I'm doing some research for my cousin and have found her great 
grandparent's marriage record in Mosteiros.  Can someone help me with the 
names on this record.  I can read the information about the groom, but I 
can't make out the bride's father's surname and the bride's mother's name?  
I can make out Manoel ______________ and the ____________ Rosa (it's either 
Maria or Albina?)

The entry in question is at the top, left hand side (first part is on the 
previous page).


Also, a separate question.  It says that Manoel Raposo is "filho natural" 
of Maria Jacintha.  But, there is no Pai Incognito.  Does this mean 
something or did the person writing the record just leave off the Pai 
Incognito part?  (Or is it there on page 1 but I can't find it?)  The 
reason I ask is this person has a passport to Hawaii, 1882, I believe.  The 
record says that his father's name was the same as his.  Then, Robert 
Demello in his index book put "dead" instead of the father's name.  Just 
trying to sort out any clues as he was supposed to have a brother named 
Francisco, who I have found and the father in his marriage record and 
passport are clearly "pai incognito"  (We are still establishing if the two 
men are brothers)
Part 1 of the record (bottom, right hand side)

This person's handwriting has really given me fits!

Thanks for the help,

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