Hello all,

We currently use amanda,  and I've been trying out bacula in a lab 
environment.   The ultimate goal will be to retain the same backup 
policy as we currently have,  but using bacula (obviously)

In reading the docs for Scheduling,   I'm not clear on a couple of 
things.   Would someone take the time to help me understand:

 First,  our current policy:

First day of the month,  all clients get a Full backup.
Every Friday,  all clients get a Differential backup.
Any day not mentioned above,  every client gets an Incremental backup.

To that end,  I've created this:
Schedule {
  Name = "MonthlyCycle"
  Run = Full on 1 at 21:05
  Run = Differential on fri at 23:05
  Run = Incremental sat-thu at 23:05

In theory,  that seems like it should do what I'm wanting.
In practice,  it seems that no matter what I set the system clock to,  I 
get an incremental backup. (aside from the first run, which is a full 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

It seems to me that if multiple levels match a gven day,  the "highest 
level" backup should be performed.  for example,  if the 1st is also a 
friday,  that would match both a full, and a diff.  Seems like the 
"full" should win.  However,  in manually setting the date on the 
director machine (and for good measure,  restarting all 
bacula-dir/bacula-sd/bacula-fd) it seems that the opposite is true.

I can't find any clarification in the docs,  and would love to have this 
explained (or a pointer to docs I've missed?) 
Additionally,  if I'm doing something obviously stupid..  a "Schedule" 
directive that would accomplish my above goals would be much 
appreciated.  I can analyze that, and see what I did wrong.

Thanks in advance for takig the time to read this,

Jeff Palmer

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