Hi all:

The Apache Axis2 team is pleased to announce the release of Axis2 version 1.5.1.

Major Changes Since 1.5:

    *  Fix for the dreaded "CLOSE_WAIT" problem (JIRA issues 935, 2883, etc).
We now share an instance of HTTPClient across each ConfigurationContext (i.e.
each Axis2 server or ServiceClient) - connection reuse is now automatic. This
means the REUSE_HTTP_CLIENT flag is no longer necessary or useful, nor is
creating your own MultithreadedHttpConnectionManager.  We also now throw a
useful exception after 30 seconds if you DO run into connection starvation

    * Transport deployer is now actually functional, and getListenerManager()
in ConfigurationContext now creates a new LM if there isn't one already.

    * Fix for AXIS2-4034, module versions now support real versions like "1.5.1"

    * NPE problem (see AXIS2-4114) fixed in MessageContext while retrieving

You can find the new version at the usual location:

(please note that it may be an hour or two before all the mirrors update)

Please report any issues via JIRA:

As always, we welcome any and all feedback at:
  axis-...@ws.apache.org - for developer-related questions/concerns
  axis-user@ws.apache.org - for general questions, usage, etc.

Also, don't forget that ApacheCon 2009 is around the corner, November 2-6 in
Oakland CA!  Many of the Axis2 / Apache Web Services developers will be on
hand, and we're running a track day for the project on Thursday.  We hope to
see you there.

Sign up today at http://us.apachecon.com/c/acus2009/

Thanks for your interest in Apache Axis2!

--Glen Daniels

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