Hi,  I'm posting a lot these days to the list.  It is just that I am 
finetuning my backup server, and want to do it in a nice way.

I was wondering about the following.

In my general conf.pl file I have stated that no hidden files should be 
backuped, hence I have

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = { '*' => {'.*','*/.*']}

But in version 3.0.0beta3, the user is able to change those variables to 
his likeing, unless the admin changes this.

So I turn this off and all is safe.

But assume now that user A wants to add the directory .thunderbird to 
his backup.  He should be able to include this in some way.
Any idea how this could be done.

I thought that next to
there also excists an
which does the oposite, and that would make it possible if I let users 
edit this variable.  Unfortunately this does not excist.

something else I noticed that after switching from version 2.1.0 to 
3.0.0, is that the exludefiles are not appended anymore to the rsync 

in /var/log/messages/ I only get the rudimentary command without the 
include and exclude's while this was the case in the previous version.

Thanks in advance for helping
"Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp."
        Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
                Guide to the Galaxy

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