My gedmatch results for myself, and known relatives of Azorean origin show
East Asian, South Asian, and Oceanian  in small amounts that are consistant
on the same chromosomes.

Eric Edgar

On Sep 19, 2016 9:04 AM, "David" <> wrote:

Having recently tested with FTDNA (only myself; I finally had to give up on
convincing my parents to test) and also uploaded my results to GEDmatch,
two unexpected gene sources pop up in several of my GEDmatch analyses,
neither of which seems likely to have come via my 0% Portuguese father but
both of which easily make historical sense as coming via my 100% (?)
Azorean mother:

1.  South American Amerind.  Presumably, this line most likely originated
in Brazil and got passed along via caboclo/mestiço descendants who either
moved to the Azores or passed through (merchant? sailor?  other sort of
traveler?) and left some DNA behind.

Interestingly, a Brazilian man who lives near me in South Florida and whose
surname is the same as that of an ancestor of mine whose father was a pai
incógnito has been identified by FTDNA as a likely 2nd-4th cousin, and in
our correspondence so far has noted that there is reputedly indigenous
ancestry in that line, and that that is consistent with his own small
amount of indigenous ancestry that tests show.  I'm hoping to find out
whether anyone in that line of his ever traved outside of Brazil... At this
point, I have to think that it's entirely possible that our relationship is
the result not of an Azorean who brought genes to Brazil but of a Brazilian
who brought genes to the Azores.

And regardless of whether his line is actually the source of my (apparent)
South American Amerind genes, I got those genes from *somewhere*, so they
got to the Azores *somehow*.

2.  Melanesian and Austronesian (i.e., "Malayo-Polynesian").  These results
appear separately, but the simplest explanation for how these genes arrived
to help create me suggests that they go together.

In other words, where the Melanesian and Austronesian worlds meet and
overlap, there are a number of islands where the inhabitants are of mixed
Melanesian and Austronesian ancestry -- and by the way, these also happen
to be the very places where there was an early Portuguese trade presence,
and then Portuguese imperial and military presence, and where a significant
mestiço population quickly arose from unions between local women and
Portuguese men:  the Moluccas islands (a.k.a. Maluku), the island of Flores
(not the Azorean one, the one now in eastern Indonesia), and the island of
Timor (now split between Indonesia and Timor-Leste).

Presumably, a member of the mestiço population of one of these islands
either moved to or traveled through the Azores, or else to Portugal or
another location in the Portuguese world, leaving descendants, one of whom
ultimately moved to the Azores, or passed through, and left some of their
DNA behind.

So, I know that this group has frequently discussed Portuguese and other
specific European descents in the Azores; Sub-Saharan African contributions
to the Azorean gene pool (and in Portugal before descendants moved to the
Azores), whether through enslaved people or otherwise; Jewish descents via
Sephardic and converso lines; and even Arab and Berber genetic
contributions to the Portuguese and so the Azorean gene pools.

I may not have been paying sufficient attention, but I can't recall having
seen yet any similar discussions here of lines in the Azores that likely
reflect rare gene flows from other parts of the world and other peoples of
the world, in particular from the various mestiço peoples that formed in
these other places that were parts of the Portuguese Empire.  My personal
examples are, as far as the data seem to say, apparently only from
(indigenous) Brazil and from Timor/Flores/Moluccas, but similar gene flows
might also plausibly have occurred from Macau/China, from Goa and other
parts of Portuguese India, and maybe from some other places that haven't
yet occurred to me.

Have others of you received GEDmatch or other analyses that indicate
possible descent from any of these peoples?  It would be interesting to
hear from others who have, and possibly to explore setting up a database to
track these lines together (including gathering together any records that
might document the origins of these lines, e.g., documentation of people
known or likely to be from these peoples who were present in or passed
through the Azores).

On the one hand, I suspect that these lines are rare, but still present to
some degree, and on the other hand I believe they could -- precisely
because of their rarity -- provide an interesting tool to tie together some
families, all of whom would stand out from the "haystack" if they not only
test as being related but also share a specific rare-origin line within the
larger Azorean gene pool.  Plus, it would be quite interesting (even if
unlikely) to be able to know the actual line of descent back to these
peoples and places.

In any event, whether in the group or via private message, I'd love to
connect with others of you who may have encountered lines of this nature,
and maybe explore ways we could collaborate on sharing information.

Of course, it may make sense in any such effort also to bring in known
Sub-Saharan African lines and individuals, even though they are surely
comparatively less rare than these other descents, because the lines are
still sufficiently few in the Azores that it could help connect families in
the same way, as well as in some instances succeed in identifying the
person who brought the line to the Azores.  Plus, in lines coming
especially from Brazil, Native lines and Sub-Saharan African lines might
often have merged...

Just thinking out loud here a bit.

David da Silva Cornell
Miami, FL

Researching the following surnames and places:

Faial - Furtado, Terra, Furtado da Terra (unknown freguesia(s), but signs
currently point to Pedro Miguel)

Flores - Freitas, Lourenço, Coelho (unknown freguesia(s))

Pico - Silveira Cardoso, Macedo, Machado, Pereira Madruga, Ferreira,
Cardoso, Cardoso Machado, Vieira, Bettencourt, Dutra, Castanho, Homem,
Goulart, Quaresma, Moniz, Barreto, Silveira, Pereira, Álvares (all Lajes do

S. Jorge - Silva, Botelho, Azevedo, Cardoso (Urzelina); Silva, Azevedo,
Cardoso (Santo António in Norte Grande)

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