Hi all,

Thanks to Hetzner sponsoring our new server [0] we now have a new box with
48 threads, 128 GiB RAM, and 2 NVMes in RAID0 with a total of 1.75 TiB of
storage. Should be plenty fast for the time being.

The new server is now available at dragon.archlinux.org for all of your
package building pleasures. All TUs and devs have had all of their keys

pkgbuild.com will soon be pointed to this new server so keep that in mind
in case your SSH tells you the hostname changed.

IMPORTANT: No data has been migrated from soyuz. It is your responsibility
to transfer any data you might want on dragon. soyuz will stay available
for at least a month from now (probably more, don't worry, there will be
another mail for its termination), so you have plenty of time to migrate
any data.

dragon will not host public_html in your home dirs. That will move
somewhere else. dragon is very strictly a build box and no other services
should run on there.

soyuz hasn't been changed in any way and if you really want to keep using
that, you can do so until it gets terminated.

[0] https://twitter.com/svenstaro/status/1107938411254431744

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