Hi all,

apologies for posting this here, I tried to add this as a comment to the prototype posting at http://backstage.bbc.co.uk/prototypes/archives/2005/09/search_bbc_sche.html, but for some reason the MT comment policies rejected it.

In brief, I've added some additional reminder functionality to my IM bit prototype, to show some basic 3rd party web API functionality:

"As an example of 3rd party web API integration, I've added a demo feature that lets you create a reminder in your Backpack account (as an alternative to SMS reminders).

Since this prototype doesn't know about user management, I am using a generic backstage account at Backpack - if you select to add a reminder to the Backpack account, go to http://backstage.backpackit.com/reminders with username backstage, password bbc (obviously everyone here is allowed to add/delete entries, so don't use it for anything real..)

I remember someone talking about iCalendar integration of BBC TV schedules - this may be one route, since Backpack supports iCalendar remote calendars."

Credits to Dave Cross (who I believe happens to be on this list!) for creating the Net::Backpack CPAN module I've used for this example..


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