Re: Need better release validation documentation/strategy.

2022-04-09 Thread Bob Friesenhahn

On Fri, 8 Apr 2022, ckeader wrote:

The key server network as we knew it is dead and buried, and I would not
expect any of them to provide complete or indeed reliable information.
This article explains why:
There was some discussion at the time over on gnupg-users also.

This was facinating reading, and I was not aware of any of it before. 
Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to follow its advice yet.

Everything related to OpenPGP is extremely obtuse with massive amounts 
of documentation.

OpenSSH 8 and later offer a facility which allows validating a file's 
origin and integrity given a certificate (see I gave this a try and 
it was remarkably simple.  It is several orders of magnitude less 
complex than OpenPGP and many people use OpenSSH.  Unfortunately, not 
all systems have OpenSSH 8 yet (or will ever have OpenSSH).  Another 
issue is that users could be confused by ".sig" files and won't know 
if they should use OpenSSH or gpg to validate with them without 
looking at the content.

Providing the signer's pub keys on a (secured) web site seems to be the
best option for now.

I have been using several mechanisms, including an insecure URL link 
as is shown in my email signature text.

An important question has not been asked yet, IMHO - why are maintainers
using this relatively obscure method for hashing?

Yes, this is very obscure and it defeats the purpose, which should be 
to encourage verification.

Bob Friesenhahn,
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
Public Key,

Re: Need better release validation documentation/strategy.

2022-04-09 Thread ckeader

> For some reason key servers are not very helpful these days with some 
> of them offering distorted behavior or appearing to be severely 
> overloaded.  It may be that the key server used by default by Ubuntu 
> Linux imposes additional limitations such as regarding exposing email 
> addresses. The user might need to know how to specify a different 
> server and know which ones to use.
The key server network as we knew it is dead and buried, and I would not
expect any of them to provide complete or indeed reliable information.
This article explains why:
There was some discussion at the time over on gnupg-users also.

Providing the signer's pub keys on a (secured) web site seems to be the
best option for now.

The key to verifying the base64 encoded checksums is a conversion from
binary to hex and vice versa. od from coreutils and xxd from vim can be

| Here are the SHA1 and SHA256 checksums:
| 91fa501ada319c4dc8f796208440d45a3f48ed13  gzip-1.12.tar.gz
| W0+xTTgxTgny/IocUQ581UCj6g4+ubBCAEa4LDv0EIU  gzip-1.12.tar.gz
| 318107297587818c8f1e1fbb55962f4b2897bc0b  gzip-1.12.tar.xz
| zl4D5Rn2N+H4FAEazjXE+HszwLur7sNbr1+9NHnpGVY  gzip-1.12.tar.xz

$ echo "zl4D5Rn2N+H4FAEazjXE+HszwLur7sNbr1+9NHnpGVY" |base64 -d |xxd -p |tr -d 
base64: invalid input
$ echo "zl4D5Rn2N+H4FAEazjXE+HszwLur7sNbr1+9NHnpGVY" |base64 -d | od -A n -v -t 
x1 |tr -d ' \n'
base64: invalid input
$ sha256sum gzip-1.12.tar.xz

For the reverse operation, use xxd -r -p, or openssl sha256 -binary. The
"invalid input" message above is due to missing padding.

An important question has not been asked yet, IMHO - why are maintainers
using this relatively obscure method for hashing?