>>>>> On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:43:45 +0000 (UTC), Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  Chris> I'm trying to install Bacula on a SuSE 9.2 system. It's a dual Xeon 
  Chris> and SuSE automatically installed 64 bit versions of most libraries, 
rather than
  Chris> 32 bit.

  Chris> When I use the precompiled packages, the program (gconsole) seems to 
run really
  Chris> slowly, and complains about missing files.  It's looking in 
  Chris> instead of /opt/lib64/gnome/.
  Chris> Copying files from lib64 to lib fixes the file not found errors, but 
it still
  Chris> runs incredibly slowly, to the point where it seems to lock up for 
  Chris> seconds, windows don't refresh, etc.

Copying files between lib64 and lib is generally a very bad idea because they
are not compatible.  SuSE is set up for backwards compatibility with 32 bit
binaries, so lib contains 32 bit libs and lib64 contains 64 bit libs.

Are these Bacula packages precompiled for 32 bit (386/486/586/686) or 64 bit
(x86_64)?  If they are for 32 bit, then you will need to install 32 bit
version of all the packages they depend on, e.g. gnome-libs.

  Chris> Trying to compile it from source doesn't work, as it can't find 
termcap.h during
  Chris> configuration, even though the file is on the system, in 
  Chris> If I try to compile it, it exits with an Error 1, which means nothing 
to me, as
  Chris> I don't know much about C/C++ programming.

First rule of bug reporting: show the unedited output :-)


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