
While most of the questions on the list are currently Axis 2 related I'm
hoping somebody can help out with an Axis 1.3 related question :-)

Our product currently provides support for a SOAP/JMS middleware.  We are
not using the Axis JMS layer but rather we have our own JMS layer which is a
BasicHandler and in invoke extracts the SOAPEnvelope and from there the
String body from the MessageContext and places it in a JMS TextMessage
before placing on a queue.  On receiving a response we extract the String
content from the JMS TextMessage and create a new Axis Message passing in
that String which populates the SOAPPart obejct.  

I'm looking at the feasability of introducing support for Axis attachments
and how that will impact our JMS layer.  Obviously I know that we will need
to use a JMS BytesMessage rather than a TextMessage but I'm not quite sure
how to go about the part  where I get the text for my SOAPPart and the data
for my Attachment for recreating the Axis message object using the contents
of the BytesMessage.
When creating the JMS BytesMessage I create a ByteArrayOutputStream and call
writeTo on my responseMessage passing in my output stream. 
org.apache.axis.Message respMessage....
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// write to JMS BytesMessage

I presume that this is the correct way to retrieve all the bytes from my
Message and send via JMS?

On the side receiving the BytesMessage I'm running in to trouble as I'm
unclear how to recreate my Axis Message with its SOAPPart and Attachments.
Do I have to parse the data from my JMS Message, identifying which portion
of the bytes make up the original attachment and use these accordingly?
Or is there some other way that I've missed?

Thanks in advance,

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