
I've been researching the problem of consuming a DotNet DataSet
with a Java/Axis client.  I've found a few tidbits here and there,
usually saying things like "don't do it", "it won't work", etc.

My problem is that I don't have a choice.  I'm in a position
where a 3rd party web service provider has chosen to lock into 
the .NET platform and returns DataSets from their web methods --
at the very best they'll give DataSet.GetXML.  

What I've got to do (and I suspect others would, too, in 
increasing numbers) is to consume these DataSets and write them 
out to, say, an HTML table.  It would be great to have a utility,
a component, that takes a String representing the output of 
DataSet.GetXML on the .NET side, and converts it to something like 
a JDBC ResultSet, or at least an even simpler data structure.

I've found several promising posts by Rick Kellogg, such as:


It seems, though, that Rick has addressed the inverse problem
of ResultSet to DataSet.

I realize there is Bug 8419 (DotNet's DataSet is not supported),
but it seems like there has to be some workaround, at least dealing
with the output of DataSet.GetXML.

I'll admit my experience has been limited to web services that
only deal with primitives and arrays, allowing me to avoid having
to worry too much about the SOAP itself.  So maybe I'm missing 
something obvious here.

What's unfortunate to me is that a .NET webservice client can
consume the DataSet returned by a webmethod in 3 clicks and
have it dumping to an HTML table without knowing anything about
the protocols.

This is in contrast to a Java/Axis client that may end up having to 
worry about parsing XML and understanding the DataSet's associated 
Schema.  In effect, this results in a (familiar) pollution
of an open standard, which nobody in the Java community wants to
see happen.

I'd be grateful for any information, even if it is "we tried
this and here's why it didn't work".

Thank you,

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