
thank you for sending us 175 blank lines. Unfortunately, the content in your
28 non-blank lines doesn't make up for it, so I'll quote sparingly.

raceface wrote on 2014-07-13 11:20:42 +0200 [[BackupPC-users] Incremental 
Backup fail]:
> [...] I have a problem [...]


> [...]
> /bin/tar: Option --after-date: Treating date `2014-07-10' as 2014-07-10
> 00:00:00


> [ skipped 10072 lines ]

That's what I feel like, too.

> My tarCreate is 

Nonsense. I've said that before. If you don't understand shell scripts, don't
use them. In the very least, don't use them where there's no point. If you
do, don't waste our time with it. This is the BackupPC users list, not a
"my first steps with shell scripting and quoting problems" forum.

> exec /bin/tar -c $*

That won't work. See bash(1).


P.S.: If you don't want to take advice, don't ask for any.

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