Dear all,

Julien and I spent much of last night setting up a NAT-ed IPv4 default
route (and a fascist firewall to go with it) on the wifi.pps network.

Since the routing policies on the NAT box and on Huponomos become
somewhat baroque with this addition (you don't want to mix up native
routing with the routing of the NAT-ed network), the filtering
language got a fair amount of exercise, and appears to be working
flawlessly.  However, I haven't tested all of its features
exhaustively yet.

I found a fairly serious bug in the IPv4 routing code, fortunately
introduced after the 0.8 release.  If you're running from the Darcs
repo, please upgrade.

We put the network through some moderately serious load (as in
upgrading two Debian laptops simultaneously from IPv4 archives), and
nothing unexpected happened.

While I was at it, I did some more expermients with reconvergence
times after a mobility event, and they are roughly as expected -- the
network reconverges almost immediately after the link quality estimate
has been completed.  So it appears that I didn't break anything in
that area.

Next step: add IPv4 autoconf to ahcpd.  I've got a cunning plan, but
no ETA yet.


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