As Matthias B. wrote:

> I don't know if the output *IDR dirty:... *does have any negative
> effects or how to solve it!? I've just seen this the very first debug
> session, might be not relevant.

It's just an event posted by the ICE, and AVaRICE translates it.

Probably not relevant.

> Starting a debug session now often fails after "Preparing the target
> device for On Chip Debugging." and a second call of avarice --jtag usb
> --edbg :4242 mostly succeeds. That's a bit strange.

The entire CMSIS-DAP related code leaves quite a bit to be desired.
However, changing it would basically require a full rewrite since many
of the underlying concepts and ideas do not match 1:1 to the way the
CMSIS-DAP protocol is working. I don't have the time and energy to do
this, alas. (OpenOCD definitely got that handling better, debugging
ARMs with the Atmel-ICE works flawlessly.)

> Another thing I've never seen before are lots of *Target went to sleep
> *and *Target went out of sleep *prints in the shell during debugging.

Likewise, events posted by the ICE.

I'm not quite sure, I think the -E option might help you.

-E, --event <eventlist>     List of events that do not interrupt.
                            JTAG ICE mkII and AVR Dragon only.
                            Default is 

Just experiment a bit with that.
cheers, Joerg               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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