
The attached WSDL is the test I run to find out what operation modes Axis supports.

I run "java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -s -Nurn:MyService=some.pk MyService.wsdl" 
to generate Java classes.

Axis generates one SEI based on portType name for both rpc/encoded and 
document/encoded stubs, one SEI based on binding name for rpc/literal stub and one SEI 
based on binding name for document/literal stub. All the SEI have the same operation 
signature. Why are there three SEIs? Is this compliant with JAX-RPC?

When I run the test, only rpc/encoded succeeded. All the other operation modes failed.

For both document/literal and document/encoded, I got "No such operation" from 
RPCProvider. Does Axis only support wrapped/document style? Or is the document style 
is only intended for MSGProvider? If yes, is this compliant with JAX-RPC?

For rpc/literal, I got "Invalid element" in BeanDeserializer. Does Axis support 
rpc/literal operation mode?


- Wei Chen <<MyService.WSDL>> 

Attachment: MyService.WSDL
Description: MyService.WSDL

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