Gentlemen (and Ladies, if any are lurking):

I have one (ok, ok, 4) observations regarding the recent converse on the 
list, which you may take or leave. I will not be drawn into your flame-fest 
either way:

1. Please be professional. Not only is it considered polite to be 
considerate to one another, but your future employer(s) may be reading this 
list; it is archived on several sites. Demeaning someone may make you feel 
superior for a moment, but can sabotage future job offers, customer 
relationships, etc.

2. Think twice before you click send. Seriously. (see point #1)

3. Discussions of why hardlinks are a problem aren't useful. They are a 
design choice for BackupPC, and are so central to that design that to 
criticize the way BPC uses them should lead you to consider another backup 
product (or to your nearest Perl language reference so you may contribute 
code, fork the project, etc). If you come up with something with 
significant benefits, people will use it.

4. I suggest that this conversation has evolved (devolved?) past the point 
where it is useful to continue it on the support (-users) list. Perhaps it 
would be better to take disussions of the inner workings of BPC and 
feature wishlists to the -devel list instead?

[My opinions are mine, not my employers. They are worth what you paid for 

Cheers, Stephen
Stephen Joyce

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