On Friday 06 March 2009 01:34, Gene Smith wrote:
> Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> > On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:14:40 -0700
> > "Weddington, Eric" <ewedding...@cso.atmel.com> wrote:
> > 
> >> If you are using WinAVR 20081205 then you can use one of the new builtin 
> >> functions:
> >> void __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(unsigned long __n);
> > 
> > Hmm, sweet !
> > "Unfortunately" I am on Linux so no WinAVR for me ! ;-)
> > 
> Beginner question: If I build the avr-gcc-4.3.2 toolchain on linux using 
> all the WinAVR (sourceforge) patches, as seems to be done in the femtoos 
> scripts mention on "freaks", will I have the same features (such as 
> function mentioned above) on linux as winavr provides on windows? Will 
> (or can) they produce identical binaries?

Yes, they will, given the same patches are used. Note that the script is not 
intelligent enough to detect new patches as the appear, and include a few
patches which were (at the time i published the script) not yet in released,
or are of my own making (and may never be released)

Furthermore the script builds gcc-4.3.3 and not 4.3.2 so this could
make a difference too.


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