I have spent some time reading posts in this forum and its been very
interesting. Time then to participate !

I am looking for a substitute for my CD which decided to leave this
earth a while back. I am also tired of the CD medium itself and
strongly believe that doing away with it is the way to go. 
So in my quest I stumbled upon this little thing, the SqueezeBox, and
from what I can see it looks like the one for me!

I have some questions though and most have probably been asked before
but I was never one to claim to be unique :)

Like I said my CD died but I should add that I don't have any speakers
either ATM or an amp, the reason for this is I just moved from another
country and couldn't be arsed to bring things like that with me. They
were not good anyway. 

So basically I don't have nothing ATM, I am a white canvas for you
people to paint your master pieces on :) 

First question:

I know what kind of speakers I want already ( "Handmade" Swedish
speakers made by Stridbeck ) but about the amp I just need some
suggestions. This is the Audiophiles I know I know but I am not
spending a fortune on this stuff. So cheap and very good .. shouldn't
be that hard for you right ? :)  I mean that is what the SB is after
all ... or so they say. Must be others.  

I will use lossless format in one way or another and the SB as
transport. Now I have read X number or threads about the SQ of the SB
as is, and with mods, with external Dac's etc and AFAIK there is not a
unified answer. Not surprisingly since it is all very subjective. 

But given my setup, which will consist of decent speakers ( to me
anyway ) and a probably not so decent amp ( to you ) would I benefit at
all from a Dac or is that just me craving the extra gear ?

Squeezebox --> Amp --> Speakers
Squeezebox --> Dac --> Amp --> Speakers

I don't care AT ALL about how these things look as I will hide them
anyway. I am not anal about sound quality, meaning I will not run
around with db instruments measuring sound waves ... I am however anal
ENOUGH to want as good a sound as I can get, for the money I can

So question 2:

Would you advice me to just buy the SB first and try it out and wait
with external Dac's until AFTER I have tried it in my system ? All
logic tells me this is the thing to do but logic and me, well, we
haven't spoken much lately. 
I have this one time chance to get a Lavry DA10 for a very good price
and should I decide later I hate it or whatever I am certain I can sell
it and even make money off of it.  Thoughts ?

Finally let me apologize for such a horrific first post. They say first
impressions last so whatever goofy impression I made with this post I
guess I only have myself to blame. 

Anyway .. here's to music !!!

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