
Is there a nice way to identify AWTEvent as a SunDropTargetEvent?
Otherwise would it be possible to introduce a new public "boolean 
isDropTargetEvent()" method on MouseEvent or AWTEvent?
Or a public static method "boolean isDropTargetEvent(AWTEvent)" somewhere?

At the moment we do this:
    if ("sun.awt.dnd.SunDropTargetEvent".equals(event.getClass().getName()))

We prefer this over instanceof because of the sun import and java 9.

Also AWT uses "instanceof SunDropTargetEvent" in several places (eg: Component, 
EventQueue and LightweightDispatcher) to identify SunDropTargetEvent.
We need to this for similar reasons like AWT itself, our custom EventQueue 
implementation needs to identify such events and handle it in a different way.


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