenaries: no mercy is a pain in the ass, funny but hard as hell hahaha!.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Thanks so much...


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

@sljsorry so much man! haven't read your last post!. i've updated the menu guide the same day i posted it, it is OK select a character, choose play, campaign, select chapter, choose a campaign, a chapter, and then select your difficulty, then press a or x and you will be on the character select screen.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Thanks a lot. So, I didn't get, where is the character select screen?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Mr.Brunete: [[wow]]... You are awesome! A huge thanks for all the menus...One question: You said that the next screen after having pressed continue game is the character screen. Does that mean I have these two choices: 1: Play through the whole campaign with one character and then go to the chapter select screen and choose the next character. 2: Play through a bit of a chapter, and then switch to an other character to play the chapter from an other point of view? It sounds really cool. I'm just not sure on what order the characters are in, on the character screen. Again, thanks so much man...


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

look a few posts back, seb has provided a link to the trainer. in that link, the author sais that you need another verssion of the executable for the trainer to work properly.never use verssion 1.6, because it will not work.also seb, can you give me some help with the mirror puzzle?. just some tips would be very welcome.Also, the trainer works just fine. it is a good utility to check your inventory.thanks in advance.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Once again, with the trainer, I can get it to recognise my games, but enemies will not teleport and stuff, I have version 1.0.6, the latest steam version, and when I launch the game, I have to launch it through steam. Do I need to get a different executable for the trainer to work properly?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

here is the menu and inventory guide, sorry everyone, i forgot to change language, but i've done my best to translate as acurately as posible. here we go!.menu guide, pc verssion.note: i'm using an xbox360 controller, so, when i said press a, i'm referring to the button a in the xbox controller. then, following a /, i put the corresponding ps3 / ps4 button.main menu:*play.*graphic settings.*options.*credits.statistics.extras.steam store.exit.graphic settings menu:*screen resolution.*fullscreen.*display frequency.*vertical sinchronization.*fps rate.*antialiassing.*motion blur.*shadow quality.*texture quality.*display/screen quality.options menu.*control.*camera.*game settings.*display settings.*audio settings.*auto - upload data.*keyboard configuration*joystic configuration.*r
 eset to default.control options.*aiming reticle: normal, laser.*dominant hand: auto, left, right.*reload: automatic, options.*x axis.*y axis.*speed.aiming.*x axis.*y axis.*speed.other.*aiming direction*center when dashing.*camera field of vission.*aiming field of vission.*aiming settings menu.*subtitles: on/off, default is online ID: yes/no, default is yes.*hud possition.*laser icons: yes/no, default is yes.*auto - action button: yes/no, default is no.display options: this lets you center and adjust the brightness of the options.*bgm volume.*sfx volume.*voice volume.*chat volume.language (for voices): english, french, italian, german, - upload data: if enabled, it'll upload your stats to
 , i think.I don't have the exact options for keyboard and joystic configuration.reset to default doesn't need any explanation.lets continue with the main menu.*credits: shows the credits.statistics: shows your stats, enemies killed, items used...extras:*gallery.*videos.inside gallery, you can find a selection of images for each character, you change characters with rb or r1, i think.videos.this lets you view all the cutscenes you've unlocked. when you enter, you will apear on the timeline. in 2012. rb or r1 changes to 2013.go down once, you will be possitioned on leon. down is chris, down is jake, and finally ada.left and right changes videos.example: i want to see leon's cutscenes. i enter videos, then i go down once. but leon has no events in 2012. so, i press "rb" to go to 2013, and then, a / x to play the scenes.example 2: i want to see chris' scenes.
  i enter videos, go down twice, and then i can press a / x to play. but wait, if i play the first scene of chris & piers, i'll start viewing the chapter 2 scenes. this is because the timeline starts in 2012, you remember? and chapter 2 is a flashback chapter, in 2012. but chapter 1 takes place in, lets go back to the main menu options.*campaigns.*medals.*other.campaigns menu.*continue game.*select chapter.*join game.*edit.if you select continue game or go to select chapter, you will be pressented with these options. note: to advance a screen, press a / x.first screen:*difficulty: amateur, normal, beteran, professional, hell. default is normal.screen: normal, split. default is normal.second screen:select your character for the current campaign.third screen:note: when you go to the third screen, the cursor will be on the option "start game&
 quot;. go down once to go to the first option of the menu.*conection type: online, offline. default is on, off, friends only. default is off.*location? world, country. default is world.*objective: i want to have fun, i want to play seriously, i want to get medals, i want to know the story, i want to get emblems, and something about participating in events. default is i want to have fun.*friendly fire: on/off, default is off.*infinite ammo: on/off, default is off. a coment from my friend to all of you: of course i suppose everyone will keep this option turned off!now seriously, about this option: if you turn this on, nothing will happen. that's because you need to unlock and then purchase the indibidual infinite skill for a particular weapon, for example, unlock and buy the infinite pistol skill to have unlimited ammo for the pistol.*agent hunt: on/off. default is off.*start game.important: if you choose s
 elect chapter, you must select a campaign. leon, chris, jake, ada, a / x and you will be presented with a list of chapters. up and down selects a chapter, left and right select a specific part of it. you can't play a chapter you haven't x, and now you will be on the three screens mentioned above.continuing with the play main options.medals: here, you can view the medals you get for doing certain tasks in the, you have these options:*agent hunt.*the mercenaries.*the mercenaries - no mercy, also known as unlimited mercenaries.*survivors.*onslaught.*predator.*s

Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Here's a link to the trainer I am using. … opic=24364I know updates aren't coming fast, but I've had a few other things to deal with. I'll try and post another chapter soon. @mr.brunete we can definitely make the best guide possible for sure, you're pretty used to that game as well so this will be great.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

hey, a little of topic, but i'd like to have some matches in mk xl, just for fun. i'll check your youtube channel soon enough, i think we can have some intense fights.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death_rattlehead via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Just posting here to show my interest in this guide. I'm following and waiting patiently.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

i know how the inventory works, so i'll explain it along with the menu guide tomorrow. a friend of mine will go home tonight, and i'll ask him to read the menus for me. i'm from argentina, so my game is in spanish. but i'll change it to english before reading, so i can write exactly as they appear on the game.i'll be using the pc verssion, sinze that's the most updated one.If anyone wants anythin else, and if i can ask my friend tonight, it will be great. so, if anyone as anything to ask, and see this message, please ask now.Also seb, you can use the info i'll post here for your guide without asking, lets see if you can make the most complete guide possible.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Yeah, menu guide will be avesome. Also, which trainer are you using exactly? I have RE6 on steam.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

hi, great job seb!.i'm not familiar with trainers and things like that, how can i get the trainer you're using?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Hi.I hope to see a guide explaining the menus soon...


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

I think there is a partner button or prompt on that part. The parts I have trouble with are catching the dog in Leons campaign and freeing the hostages in chriss's campaign.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death_rattlehead via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Ah a guide for this game! Sweet. Now I can pop it back in. I got fustrated in Leon's campaign where you have to kill the big zombies and then hop on the bus to escape. I keep missing where to go.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Yes, and this is fully accessible.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

any driving parts in the game? I heard in leon's campaign after going to the parking lot you have to drive to the sewers.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Well, the area isn't that big, so you just go around until you find what you need. That's how I did it long time ago. 


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

thanks for that, SLJ. can't wait to buy the game and play it.oh BTW, in the first part of the tutorial when there is no PDA, how do you navigate in the game? it's at the part when you finally have full control of leon and you need to get to the car and get the herbs and back to helena and heal her.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Hi seb2314.So, this topic is really fantastic. I don't have pc power or harddrive space enough to play on the computer, so I'm playing on my ps3 or ps4, properly my ps4. I played the game long time ago on my ps3, and I remember getting stuck in a house after having drove the car. Do you know if walking around can be more challenging if you're low at helth? Because that seemed what happened, and I got lost because of that.The thing which I find very confusing in the game is all the menus. Are you able to, in the future, maybe in your guide, to list all the menus? Explain how the inventory works, how to skip inaccessible parts on the console etc? I even don't remember what campaign I started, but I do remember the dark and scary underground, where I had to dodge the train.I look so much forward to play this game again on my ps4, because the ga
 me is fantastic. So, I'm so glad that you'll help by adding notes to the guide. This is awesome!


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

you have to restart the game from the last checkpoint for the weapons to update. As for the command to teleport enemies to you, it's working for me so I don't know what would cause a problem.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

You have to go back to the girl. Just spam 1 if your playing on pc.As for changing weapons in the inventory, it would help if I could actually select the different vertical weapons and if they would save. When I select one, I can only choose the none option and the 9mm one before for some reason it defaults back to the first option. and if I manage to select a weapon, it does not appear. Because if I choose the weapon I want in the trainer and hit tab, it defaults back to none when I go back to it. And, The command to teleport enemies does not work.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Sorry, meant Leon, not chris.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

So, is there a way to relyably do the beginning of chris's first chapter when you don't have the PDA? I can't find anything passed when you  make the herbs.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

When you kill an enemy just use square if you use a playstation controller or x on xbox. As for the trainer having that issue, just use the triangle or y to select a weapon from the inventory.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

I got the trainer to work i just needed to download the version for my re version. However, when i go to select the vertical weapons, the combo box keeps defaulting back to 0 which is none.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

When using the trainer, when I launch re6 through steam, the trainer says the game isn't running. However, I am unable to launch just the re6 executable as it fails to launch steam and gives me an error. So I have the latest version of re6 on steam and are unable to use the trainer. Got any tips?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

well thanks for the tip, I will play this game once I buy it on my PS4. also, how do you pick up items and such, like herbs, weapons, ammo packs ETC if there is no sound for it?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Yes, even though the PDA does not make a sound, it works for the part where you have to disable the guns. Before destroying the missiles, you have to run to the back of the plane and press and hold lt in front of a turret. When you hear the pilot yell "incoming", just follow the sound of the incoming missile and shoot it. I must remind you all to play this with headphones, that's mandatory.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

@seb2000: at the part when chris redfield appeard and the aircraft radio says that alpha team can't land because they detect a large zombie in the radar and we must disable 3 guns and destroy the big do you walk to the right destination without using the PDA to point you? and also, on the final part where you have to destroy the chopper, how do you avoid those missiles that are being fired from that chopper?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

any other puzzles besides the mirror ones and the bell ones?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Sure. Although I am planning on using the trainer to get through certain situations, such as the bell puzzle in Leon's campaign. But you could always skip that part on the ps3/ps4.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

can I play this one on the PS3/PS4? I'm planning to buy this game soon.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Yes this does waste stamina, but if you only walk normally you will get your stamina back with time. I honestly played the game so much I accumulated a lot of ammo so it's not a problem for me. You get more ammo by killing enemies because most of them drop some when they die. If you play it on pc, you can use the trainer to get infinite ammo, as well.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

eah, I know this but is this not wasting more bullets or maybe do something with the stamina?Can you actually lists the menus for the game? I need to play this soon and see how far I can get.I asked about Ada's one as I know it's heavily puzzle based.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Yes I usually do this. But, I also use the quick shot feature where you press both the left and right trigger at the same time, l2 and r2 if you use a playstation controller. It will automatically aim and shoot at an enemy. You can now shoot it normally since you'll be aiming at it.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

I've downloaded jakes chapter 1 walkthrough and it's pretty nice.BTW how do you aim and shoot the zombies with a gun? do you position the sound in the center and shoot it?


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Alright guys! Jake's first chapter is up. keep in mind that I did not and will not use sighted help to play this. It might seem impossible to some of you, but to be honest I've been playing this game for years and yes it takes some getting used to, but it's so worth it. I'm going to try to upload one chapter per day, and I will update the notes I have once I get the ok from the creator of the walkthrough.***Edit***I got the permition from Berserker, the creator of the walkthrough on gamefaqs, to edit his guide so I can add my notes to it. Here's the link: added a few notes to Jake's chapter 1. Feel free to tell me which part of the game you find harder or imposs
 ible to complete so I can edit the guide accordingly. I will edit the guide chapter by chapter, so Jake's chapter 2 should be up tonight.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Alright guys! Jake's first chapter is up. keep in mind that I did not and will not use sighted help to play this. It might seem impossible to some of you, but to be honest I've been playing this game for years and yes it takes some getting used to, but it's so worth it. I'm going to try to upload one chapter per day, and I will update the notes I have once I get the ok from the creator of the walkthrough.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Fair enough, I'll keep you posted. @Lirin yeah Ada's campaign is definitely doable. I am going to post the chapters in the following order:Jake Chapter 1Jake Chapter 2Chris Chapter 1Chris Chapter 2Leon Chapter 1Leon Chapter 2Leon Chapter 3Jake Chapter 3Chris Chapter 3Jake Chapter 4Leon Chapter 4Chris Chapter 4Jake Chapter 5Chris Chapter 5Leon Chapter 5Ada's Campaign


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

I'm interested as well.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

I'm also interested in it myself, since later on I'm planning to get this on my PS4.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Yeah, sure, sounds cool!Also, what about the last Campaign? any chances to get through it? I mean Ada's one.


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