Hello all,

This is me as a non-BBC person for the moment- next weekend is the the first
Brighton Mini Maker Faire http://on.fb.me/MakerFaireBTN (
http://www.makerfairebrighton.com/ for those of you with an aversion to the
use of Facebook- it is a very handy platform for these public things
though!).  It's just what you'd expect from a Brighton celebration of
technical creativity, with everything from underwater robots to silk origami
classes, plus the obligatory Arduino powered automatic ukelele.

And after the fun at the Dome, there's even an after party, with live music
from distinctly hackery musicians!
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=145777618832903  (
NOTA BENE: The event is at the Brunswick, Holland Road, not the Caroline of

If you can help us spread the word about this fist of what we hope will be
many events, you could even win a copy of the latest Make Magazine- yes, I
am spamming you and bribing you!

All this is part of the fabulous Brighton Digital Festival
http://brightondigitalfestival.co.uk/which runs throughout September, and
includes such favourites as the evergreen dConstruct conference
http://2011.dconstruct.org/, the original Geekest Link Quiz at the Caroline
of Brunswick http://www.carolineofbrunswick.co.uk/ and the 6th Barcamp
Brighton http://2011.barcampbrighton.org/.

Hope you can join us for some if not al of these brilliant events, and if
you can spread the word too that would be superb.  Sadly I shan't see you
there if you do make it- badly wrecked my neck a few weeks back and will be
completely immobile until an op later this month- gory details at my blog

Cheers all, and sorry for the spam (though it's more public info really, you
know, all good fun)


Ant Miller

tel: 07709 265961
email: ant.mil...@gmail.com

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