Ian & Ashley,

given the BBCs commitment to Accessibility, did I miss something?
where's the transcript?

what percentage of 'iplayer' content will have a text equivalent?


Jonathan Chetwynd
Accessibility Consultant on Media Literacy and the Internet

apologies for dupe, hadn't appreciated the level of feedback that might be generated...

On 29 Oct 2007, at 15:09, Ian Forrester wrote:

Hi All, from the latest podcast just uploaded...

"The iPlayer, no don't do a runner, seriously, it's taken over the mailing list, dominated our discussions and is something that many members of the backstage community care an awful lot about. So do we. We all know the questions. Why don't we stand up to the rights holders? Why do we insist on using DRM? Why did we sign a secret deal in blood with Microsoft? So we finally decided that these questions needed answers, and the only person to talk to was the boss."

Yes an interview with the man you all want to question. Ashley Highfield. Now available online in a range of formats and under a creative commons licence.

Enjoy, and feel free to discuss in this mailing list.

*ducks for cover*

Ian Forrester

This e-mail is: [] private; [] ask first; [x] bloggable

Senior Producer, BBC Backstage
BC5 C3, Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
work: +44 (0)2080083965
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