
On 2004 Aug 7 , at 15.26, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

On Sat, 7 Aug 2004, Norman Gray wrote:

I didn't know there was such a thing as the `GNU Help Wanted' list, but I've long thought such a project would be an excellent idea. It's a pretty natural language for such a task, and quite a few of the important bits of are, it seems to me, written in a pretty functional style anyway. And scsh is POSIX, portable, and pretty lightweight.

Automake is already written. It took years.

Yes and yes. I didn't say that reimplementing automake would be a _sensible_ idea!

So that's `excellent' as code for a variety of things including `good fun' and `good language', but not including `good project management' or `good deployment of scarce resources'. Unfortunately they matter too...

There must be something more useful for volunteers to work on. you say.

All the best,


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Norman Gray : Physics & Astronomy, Glasgow University, UK :

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