A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - AwesomeBug (AwesomeBug) 

Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - WeeChat Window Getting Destoryed With ModM & Basic Actions...
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - Core
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - 
Operating System - Linux
Severity - High
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - 3.5.5
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - Hello,


Slackware 14.1 x86_64
Awesome 3.5.5
Nvidia GTX660M - 331.67 drivers
WeeChat 0.4.3

In rc.lua I'm starting WeeChat as such;

"WeeChat", "urxvt -geometry 120x25 -e weechat"

Then many times, if I use ModM and make the window larger or run ModM again and 
make it smaller the WeeChat window will get messed up.
I'm attaching a screen shot for you to see called; weechat.jpg

Also just doing basic random things in Awesome, like changing the desktop 
windows from floating to tile on another desktop, then changing them back, 
or just moving back and forth across the desktop and then returning to where 
weechat is, I've noticed sometimes these slightest things have an effect also
on the window becoming messed up, but not like the screen shot I'm attaching. 
What I've noticed also is you're not suppose to be able to mouse wheel scroll 
in weechat,
but Awesome is creating this, it's the other effect I meant it also going on. 
The windows only scroll up and down with key shortcut PgUp & PgDn, but Awesome 
up the window and the mouse actions can be used.

I also had WeeChat get messed up, again by just doing basic things on the 
desktop(s) and the WeeChat one time, I couldn't copy and paste, and then when I 
dragged the mouse to copy,
instead it would cause weechat to change windows.

In some strange way, when WeeChat is suppose to be a key shortcut driven 
application like Awesome, Awesome is messing this up somehow and allowing it to 
use the mouse and then screwing up WeeChat actions and windows.

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