At the risk of missing the joke and teaching my Grandma to suck eggs...
MPEG Streamclip all the way. On non-encrypted DVDs you can rip and convert a 
DVD to an editable format in, well, about twenty minutes :)
You'll also need the rather overpriced MPEG2 component from Apple, unless 
you've got Final Cut Studio (which is bundled with it).

--- On Wed, 25/8/10, Christopher Woods <> 
wrote:Incidentally you wouldn't believe how long it took me to get a useable
stereo mix from the DVD supplied with only two pieces of very awkward video
software on a Mac. If only I'd had a PC with Nuendo, Vegas or Premiere, I
would've been done in 20 minutes - instead it took me a couple of hours of
VERY lateral thinking, demuxing and transcoding... Bloody Macs, good for
nothing ;-)


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