[awesome bugs] #786 - toggletag function drops focus for current window

2015-01-31 Thread awesome

The following task has a new comment added:

FS#786 - toggletag function drops focus for current window
User who did this - Daniel Hahler (blueyed)

> With your mouse you press [modkey]+button3 on the tag button you wish to add 
> your window to. Your current window drops focus.

I cannot reproduce this issue.

Given how old this bug report is already, it's likely to have been fixed.

@Lee: can you confirm that it's fixed for you, too?

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[awesome bugs] #786 - toggletag function drops focus for current window (Attachment added)

2010-07-17 Thread awesome


A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - Lee Bigelow (ligelowbee) 

Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - toggletag function drops focus for current window
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - awful
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - 
Operating System - Linux

Severity - Medium
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - 2.3.6
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - The problem:

You have a window focused and you want to add it to another tag or two.  With 
your mouse you press [modkey]+button3 on the tag button you wish to add your 
window to.  Your current window drops focus.  You'd have to refocus to add the 
window to another tag.

The same happens with the keyboard [modkey]+Control+tag#.  Your current window 
drops focus and you must refocus to add to another tag (either that or you'll 
be adding some randomly focuses window to the tag instead).

This was happening before and was fixed, or maybe I just fixed it on my 
machine, not sure but I can't find the bug post so I thought I'd repost.


The problem occurs in the toggletag function of awful/client.lua.  When you 
toggle a tag on a window first the window's tag list is cleared, which drops 
the windows focus, then the new modified tag list is attached to the now 
unfocused window.  All I'm doing is at the beginning of the toggletag function 
see if the window to be worked on is the focused window and if so refocus it at 
the end of the function.

It's a very small fix, diff attached.

One or more files have been attached.

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