Looks good to me.


On 21/07/2017 04:02, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
We got a response from the previous maintainer of this code, that it was implemented long time ago, and works probably because of a different class hierarchy. Currently the code works in this way:

[super respondsToSelector:@selector(draggingEntered:)]
"It goes to the superclass, gets the implementation of respondsToSelector: there, and then runs it on the current object, which will return YES. But when we call [super draggingEntered] it will crash because there are no such methods in NSView".

Since the code does not work I suggest to drop it.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8139050
Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8139050/webrev.01

The new test was added(it is modified version of test submitted by the users of Swing).

Note that both tests still fails because of another bug:
I just reopened it and will start to work on it after this one.

On 10.11.2015 4:53, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
The following changes have been contributed during JDK Mac OS X port developing:

+    if (dropTarget != nil)
+        dragOp = [dropTarget draggingEntered:sender];
+    else if ([super respondsToSelector:@selector(draggingEntered:)])
+        dragOp = [super draggingEntered:sender];

May be you could know why it was necessary to check dragging* selectors in super class when the super class is NSView which does not define them.

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