This is not directly relevant, but have you heard of/tried the "Revelation"
extension (

It helps you find specific windows when you have a lot of stuff open.


On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 2:08 AM, Greg Bell <> wrote:

> I have Conky set up much like here:
> However, when I get window-clutter-overwhelm, I like to hold down Mod4 + n
> and just minimize everybody and start over again.
> Problem is, when I get to the desktop, often Conky is up so it gets
> minimized too.  Once that happens the toggle (conky.ontop) doesn't work any
> more.  I have to killall -9 conky, then re-run it.
> It has "focusable = false" in the properties, like in the wiki, so I would
> have thought this couldn't happen.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Many thanks,
> Greg
> --
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