Listening to 1Xtra tonight (RAM Takeover on Bailey's show), noted there was
a ~1dB discrepancy between L and R channels (L +1dB) on the online stream.
Is there any kind of public-facing address or webform which actually
eventually gets to BBC engineers so they can investigate any potential dodgy
wiring or imbalances in station signal paths? I thought it might've been a
dodgy mixer or CDJ interconnect / RCA cable, but as Bailey's show changed
the audio imbalance is still present in the stream so it looks like there's
something going on further down the signal chain which is affecting the
playout signal.

Hardly a world-ending problem, but I can hear the off-centre pan! Very
annoying. ;-) And yeah, already verified my internal balance and machine
settings are fine. Any pointers Beeb insiders?

(incidentally - the encoding quality of the dubstep podcast MP3s is dire -
listen to Mistajam speaking and all the phasing and artifacts! Link to a
sample podcast:

The same problem used to happened with iPlayer-encoded MP3s of radio shows
before they 'retired' the format... Are the Beeb using some wacko
nonstandard encoder for what I can only presume are AAC->MP3 transcodes?
ffmpeg can do the same thing with far better quality!)

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